1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465666768697071727374757677787980818283848586878889909192939495969798991001011021031041051061071081091101111121131141151161171181191201211221231241251261271281291301311321331341351361371381391401411421431441451461471481491501511521531541551561571581591601611621631641651661671681691701711721731741751761771781791801811821831841851861871881891901911921931941951961971981992002012022032042052062072082092102112122132142152162172182192202212222232242252262272282292302312322332342352362372382392402412422432442452462472482492502512522532542552562572582592602612622632642652662672682692702712722732742752762772782792802812822832842852862872882892902912922932942952962972982993003013023033043053063073083093103113123133143153163173183193203213223233243253263273283293303313323333343353363373383393403413423433443453463473483493503513523533543553563573583593603613623633643653663673683693703713723733743753763773783793803813823833843853863873883893903913923933943953963973983994004014024034044054064074084094104114124134144154164174184194204214224234244254264274284294304314324334344354364374384394404414424434444454464474484494504514524534544554564574584594604614624634644654664674684694704714724734744754764774784794804814824834844854864874884894904914924934944954964974984995005015025035045055065075085095105115125135145155165175185195205215225235245255265275285295305315325335345355365375385395405415425435445455465475485495505515525535545555565575585595605615625635645655665675685695705715725735745755765775785795805815825835845855865875885895905915925935945955965975985996006016026036046056066076086096106116126136146156166176186196206216226236246256266276286296306316326336346356366376386396406416426436446456466476486496506516526536546556566576586596606616626636646656666676686696706716726736746756766776786796806816826836846856866876886896906916926936946956966976986997007017027037047057067077087097107117127137147157167177187197207217227237247257267277287297307317327337347357367377387397407417427437447457467477487497507517527537547557567577587597607617627637647657667677687697707717727737747757767777787797807817827837847857867877887897907917927937947957967977987998008018028038048058068078088098108118128138148158168178188198208218228238248258268278288298308318328338348358368378388398408418428438448458468478488498508518528538548558568578588598608618628638648658668678688698708718728738748758768778788798808818828838848858868878888898908918928938948958968978988999009019029039049059069079089099109119129139149159169179189199209219229239249259269279289299309319329339349359369379389399409419429439449459469479489499509519529539549559569579589599609619629639649659669679689699709719729739749759769779789799809819829839849859869879889899909919929939949959969979989991000100110021003100410051006100710081009101010111012101310141015101610171018101910201021102210231024102510261027102810291030103110321033103410351036103710381039104010411042104310441045104610471048104910501051105210531054105510561057105810591060106110621063106410651066106710681069107010711072107310741075107610771078107910801081108210831084108510861087108810891090109110921093109410951096 |
- # coding: utf8
- import transaction
- import re
- from datetime import datetime
- from time import mktime
- from os.path import normpath, dirname, basename
- import mimetypes
- from tracim.lib.content import ContentApi
- from tracim.lib.user import UserApi
- from tracim.lib.webdav import HistoryType
- from tracim.lib.webdav import FakeFileStream
- from tracim.lib.workspace import WorkspaceApi
- from tracim.model import data, new_revision
- from tracim.model.data import Content, ActionDescription
- from tracim.model.data import ContentType
- from tracim.lib.webdav.design import designThread, designPage
- from wsgidav import compat
- from wsgidav.dav_error import DAVError, HTTP_FORBIDDEN
- from wsgidav.dav_provider import DAVCollection, DAVNonCollection
- from wsgidav.dav_provider import _DAVResource
- from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound, MultipleResultsFound
- class ManageActions(object):
- """
- This object is used to encapsulate all Deletion/Archiving related method as to not duplicate too much code
- """
- def __init__(self, action_type: str, api: ContentApi, content: Content):
- self.content_api = api
- self.content = content
- self._actions = {
- ActionDescription.ARCHIVING: self.content_api.archive,
- ActionDescription.DELETION: self.content_api.delete,
- ActionDescription.UNARCHIVING: self.content_api.unarchive,
- ActionDescription.UNDELETION: self.content_api.undelete
- }
- self._to_name = {
- ActionDescription.ARCHIVING: 'archived',
- ActionDescription.DELETION: 'deleted'
- }
- self._type = action_type
- self._new_name = self.make_name()
- def action(self):
- try:
- # When undeleting/unarchiving we except a content with the new name to not exist, thus if we
- # don't get an error and the database request send back a result, we stop the action
- self.content_api.get_one_by_label_and_parent(self._new_name, self.content.parent, self.content.workspace)
- except NoResultFound:
- with new_revision(self.content):
- self.content_api.update_content(self.content, self._new_name)
- self._actions[self._type](self.content)
- self.content_api.save(self.content, self._type)
- transaction.commit()
- def make_name(self) -> str:
- """
- Will create the new name, either by adding '- deleted the [date]' after the name when archiving/deleting or
- removing this string when undeleting/unarchiving
- """
- new_name = self.content.get_label()
- extension = ''
- # if the content has no label, the last .ext is important
- # thus we want to rename a file from 'file.txt' to 'file - deleted... .txt' and not 'file.txt - deleted...'
