123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525 |
- #!/home/daccorsi/sources/protos/pboard/tg2env/bin/python
- """PILdriver, an image-processing calculator using PIL.
- An instance of class PILDriver is essentially a software stack machine
- (Polish-notation interpreter) for sequencing PIL image
- transformations. The state of the instance is the interpreter stack.
- The only method one will normally invoke after initialization is the
- `execute' method. This takes an argument list of tokens, pushes them
- onto the instance's stack, and then tries to clear the stack by
- successive evaluation of PILdriver operators. Any part of the stack
- not cleaned off persists and is part of the evaluation context for
- the next call of the execute method.
- PILDriver doesn't catch any exceptions, on the theory that these
- are actually diagnostic information that should be interpreted by
- the calling code.
- When called as a script, the command-line arguments are passed to
- a PILDriver instance. If there are no command-line arguments, the
- module runs an interactive interpreter, each line of which is split into
- space-separated tokens and passed to the execute method.
- In the method descriptions below, a first line beginning with the string
- `usage:' means this method can be invoked with the token that follows
- it. Following <>-enclosed arguments describe how the method interprets
- the entries on the stack. Each argument specification begins with a
- type specification: either `int', `float', `string', or `image'.
- All operations consume their arguments off the stack (use `dup' to
- keep copies around). Use `verbose 1' to see the stack state displayed
- before each operation.
- Usage examples:
- `show crop 0 0 200 300 open test.png' loads test.png, crops out a portion
- of its upper-left-hand corner and displays the cropped portion.
- `save rotated.png rotate 30 open test.tiff' loads test.tiff, rotates it
- 30 degrees, and saves the result as rotated.png (in PNG format).
- """
- # by Eric S. Raymond <esr@thyrsus.com>
- # $Id$
- # TO DO:
- # 1. Add PILFont capabilities, once that's documented.
- # 2. Add PILDraw operations.
- # 3. Add support for composing and decomposing multiple-image files.
- #
- from PIL import Image
- import string
- class PILDriver:
- verbose = 0
- def do_verbose(self):
- """usage: verbose <int:num>
- Set verbosity flag from top of stack.
- """
- self.verbose = self.do_pop()
- # The evaluation stack (internal only)
- stack = [] # Stack of pending operations
- def push(self, item):
- "Push an argument onto the evaluation stack."
- self.stack = [item] + self.stack
- def top(self):
- "Return the top-of-stack element."
- return self.stack[0]
- # Stack manipulation (callable)
- def do_clear(self):
- """usage: clear
- Clear the stack.
- """
- self.stack = []
- def do_pop(self):
- """usage: pop
- Discard the top element on the stack.
- """
- top = self.stack[0]
- self.stack = self.stack[1:]
- return top
- def do_dup(self):
- """usage: dup
- Duplicate the top-of-stack item.
- """
- if hasattr(self, 'format'): # If it's an image, do a real copy
- dup = self.stack[0].copy()
- else:
- dup = self.stack[0]
- self.stack = [dup] + self.stack
- def do_swap(self):
- """usage: swap
- Swap the top-of-stack item with the next one down.
- """
- self.stack = [self.stack[1], self.stack[0]] + self.stack[2:]
- # Image module functions (callable)
- def do_new(self):
- """usage: new <int:xsize> <int:ysize> <int:color>:
- Create and push a greyscale image of given size and color.
- """
- xsize = int(self.do_pop())
- ysize = int(self.do_pop())
- color = int(self.do_pop())
- self.push(Image.new("L", (xsize, ysize), color))
- def do_open(self):
- """usage: open <string:filename>
- Open the indicated image, read it, push the image on the stack.
- """
- self.push(Image.open(self.do_pop()))
- def do_blend(self):
- """usage: blend <image:pic1> <image:pic2> <float:alpha>
- Replace two images and an alpha with the blended image.
- """
- image1 = self.do_pop()
- image2 = self.do_pop()
- alpha = float(self.do_pop())
- self.push(Image.blend(image1, image2, alpha))
- def do_composite(self):
- """usage: composite <image:pic1> <image:pic2> <image:mask>
- Replace two images and a mask with their composite.
- """
- image1 = self.do_pop()
- image2 = self.do_pop()
- mask = self.do_pop()
- self.push(Image.composite(image1, image2, mask))
- def do_merge(self):
- """usage: merge <string:mode> <image:pic1> [<image:pic2> [<image:pic3> [<image:pic4>]]]
- Merge top-of stack images in a way described by the mode.
- """
- mode = self.do_pop()
- bandlist = []
- for band in mode:
- bandlist.append(self.do_pop())
- self.push(Image.merge(mode, bandlist))
- # Image class methods
- def do_convert(self):
- """usage: convert <string:mode> <image:pic1>
- Convert the top image to the given mode.
