

*Note: This page helps you setting up a development environment for Tracim and its ORM SQLAlchemy with PostgreSQL and MySQL. To set up a production environment, changing default database name, database user name and moreover its password is mandatory.*


If you want to use PostgreSQL as database engine:

sudo apt install postgresql-server-dev-all postgresql postgresql-client

Minimalist introduction to PostgreSQL


Tracim uses the psycopg2 driver between the SQLAlchemy ORM and the PostgreSQL RDBMS. Run the following command to install the right version:

pip install -r install/requirements.postgresql.txt

Allowing local connections on PostgreSQL

Debian PostgreSQL stores connections authorization in /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf. Edit this file and check that connection from are allowed using user/password. You should find the following line in the file:

# IPv4 local connections:
host    all             all               md5

If you changed the file, reload PostgreSQL:

service postgresql reload

Creating a user and associated database

Create user and database:

sudo --user=postgres psql \
     --command="CREATE USER tracimuser WITH PASSWORD 'tracimpassword';" \
     --command="CREATE DATABASE tracimdb OWNER tracimuser;"

Test the database access:

psql --username=tracimuser --password --host=localhost --dbname=tracimdb \
     --command="SELECT NOW();"

Success output:

2017-08-25 15:46:41.105865+02
(1 ligne)

Failure output:

psql: FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "tracimuser"
FATAL:  password authentication failed for user "tracimuser"

In this case, delete the user and database and start over:

sudo --user=postgres psql \
     --command="DROP USER tracimuser;" \
     --command="DROP DATABASE tracimdb;"


Or if you want to use MySQL as database engine

sudo apt install mysql-server

Minimalist introduction to MySQL


Tracim uses the PyMySQL driver between the SQLAlchemy ORM and the MySQL RDBMS. Run the following command to install the right version:

pip install -r install/requirements.mysql.txt

Create database

Connect to MySQL with root user (password has been set at "Installation" -> "Dependencies" chapter, when installing package)

mysql -u root -p

Create a database with following command:


Create a user with following command:

CREATE USER 'tracimuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'tracimpassword';

And allow him to manipulate created database with following command:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON tracimdb . * TO 'tracimuser'@'localhost';

Then flush privileges:


You can now quit MySQL prompt:


SQLAlchemy settings

In the file tracim/development.ini, search the lines corresponding to the SQLAlchemy database url parameter sqlalchemy.url. SQLite is the default active database and others should be commented.

If you're willing to choose PostgreSQL or MySQL, comment the sqlalchemy.url line corresponding to SQLite and uncomment the one of your choice.

For example with PostgreSQL, this should gives you:

sqlalchemy.url = postgresql://tracimuser:tracimpassword@
# sqlalchemy.url = mysql+pymysql://tracimuser:tracimpassword@
# sqlalchemy.url = sqlite:///tracimdb.sqlite

Proceed as above for the file tracim/tests.ini, except that you need to reproduce these steps three times for each of the following entries:

  • [app:main]
  • [app:ldap]
  • [app:radicale]

Again with PostgreSQL, this should gives you:

sqlalchemy.url = postgresql://tracimuser:tracimpassword@
# sqlalchemy.url = mysql+pymysql://tracimuser:tracimpassword@
# sqlalchemy.url = sqlite:///tracimdb_test.sqlite

Note: Do not copy the lines from the file tracim/development.ini to the file tracim/tests.ini, the database names aren't the same.