- is_file_name = self.content.label == ''
- if is_file_name:
- extension = re.search(r'(\.[^.]+)$', new_name).group(0)
- new_name = re.sub(r'(\.[^.]+)$', '', new_name)
- if self._type in [ActionDescription.ARCHIVING, ActionDescription.DELETION]:
- new_name += ' - %s the %s' % (self._to_name[self._type], datetime.now().strftime('%d-%m-%Y at %H:%M'))
- else:
- new_name = re.sub(
- r'( - (%s|%s) the .*)$' % (self._to_name[ActionDescription.DELETION], self._to_name[ActionDescription.ARCHIVING]),
- '',
- new_name
- )
- new_name += extension
- return new_name
- class Root(DAVCollection):
- """
- Root ressource that represents tracim's home, which contains all workspaces
- """
- def __init__(self, path: str, environ: dict):
- super(Root, self).__init__(path, environ)
- self.user = UserApi(None).get_one_by_email(environ['http_authenticator.username'])
- self.workspace_api = WorkspaceApi(self.user)
- def __repr__(self) -> str:
- return '<DAVCollection: Root>'
- def getMemberNames(self) -> [str]:
- """
- This method returns the names (here workspace's labels) of all its children
- Though for perfomance issue, we're not using this function anymore
- """
- return [workspace.label for workspace in self.workspace_api.get_all()]
- def getMember(self, label: str) -> DAVCollection:
- """
- This method returns the child Workspace that corresponds to a given name
- Though for perfomance issue, we're not using this function anymore
- """
- try:
- workspace = self.workspace_api.get_one_by_label(label)
- workspace_path = '%s%s%s' % (self.path, '' if self.path == '/' else '/', self.provider.transform_to_display(workspace.label))
- return Workspace(workspace_path, self.environ, workspace)
- except AttributeError:
- return None
- def createEmptyResource(self, name: str):
- """
- This method is called whenever the user wants to create a DAVNonCollection resource (files in our case).
- There we don't allow to create files at the root;
- only workspaces (thus collection) can be created.
- """
- def createCollection(self, name: str):
- """
- This method is called whenever the user wants to create a DAVCollection resource as a child (in our case,
- we create workspaces as this is the root).
- [For now] we don't allow to create new workspaces through
- webdav client. Though if we come to allow it, deleting the error's raise will
- make it possible.
- """
- # TODO : remove comment here
- # raise DAVError(HTTP_FORBIDDEN)
- new_workspace = self.workspace_api.create_workspace(name)
- self.workspace_api.save(new_workspace)
- workspace_path = '%s%s%s' % (
- self.path, '' if self.path == '/' else '/', self.provider.transform_to_display(new_workspace.label))
- transaction.commit()
- return Workspace(workspace_path, self.environ, new_workspace)
- def getMemberList(self):
- """
- This method is called by wsgidav when requesting with a depth > 0, it will return a list of _DAVResource
- of all its direct children
- """
- members = []
- for workspace in self.workspace_api.get_all():
- workspace_path = '%s%s%s' % (self.path, '' if self.path == '/' else '/', workspace.label)
- members.append(Workspace(workspace_path, self.environ, workspace))
- return members
- class Workspace(DAVCollection):
- """
- Workspace resource corresponding to tracim's workspaces.
