environ.mak 687B

  1. <%inherit file="local:templates.master"/>
  2. <%def name="title()">
  3. pod :: debug :: request.environment
  4. </%def>
  5. <h2>The WSGI nature of the framework</h2>
  6. <p>In this page you can see all the WSGI variables your request object has,
  7. the ones in capital letters are required by the spec, then a sorted by
  8. component list of variables provided by the Components, and at last
  9. the "wsgi." namespace with very useful information about your WSGI Server</p>
  10. <p>The keys in the environment are:
  11. <table class="table">
  12. %for key in sorted(environment):
  13. <tr>
  14. <td>${key}</td>
  15. <td>${environment[key]}</td>
  16. </tr>
  17. %endfor
  18. </table>
  19. </p>