123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292 |
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- """
- import os
- from datetime import datetime
- from hashlib import sha256
- from sqlalchemy import Table, ForeignKey, Column
- from sqlalchemy.types import Unicode, Integer, DateTime, Text
- from sqlalchemy.orm import relation, synonym
- from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload_all
- import sqlalchemy as sqla
- from pboard.model import DeclarativeBase, metadata, DBSession
- from pboard.model import data as pbmd
- from pboard.model import auth as pbma
- import pboard.model as pbm
- import tg
- class PODStaticController(object):
- @classmethod
- def getCurrentUser(cls):
- loCurrentUser = pbma.User.by_email_address(tg.request.identity['repoze.who.userid'])
- return loCurrentUser
- @classmethod
- def getUserByEmailAddress(cls, psEmailAddress):
- loUser = pbma.User.by_email_address(psEmailAddress)
- return loUser
- @classmethod
- def createUser(cls):
- loUser = pbma.User()
- return loUser
- @classmethod
- def getGroup(cls, psGroupName):
- loGroup = pbma.Group.by_group_name(psGroupName)
- return loGroup
- @classmethod
- def createGroup(cls):
- loGroup = pbma.Group()
- return loGroup
- @classmethod
- def getGroups(cls):
- loGroups = pbma.Group.real_groups_first()
- return loGroups
- @classmethod
- def getRealGroupRightsOnNode(cls, piNodeId: int) -> pbmd.DIRTY_GroupRightsOnNode:
- groupRightsOnNodeCustomSelect = DBSession\
- .query(pbmd.DIRTY_GroupRightsOnNode)\
- .from_statement(pbmd.DIRTY_RealGroupRightOnNodeSqlQuery)\
- .params(node_id=piNodeId)\
- .all()
- return groupRightsOnNodeCustomSelect
- @classmethod
- def getUserDedicatedGroupRightsOnNode(cls, piNodeId: int) -> pbmd.DIRTY_GroupRightsOnNode:
- groupRightsOnNodeCustomSelect = DBSession\
- .query(pbmd.DIRTY_GroupRightsOnNode)\
- .from_statement(pbmd.DIRTY_UserDedicatedGroupRightOnNodeSqlQuery)\
- .params(node_id=piNodeId)\
- .all()
- return groupRightsOnNodeCustomSelect
- class PODUserFilteredApiController(object):
- def __init__(self, piUserId, piExtraUserIdList=[]):
- self._iCurrentUserId = piUserId
- self._iExtraUserIdList = piExtraUserIdList
- self._iUserIdFilteringList = None
- def _getUserIdListForFiltering(self):
- if self._iUserIdFilteringList==None:
- self._iUserIdFilteringList = list()
- self._iUserIdFilteringList.append(self._iCurrentUserId)
- for liUserId in self._iExtraUserIdList:
- self._iUserIdFilteringList.append(liUserId)
- return self._iUserIdFilteringList
- def createNode(self, parent_id=0):
- loNode = pbmd.PBNode()
- loNode.owner_id = self._iCurrentUserId
- if int(parent_id)!=0:
- loNode.parent_id = parent_id
- parent_rights = DBSession.query(pbma.Rights).filter(pbma.Rights.node_id==parent_id).all()
- loNode.rights = parent_rights
- loNode.rights = [pbma.Rights(group_id=r.group_id, rights=r.rights) for r in parent_rights]
- DBSession.add(loNode)
- return loNode
- def createDummyNode(self, parent_id):
- loNewNode = self.createNode(parent_id)
- loNewNode.data_label = ''
- loNewNode.data_content = ''
- return loNewNode
- def getNode(self, liNodeId: int) -> pbmd.PBNode:
- lsSqlSelectQuery = """pod_nodes.node_id IN
- pgn.node_id
- pod_group_node AS pgn
- join pod_user_group AS pug ON pug.group_id = pgn.group_id