- Direct children can only be folders, though files might come later on and are supported
- """
- def __init__(self, path: str, environ: dict, workspace: data.Workspace):
- super(Workspace, self).__init__(path, environ)
- self.workspace = workspace
- self.content = None
- self.user = UserApi(None).get_one_by_email(environ['http_authenticator.username'])
- self.content_api = ContentApi(self.user, show_temporary=True)
- self._file_count = 0
- def __repr__(self) -> str:
- return "<DAVCollection: Workspace (%d)>" % self.workspace.workspace_id
- def getPreferredPath(self):
- return self.path
- def getCreationDate(self) -> float:
- return mktime(self.workspace.created.timetuple())
- def getDisplayName(self) -> str:
- return self.workspace.label
- def getLastModified(self) -> float:
- return mktime(self.workspace.updated.timetuple())
- def getMemberNames(self) -> [str]:
- retlist = []
- children = self.content_api.get_all(
- parent_id=self.content.id if self.content is not None else None,
- workspace=self.workspace
- )
- for content in children:
- # the purpose is to display .history only if there's at least one content's type that has a history
- if content.type != ContentType.Folder:
- self._file_count += 1
- retlist.append(content.get_label())
- return retlist
- def getMember(self, content_label: str) -> _DAVResource:
- return self.provider.getResourceInst(
- '%s/%s' % (self.path, self.provider.transform_to_display(content_label)),
- self.environ
- )
- def createEmptyResource(self, file_name: str):
- """
- [For now] we don't allow to create files right under workspaces.
- Though if we come to allow it, deleting the error's raise will make it possible.
- """
- # TODO : remove commentary here raise DAVError(HTTP_FORBIDDEN)
- if '/.deleted/' in self.path or '/.archived/' in self.path:
- return FakeFileStream(
- file_name=file_name,
- content_api=self.content_api,
- workspace=self.workspace,
- content=None,
- parent=self.content,
- path=self.path + '/' + file_name
- )
- def createCollection(self, label: str) -> 'Folder':
- """
- Create a new folder for the current workspace. As it's not possible for the user to choose
- which types of content are allowed in this folder, we allow allow all of them.
- This method return the DAVCollection created.
- """
- if '/.deleted/' in self.path or '/.archived/' in self.path:
- folder = self.content_api.create(
- content_type=ContentType.Folder,
- workspace=self.workspace,
- label=label,
- parent=self.content
- )
- subcontent = dict(
- folder=True,
- thread=True,
- file=True,
- page=True
- )
- self.content_api.set_allowed_content(folder, subcontent)
- self.content_api.save(folder)
- transaction.commit()
- return Folder('%s/%s' % (self.path, self.provider.transform_to_display(label)),
- self.environ, folder,
- self.workspace)
- def delete(self):
- """For now, it is not possible to delete a workspace through the webdav client."""
- def supportRecursiveMove(self, destpath):
- return True
- def moveRecursive(self, destpath):
- if dirname(normpath(destpath)) == self.environ['http_authenticator.realm']:
- self.workspace.label = basename(normpath(destpath))
- transaction.commit()
- else:
- def getMemberList(self) -> [_DAVResource]:
- members = []
- children = self.content_api.get_all(False, ContentType.Any, self.workspace)
- for content in children:
- content_path = '%s/%s' % (self.path, self.provider.transform_to_display(content.get_label()))
- if content.type == ContentType.Folder:
- members.append(Folder(content_path, self.environ, self.workspace, content))
- elif content.type == ContentType.File:
- self._file_count += 1
- members.append(File(content_path, self.environ, content))
- else:
- self._file_count += 1
- members.append(OtherFile(content_path, self.environ, content))
- if self._file_count > 0 and self.provider.show_history():
- members.append(
- HistoryFolder(
- path=self.path + '/' + ".history",
- environ=self.environ,
- content=self.content,
- workspace=self.workspace,
- type=HistoryType.Standard
- )
- )
- if self.provider.show_delete():
- members.append(
- DeletedFolder(
- path=self.path + '/' + ".deleted",
- environ=self.environ,
- content=self.content,
- workspace=self.workspace
- )
- )
- if self.provider.show_archive():
- members.append(
- ArchivedFolder(
- path=self.path + '/' + ".archived",
- environ=self.environ,
- content=self.content,
- workspace=self.workspace
- )
- )
- return members
- class Folder(Workspace):
- """
- Folder resource corresponding to tracim's folders.
- Direct children can only be either folder, files, pages or threads
- By default when creating new folders, we allow them to contain all types of content
- """
- def __init__(self, path: str, environ: dict, workspace: data.Workspace, content: data.Content):
- super(Folder, self).__init__(path, environ, workspace)
- self.content = content
- def __repr__(self) -> str:
- return "<DAVCollection: Folder (%s)>" % self.content.label
- def getCreationDate(self) -> float:
- return mktime(self.content.created.timetuple())
- def getDisplayName(self) -> str:
- return self.provider.transform_to_display(self.content.get_label())
- def getLastModified(self) -> float:
- return mktime(self.content.updated.timetuple())
- def delete(self):
- ManageActions(ActionDescription.DELETION, self.content_api, self.content).action()
- def supportRecursiveMove(self, destpath: str):
- return True
- def moveRecursive(self, destpath: str):
- """
- As we support recursive move, copymovesingle won't be called, though with copy it'll be called
- but i have to check if the client ever call that function...
- """
- destpath = normpath(destpath)
- invalid_path = False
- # if content is either deleted or archived, we'll check that we try moving it to the parent
- # if yes, then we'll unarchive / undelete them, else the action's not allowed
- if self.content.is_deleted or self.content.is_archived:
- # we remove all archived and deleted from the path and we check to the destpath
- # has to be equal or else path not valid
- # ex: /a/b/.deleted/resource, to be valid destpath has to be = /a/b/resource (no other solution)
- current_path = re.sub(r'/\.(deleted|archived)', '', self.path)
- if current_path == destpath:
- ManageActions(
- ActionDescription.UNDELETION if self.content.is_deleted else ActionDescription.UNARCHIVING,
- self.content_api,
- self.content
- ).action()
- else:
- invalid_path = True
- # if the content is not deleted / archived, check if we're trying to delete / archive it by
- # moving it to a .deleted / .archived folder
- elif basename(dirname(destpath)) in ['.deleted', '.archived']:
- # same test as above ^
- dest_path = re.sub(r'/\.(deleted|archived)', '', destpath)
- if dest_path == self.path:
- ManageActions(
- ActionDescription.DELETION if '.deleted' in destpath else ActionDescription.ARCHIVING,
- self.content_api,
- self.content
- ).action()
- else:
- invalid_path = True
- # else we check if the path is good (not at the root path / not in a deleted/archived path)
- # and we move the content
- else:
- invalid_path = any(x in destpath for x in ['.deleted', '.archived'])
- invalid_path = invalid_path or any(x in self.path for x in ['.deleted', '.archived'])
- invalid_path = invalid_path or dirname(destpath) == self.environ['http_authenticator.realm']
- if not invalid_path:
- self.move_folder(destpath)
- if invalid_path:
- def move_folder(self, destpath):
- workspace_api = WorkspaceApi(self.user)
- workspace = self.provider.get_workspace_from_path(
- normpath(destpath), workspace_api
- )
- parent = self.provider.get_parent_from_path(
- normpath(destpath),
- self.content_api,
- workspace
- )
- with new_revision(self.content):
- if basename(destpath) != self.getDisplayName():
- self.content_api.update_content(self.content, self.provider.transform_to_bdd(basename(destpath)))
- self.content_api.save(self.content)
- else:
- if workspace.workspace_id == self.content.workspace.workspace_id:
- self.content_api.move(self.content, parent)
- else:
- self.content_api.move_recursively(self.content, parent, workspace)
- transaction.commit()
- def getMemberList(self) -> [_DAVResource]:
- members = []
- content_api = ContentApi(self.user)
- visible_children = content_api.get_all(
- self.content.content_id,
- ContentType.Any,
- self.workspace,
- )
- for content in visible_children:
- content_path = '%s/%s' % (self.path, self.provider.transform_to_display(content.get_label()))
- if content.type == ContentType.Folder:
- members.append(Folder(content_path, self.environ, self.workspace, content))
- elif content.type == ContentType.File:
- self._file_count += 1
- members.append(File(content_path, self.environ, content))
- else:
- self._file_count += 1
- members.append(OtherFile(content_path, self.environ, content))
- if self._file_count > 0 and self.provider.show_history():
- members.append(
- HistoryFolder(
- path=self.path + '/' + ".history",
- environ=self.environ,