- join pod_user AS pu ON pug.user_id = pu.user_id
- rights > 0
- AND pu.user_id = %s)
- """
- lsNodeIdFiltering = lsSqlSelectQuery % (str(self._iCurrentUserId))
- if liNodeId!=None and liNodeId!=0:
- return DBSession.query(pbmd.PBNode).options(joinedload_all("_lAllChildren"))\
- .filter(pbmd.PBNode.node_id==liNodeId)\
- .filter(
- sqla.or_(
- pbmd.PBNode.owner_id==self._iCurrentUserId,
- lsNodeIdFiltering
- )
- )\
- .one()
- return None
- def getLastModifiedNodes(self, piMaxNodeNb: int):
- """
- Returns a list of nodes order by modification time and limited to piMaxNodeNb nodes
- """
- liOwnerIdList = self._getUserIdListForFiltering()
- return DBSession.query(pbmd.PBNode).options(joinedload_all("_lAllChildren")).filter(pbmd.PBNode.owner_id.in_(liOwnerIdList)).order_by(pbmd.PBNode.updated_at.desc()).limit(piMaxNodeNb).all()
- def searchNodesByText(self, plKeywordList: [str], piMaxNodeNb=100):
- """
- Returns a list of nodes order by type, nodes which contain at least one of the keywords
- """
- liOwnerIdList = self._getUserIdListForFiltering()
- loKeywordFilteringClauses = []
- for keyword in plKeywordList:
- loKeywordFilteringClauses.append(pbmd.PBNode.data_label.ilike('%'+keyword+'%'))
- loKeywordFilteringClauses.append(pbmd.PBNode.data_content.ilike('%'+keyword+'%'))
- loKeywordFilteringClausesAsOr = sqla.or_(*loKeywordFilteringClauses) # Combine them with or to a BooleanClauseList
- loResultsForSomeKeywords = DBSession.query(pbmd.PBNode).options(joinedload_all("_lAllChildren"))\
- .filter(loKeywordFilteringClausesAsOr)\
- .filter(pbmd.PBNode.owner_id.in_(liOwnerIdList))\
- .order_by(sqla.desc(pbmd.PBNode.node_type))\
- .limit(piMaxNodeNb)\
- .all()
- return loResultsForSomeKeywords
- def getNodesByStatus(self, psNodeStatus, piMaxNodeNb=5):
- liOwnerIdList = self._getUserIdListForFiltering()
- return DBSession.query(pbmd.PBNode).options(joinedload_all("_lAllChildren")).filter(pbmd.PBNode.owner_id.in_(liOwnerIdList)).filter(pbmd.PBNode.node_status==psNodeStatus).order_by(pbmd.PBNode.updated_at).limit(piMaxNodeNb).all()
- def buildTreeListForMenu(self, plViewableStatusId):
- liOwnerIdList = self._getUserIdListForFiltering()
- # loNodeList = pbm.DBSession.query(pbmd.PBNode).filter(pbmd.PBNode.owner_id.in_(liOwnerIdList)).filter(pbmd.PBNode.node_type==pbmd.PBNodeType.Data).filter(pbmd.PBNode.node_status.in_(plViewableStatusId)).order_by(pbmd.PBNode.parent_tree_path).order_by(pbmd.PBNode.node_order).order_by(pbmd.PBNode.node_id).all()
- loNodeListNotFiltered = pbm.DBSession.query(pbmd.PBNode).filter(pbmd.PBNode.node_type==pbmd.PBNodeType.Data).filter(pbmd.PBNode.node_status.in_(plViewableStatusId)).order_by(pbmd.PBNode.parent_tree_path).order_by(pbmd.PBNode.node_order).order_by(pbmd.PBNode.node_id).all()
- loNodeList = []
- for loNode in loNodeListNotFiltered:
- if loNode.owner_id in self._getUserIdListForFiltering():
- loNodeList.append(loNode)
- else:
- for loRight in loNode._lRights:
- for loUser in loRight._oGroup.users:
- if loUser.user_id in self._getUserIdListForFiltering():
- loNodeList.append(loNode)
- loTreeList = []
- loTmpDict = {}
- for loNode in loNodeList:
- loTmpDict[loNode.node_id] = loNode
- if loNode.parent_id==None:
- loTreeList.append(loNode)
- else:
- # append the node to the parent list
- # FIXME - D.A - 2013-10-08