- content=self.content,
- workspace=self.workspace,
- type=HistoryType.Standard
- )
- )
- if self.provider.show_delete():
- members.append(
- DeletedFolder(
- path=self.path + '/' + ".deleted",
- environ=self.environ,
- content=self.content,
- workspace=self.workspace
- )
- )
- if self.provider.show_archive():
- members.append(
- ArchivedFolder(
- path=self.path + '/' + ".archived",
- environ=self.environ,
- content=self.content,
- workspace=self.workspace
- )
- )
- return members
- class HistoryFolder(Folder):
- """
- A virtual resource which contains a sub-folder for every files (DAVNonCollection) contained in the parent
- folder
- """
- def __init__(self, path, environ, workspace: data.Workspace,
- content: data.Content=None, type: str=HistoryType.Standard):
- super(HistoryFolder, self).__init__(path, environ, workspace, content)
- self._is_archived = type == HistoryType.Archived
- self._is_deleted = type == HistoryType.Deleted
- self.content_api = ContentApi(
- current_user=self.user,
- show_archived=self._is_archived,
- show_deleted=self._is_deleted
- )
- def __repr__(self) -> str:
- return "<DAVCollection: HistoryFolder (%s)>" % self.content.file_name
- def getCreationDate(self) -> float:
- return mktime(datetime.now().timetuple())
- def getDisplayName(self) -> str:
- return '.history'
- def getLastModified(self) -> float:
- return mktime(datetime.now().timetuple())
- def getMember(self, content_label: str) -> _DAVResource:
- content = self.content_api.get_one_by_label_and_parent(
- content_label=content_label,
- content_parent=self.content
- )
- return HistoryFileFolder(
- path='%s/%s' % (self.path, content.get_label()),
- environ=self.environ,
- content=content)
- def getMemberNames(self) -> [str]:
- ret = []
- content_id = None if self.content is None else self.content.id
- for content in self.content_api.get_all(content_id, ContentType.Any, self.workspace):
- if (self._is_archived and content.is_archived or
- self._is_deleted and content.is_deleted or
- not (content.is_archived or self._is_archived or content.is_deleted or self._is_deleted))\
- and content.type != ContentType.Folder:
- ret.append(content.get_label())
- return ret
- def createEmptyResource(self, name: str):
- def createCollection(self, name: str):
- def delete(self):
- def handleDelete(self):
- return True
- def handleCopy(self, destPath: str, depthInfinity):
- return True
- def handleMove(self, destPath: str):
- return True
- def getMemberList(self) -> [_DAVResource]:
- members = []
- if self.content:
- children = self.content.children
- else:
- children = self.content_api.get_all(False, ContentType.Any, self.workspace)
- for content in children:
- if content.is_archived == self._is_archived and content.is_deleted == self._is_deleted:
- members.append(HistoryFileFolder(
- path='%s/%s' % (self.path, content.get_label()),
- environ=self.environ,
- content=content))
- return members
- class DeletedFolder(HistoryFolder):
- """
- A virtual resources which exists for every folder or workspaces which contains their deleted children
- """
- def __init__(self, path: str, environ: dict, workspace: data.Workspace, content: data.Content=None):
- super(DeletedFolder, self).__init__(path, environ, workspace, content, HistoryType.Deleted)
- self._file_count = 0
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<DAVCollection: DeletedFolder (%s)" % self.content.file_name
- def getCreationDate(self) -> float:
- return mktime(datetime.now().timetuple())
- def getDisplayName(self) -> str:
- return '.deleted'
- def getLastModified(self) -> float:
- return mktime(datetime.now().timetuple())
- def getMember(self, content_label) -> _DAVResource:
- content = self.content_api.get_one_by_label_and_parent(
- content_label=content_label,
- content_parent=self.content
- )
- return self.provider.getResourceInst(
- path='%s/%s' % (self.path, self.provider.transform_to_display(content.get_label())),
- environ=self.environ
- )
- def getMemberNames(self) -> [str]:
- retlist = []
- if self.content:
- children = self.content.children
- else:
- children = self.content_api.get_all(False, ContentType.Any, self.workspace)
- for content in children:
- if content.is_deleted:
- retlist.append(content.get_label())
- if content.type != ContentType.Folder:
- self._file_count += 1
- return retlist
- def getMemberList(self) -> [_DAVResource]:
- members = []
- if self.content:
- children = self.content.children
- else:
- children = self.content_api.get_all(False, ContentType.Any, self.workspace)
- for content in children:
- if content.is_deleted:
- content_path = '%s/%s' % (self.path, self.provider.transform_to_display(content.get_label()))
- if content.type == ContentType.Folder:
- members.append(Folder(content_path, self.environ, self.workspace, content))
- elif content.type == ContentType.File:
- self._file_count += 1
- members.append(File(content_path, self.environ, content))
- else:
- self._file_count += 1
- members.append(OtherFile(content_path, self.environ, content))
- if self._file_count > 0 and self.provider.show_history():
- members.append(
- HistoryFolder(
- path=self.path + '/' + ".history",
- environ=self.environ,
- content=self.content,
- workspace=self.workspace,
- type=HistoryType.Standard
- )
- )
- return members
- class ArchivedFolder(HistoryFolder):
- """
- A virtual resources which exists for every folder or workspaces which contains their archived children
- """
- def __init__(self, path: str, environ: dict, workspace: data.Workspace, content: data.Content=None):
- super(ArchivedFolder, self).__init__(path, environ, workspace, content, HistoryType.Archived)
- self._file_count = 0
- def __repr__(self) -> str:
- return "<DAVCollection: ArchivedFolder (%s)" % self.content.file_name
- def getCreationDate(self) -> float:
- return mktime(datetime.now().timetuple())
- def getDisplayName(self) -> str:
- return '.archived'
- def getLastModified(self) -> float:
- return mktime(datetime.now().timetuple())
- def getMember(self, content_label) -> _DAVResource:
- content = self.content_api.get_one_by_label_and_parent(
- content_label=content_label,
- content_parent=self.content
- )
- return self.provider.getResourceInst(
- path=self.path + '/' + self.provider.transform_to_display(content.get_label()),
- environ=self.environ
- )
- def getMemberNames(self) -> [str]:
- retlist = []
- for content in self.content_api.get_all_with_filter(
- self.content if self.content is None else self.content.id, ContentType.Any):
- retlist.append(content.get_label())
- if content.type != ContentType.Folder:
- self._file_count += 1
- return retlist
- def getMemberList(self) -> [_DAVResource]:
- members = []
- if self.content:
- children = self.content.children
- else:
- children = self.content_api.get_all(False, ContentType.Any, self.workspace)
- for content in children:
- if content.is_archived:
- content_path = '%s/%s' % (self.path, self.provider.transform_to_display(content.get_label()))
- if content.type == ContentType.Folder:
- members.append(Folder(content_path, self.environ, self.workspace, content))
- elif content.type == ContentType.File:
- self._file_count += 1
- members.append(File(content_path, self.environ, content))
- else:
- self._file_count += 1
- members.append(OtherFile(content_path, self.environ, content))
- if self._file_count > 0 and self.provider.show_history():
- members.append(
- HistoryFolder(
- path=self.path + '/' + ".history",
- environ=self.environ,
- content=self.content,
- workspace=self.workspace,
- type=HistoryType.Standard
- )
- )
- return members
- class HistoryFileFolder(HistoryFolder):
- """
- A virtual resource that contains for a given content (file/page/thread) all its revisions
- """
- def __init__(self, path: str, environ: dict, content: data.Content):
- super(HistoryFileFolder, self).__init__(path, environ, content.workspace, content, HistoryType.All)
- def __repr__(self) -> str:
- return "<DAVCollection: HistoryFileFolder (%s)" % self.content.file_name
- def getDisplayName(self) -> str:
- return self.content.get_label()
- def createCollection(self, name):
- def getMemberNames(self) -> [int]:
- """
- Usually we would return a string, but here as we're working with different
- revisions of the same content, we'll work with revision_id
- """
- ret = []
- for content in self.content.revisions:
- ret.append(content.revision_id)
- return ret
- def getMember(self, item_id) -> DAVCollection:
- revision = self.content_api.get_one_revision(item_id)
- left_side = '%s/(%d - %s) ' % (self.path, revision.revision_id, revision.revision_type)
- if self.content.type == ContentType.File:
- return HistoryFile(
- path='%s%s' % (left_side, self.provider.transform_to_display(revision.file_name)),
- environ=self.environ,
- content=self.content,
- content_revision=revision)
- else:
- return HistoryOtherFile(