- # The following line may raise an exception
- # We suppose that the parent node has already been added
- # this *should* be the case, but the code does not check it
- if loNode.parent_id not in loTmpDict.keys():
- print('THE NODE =========',loNode.parent_id)
- try:
- loTmpDict[loNode.parent_id] = self.getNode(loNode.parent_id)
- except Exception as e:
- # loTreeList.append(
- # FIXME - D.A. - 2014-05-22 This may be wrong code:
- # we are in the case when the node parent is not shared with the current user
- # So the node should be added at the root
- pass
- if loNode.parent_id in loTmpDict.keys():
- # HACK- D.A. - 2014-05-22 - See FIXME upper
- loTmpDict[loNode.parent_id].appendStaticChild(loNode)
- return loTreeList
- def getParentNode(self, loNode):
- liOwnerIdList = self._getUserIdListForFiltering()
- return DBSession.query(pbmd.PBNode).filter(pbmd.PBNode.owner_id.in_(liOwnerIdList)).filter(pbmd.PBNode.node_id==loNode.parent_id).one()
- def getSiblingNodes(self, poNode, pbReverseOrder=False):
- liOwnerIdList = self._getUserIdListForFiltering()
- if pbReverseOrder:
- return DBSession.query(pbmd.PBNode).filter(pbmd.PBNode.owner_id.in_(liOwnerIdList)).filter(pbmd.PBNode.parent_id==poNode.parent_id).order_by(pbmd.PBNode.node_order.desc()).all()
- else:
- return DBSession.query(pbmd.PBNode).filter(pbmd.PBNode.owner_id.in_(liOwnerIdList)).filter(pbmd.PBNode.parent_id==poNode.parent_id).order_by(pbmd.PBNode.node_order).all()
- def resetNodeOrderOfSiblingNodes(self, loSiblingNodes):
- liNewWeight = 0
- for loNode in loSiblingNodes:
- liNewWeight = liNewWeight + 1
- loNode.node_order = liNewWeight
- # DBSession.save()
- def moveNodeUpper(self, loNode):
- # FIXME - manage errors and logging
- loSiblingNodes = self.getSiblingNodes(loNode)
- self.resetNodeOrderOfSiblingNodes(loSiblingNodes)
- loPreviousItem = None
- for loItem in loSiblingNodes:
- if loItem==loNode:
- if loPreviousItem==None:
- return FIXME_ERROR_CODE # FIXME - D.A. Do not use hard-coded error codes
- print("No previous node")
- else:
- liPreviousItemOrder = loPreviousItem.node_order
- loPreviousItem.node_order = loNode.node_order
- loNode.node_order = liPreviousItemOrder
- # DBSession.save()
- break
- loPreviousItem = loItem
- def moveNodeLower(self, loNode):
- # FIXME - manage errors and logging
- loSiblingNodes = self.getSiblingNodes(loNode)
- self.resetNodeOrderOfSiblingNodes(loSiblingNodes)
- loPreviousItem = None
- for loItem in reversed(loSiblingNodes):
- if loItem==loNode:
- if loPreviousItem==None:
- return FIXME_ERROR_CODE # FIXME - D.A. Do not use hard-coded error codes
- print("No previous node")
- else:
- liPreviousItemOrder = loPreviousItem.node_order
- loPreviousItem.node_order = loNode.node_order
- loNode.node_order = liPreviousItemOrder
- # DBSession.save()
- break
- loPreviousItem = loItem
- def getNodeFileContent(self, liNodeId):
- liOwnerIdList = self._getUserIdListForFiltering()
- return DBSession.query(pbmd.PBNode).filter(pbmd.PBNode.owner_id.in_(liOwnerIdList)).filter(pbmd.PBNode.node_id==liNodeId).one().data_file_content
- def deleteNode(loNode):
- # INFO - D.A. - 2013-11-07 - should be save as getNode should return only accessible nodes
- DBSession.delete(loNode)
- return
- def createRight(self):
- loRight = pbma.Rights()
- return loRight