- path='%s%s' % (left_side, self.provider.transform_to_display(revision.get_label())),
- environ=self.environ,
- content=self.content,
- content_revision=revision)
- def getMemberList(self) -> [_DAVResource]:
- members = []
- for content in self.content.revisions:
- left_side = '%s/(%d - %s) ' % (self.path, content.revision_id, content.revision_type)
- if self.content.type == ContentType.File:
- members.append(HistoryFile(
- path='%s%s' % (left_side, self.provider.transform_to_display(content.file_name)),
- environ=self.environ,
- content=self.content,
- content_revision=content)
- )
- else:
- members.append(HistoryOtherFile(
- path='%s%s' % (left_side, self.provider.transform_to_display(content.file_name)),
- environ=self.environ,
- content=self.content,
- content_revision=content)
- )
- return members
- class File(DAVNonCollection):
- """
- File resource corresponding to tracim's files
- """
- def __init__(self, path: str, environ: dict, content: Content):
- super(File, self).__init__(path, environ)
- self.content = content
- self.user = UserApi(None).get_one_by_email(environ['http_authenticator.username'])
- self.content_api = ContentApi(self.user)
- # this is the property that windows client except to check if the file is read-write or read-only,
- # but i wasn't able to set this property so you'll have to look into it >.>
- # self.setPropertyValue('Win32FileAttributes', '00000021')
- def getPreferredPath(self):
- fix_txt = '.txt' if self.getContentType() == 'text/plain' else mimetypes.guess_extension(self.getContentType())
- if not fix_txt:
- fix_txt = ''
- if self.content and self.path and (self.content.label == '' or self.path.endswith(fix_txt)):
- return self.path
- else:
- return self.path + fix_txt
- def __repr__(self) -> str:
- return "<DAVNonCollection: File (%d)>" % self.content.revision_id
- def getContentLength(self) -> int:
- return len(self.content.file_content)
- def getContentType(self) -> str:
- return self.content.file_mimetype
- def getCreationDate(self) -> float:
- return mktime(self.content.created.timetuple())
- def getDisplayName(self) -> str:
- return self.content.get_label()
- def getLastModified(self) -> float:
- return mktime(self.content.updated.timetuple())
- def getContent(self):
- filestream = compat.BytesIO()
- filestream.write(self.content.file_content)
- filestream.seek(0)
- return filestream
- def beginWrite(self, contentType: str=None) -> FakeFileStream:
- return FakeFileStream(
- content=self.content,
- content_api=self.content_api,
- file_name=self.content.get_label(),
- workspace=self.content.workspace,
- path=self.path
- )
- def moveRecursive(self, destpath):
- """As we support recursive move, copymovesingle won't be called, though with copy it'll be called
- but i have to check if the client ever call that function..."""
- destpath = normpath(destpath)
- invalid_path = False
- # if content is either deleted or archived, we'll check that we try moving it to the parent
- # if yes, then we'll unarchive / undelete them, else the action's not allowed
- if self.content.is_deleted or self.content.is_archived:
- # we remove all archived and deleted from the path and we check to the destpath
- # has to be equal or else path not valid
- # ex: /a/b/.deleted/resource, to be valid destpath has to be = /a/b/resource (no other solution)
- current_path = re.sub(r'/\.(deleted|archived)', '', self.path)
- if current_path == destpath:
- ManageActions(
- ActionDescription.UNDELETION if self.content.is_deleted else ActionDescription.UNARCHIVING,
- self.content_api,
- self.content
- ).action()
- else:
- invalid_path = True
- # if the content is not deleted / archived, check if we're trying to delete / archive it by
- # moving it to a .deleted / .archived folder
- elif basename(dirname(destpath)) in ['.deleted', '.archived']:
- # same test as above ^
- dest_path = re.sub(r'/\.(deleted|archived)', '', destpath)
- if dest_path == self.path:
- ManageActions(
- ActionDescription.DELETION if '.deleted' in destpath else ActionDescription.ARCHIVING,
- self.content_api,
- self.content
- ).action()
- else:
- invalid_path = True
- # else we check if the path is good (not at the root path / not in a deleted/archived path)
- # and we move the content
- else:
- invalid_path = any(x in destpath for x in ['.deleted', '.archived'])
- invalid_path = invalid_path or any(x in self.path for x in ['.deleted', '.archived'])
- invalid_path = invalid_path or dirname(destpath) == self.environ['http_authenticator.realm']
- if not invalid_path:
- self.move_file(destpath)
- if invalid_path:
- def move_file(self, destpath):
- workspace = self.provider.get_workspace_from_path(
- normpath(destpath),
- WorkspaceApi(self.user)
- )
- parent = self.provider.get_parent_from_path(
- normpath(destpath),
- self.content_api,
- workspace
- )
- with new_revision(self.content):
- if basename(destpath) != self.getDisplayName():
- self.content_api.update_content(self.content, re.sub('\.[^\.]+$', '', self.provider.transform_to_bdd(basename(destpath))))
- self.content_api.save(self.content)
- else:
- self.content_api.move(
- item=self.content,
- new_parent=parent,
- must_stay_in_same_workspace=False,
- new_workspace=workspace
- )
- transaction.commit()
- def supportRecursiveMove(self, destPath):
- return True
- def delete(self):
- ManageActions(ActionDescription.DELETION, self.content_api, self.content).action()
- class HistoryFile(File):
- """
- A virtual resource corresponding to a specific tracim's revision's file
- """
- def __init__(self, path: str, environ: dict, content: data.Content, content_revision: data.ContentRevisionRO):
- super(HistoryFile, self).__init__(path, environ, content)
- self.content_revision = content_revision
- def __repr__(self) -> str:
- return "<DAVNonCollection: HistoryFile (%s-%s)" % (self.content.content_id, self.content.file_name)
- def getDisplayName(self) -> str:
- left_side = '(%d - %s) ' % (self.content_revision.revision_id, self.content_revision.revision_type)
- return '%s%s' % (left_side, self.provider.transform_to_display(self.content_revision.file_name))
- def getContent(self):
- filestream = compat.BytesIO()
- filestream.write(self.content_revision.file_content)
- filestream.seek(0)
- return filestream
- def getContentLength(self):
- return len(self.content_revision.file_content)
- def getContentType(self) -> str:
- return self.content_revision.file_mimetype
- def beginWrite(self, contentType=None):
- def delete(self):
- def copyMoveSingle(self, destpath, ismove):
- class OtherFile(File):
- """
- File resource corresponding to tracim's page and thread
- """
- def __init__(self, path: str, environ: dict, content: data.Content):
- super(OtherFile, self).__init__(path, environ, content)
- self.content_revision = self.content.revision
- self.content_designed = self.design()
- # workaround for consistent request as we have to return a resource with a path ending with .html
- # when entering folder for windows, but only once because when we select it again it would have .html.html
- # which is no good
- if not self.path.endswith('.html'):
- self.path += '.html'
- def getDisplayName(self) -> str:
- return self.content.get_label()
- def getPreferredPath(self):
- return self.path
- def __repr__(self) -> str:
- return "<DAVNonCollection: OtherFile (%s)" % self.content.file_name
- def getContentLength(self) -> int:
- return len(self.content_designed)
- def getContentType(self) -> str:
- return 'text/html'
- def getContent(self):
- filestream = compat.BytesIO()
- filestream.write(bytes(self.content_designed, 'utf-8'))
- filestream.seek(0)
- return filestream
- def design(self):
- if self.content.type == ContentType.Page:
- return designPage(self.content, self.content_revision)
- else:
- return designThread(
- self.content,
- self.content_revision,
- self.content_api.get_all(self.content.content_id, ContentType.Comment)
- )
- class HistoryOtherFile(OtherFile):
- """
- A virtual resource corresponding to a specific tracim's revision's page and thread
- """
- def __init__(self, path: str, environ: dict, content: data.Content, content_revision: data.ContentRevisionRO):
- super(HistoryOtherFile, self).__init__(path, environ, content)
- self.content_revision = content_revision
- self.content_designed = self.design()
- def __repr__(self) -> str:
- return "<DAVNonCollection: HistoryOtherFile (%s-%s)" % (self.content.file_name, self.content.id)
- def getDisplayName(self) -> str:
- left_side = '(%d - %s) ' % (self.content_revision.revision_id, self.content_revision.revision_type)
- return '%s%s' % (left_side, self.provider.transform_to_display(self.content_revision.get_label()))
- def getContent(self):
- filestream = compat.BytesIO()
- filestream.write(bytes(self.content_designed, 'utf-8'))
- filestream.seek(0)
- return filestream
- def delete(self):
- def copyMoveSingle(self, destpath, ismove):