- """
- mode = self.do_pop()
- image = self.do_pop()
- self.push(image.convert(mode))
- def do_copy(self):
- """usage: copy <image:pic1>
- Make and push a true copy of the top image.
- """
- self.dup()
- def do_crop(self):
- """usage: crop <int:left> <int:upper> <int:right> <int:lower> <image:pic1>
- Crop and push a rectangular region from the current image.
- """
- left = int(self.do_pop())
- upper = int(self.do_pop())
- right = int(self.do_pop())
- lower = int(self.do_pop())
- image = self.do_pop()
- self.push(image.crop((left, upper, right, lower)))
- def do_draft(self):
- """usage: draft <string:mode> <int:xsize> <int:ysize>
- Configure the loader for a given mode and size.
- """
- mode = self.do_pop()
- xsize = int(self.do_pop())
- ysize = int(self.do_pop())
- self.push(self.draft(mode, (xsize, ysize)))
- def do_filter(self):
- """usage: filter <string:filtername> <image:pic1>
- Process the top image with the given filter.
- """
- import ImageFilter
- filter = eval("ImageFilter." + string.upper(self.do_pop()))
- image = self.do_pop()
- self.push(image.filter(filter))
- def do_getbbox(self):
- """usage: getbbox
- Push left, upper, right, and lower pixel coordinates of the top image.
- """
- bounding_box = self.do_pop().getbbox()
- self.push(bounding_box[3])
- self.push(bounding_box[2])
- self.push(bounding_box[1])
- self.push(bounding_box[0])
- def do_getextrema(self):
- """usage: extrema
- Push minimum and maximum pixel values of the top image.
- """
- extrema = self.do_pop().extrema()
- self.push(extrema[1])
- self.push(extrema[0])
- def do_offset(self):
- """usage: offset <int:xoffset> <int:yoffset> <image:pic1>
- Offset the pixels in the top image.
- """
- xoff = int(self.do_pop())
- yoff = int(self.do_pop())
- image = self.do_pop()
- self.push(image.offset(xoff, yoff))
- def do_paste(self):
- """usage: paste <image:figure> <int:xoffset> <int:yoffset> <image:ground>
- Paste figure image into ground with upper left at given offsets.
- """
- figure = self.do_pop()
- xoff = int(self.do_pop())
- yoff = int(self.do_pop())
- ground = self.do_pop()
- if figure.mode == "RGBA":
- ground.paste(figure, (xoff, yoff), figure)
- else:
- ground.paste(figure, (xoff, yoff))
- self.push(ground)
- def do_resize(self):
- """usage: resize <int:xsize> <int:ysize> <image:pic1>
- Resize the top image.
- """
- ysize = int(self.do_pop())
- xsize = int(self.do_pop())
- image = self.do_pop()
- self.push(image.resize((xsize, ysize)))
- def do_rotate(self):
- """usage: rotate <int:angle> <image:pic1>
- Rotate image through a given angle
- """
- angle = int(self.do_pop())
- image = self.do_pop()
- self.push(image.rotate(angle))
- def do_save(self):
- """usage: save <string:filename> <image:pic1>
- Save image with default options.
- """
- filename = self.do_pop()
- image = self.do_pop()
- image.save(filename)
- def do_save2(self):
- """usage: save2 <string:filename> <string:options> <image:pic1>
- Save image with specified options.
- """
- filename = self.do_pop()
- options = self.do_pop()
- image = self.do_pop()
- image.save(filename, None, options)
- def do_show(self):
- """usage: show <image:pic1>
- Display and pop the top image.
- """
- self.do_pop().show()
- def do_thumbnail(self):
- """usage: thumbnail <int:xsize> <int:ysize> <image:pic1>
- Modify the top image in the stack to contain a thumbnail of itself.
- """
- ysize = int(self.do_pop())
- xsize = int(self.do_pop())
- self.top().thumbnail((xsize, ysize))
- def do_transpose(self):
- """usage: transpose <string:operator> <image:pic1>
- Transpose the top image.
- """
- transpose = string.upper(self.do_pop())
- image = self.do_pop()
- self.push(image.transpose(transpose))
- # Image attributes
- def do_format(self):
- """usage: format <image:pic1>
- Push the format of the top image onto the stack.
- """
- self.push(self.pop().format)
- def do_mode(self):
- """usage: mode <image:pic1>
- Push the mode of the top image onto the stack.
- """
- self.push(self.pop().mode)
- def do_size(self):
- """usage: size <image:pic1>
- Push the image size on the stack as (y, x).
- """
- size = self.pop().size
- self.push(size[0])
- self.push(size[1])
- # ImageChops operations
- def do_invert(self):
- """usage: invert <image:pic1>
- Invert the top image.
- """
- import ImageChops
- self.push(ImageChops.invert(self.do_pop()))
- def do_lighter(self):
- """usage: lighter <image:pic1> <image:pic2>
- Pop the two top images, push an image of the lighter pixels of both.
- """
- import ImageChops
- image1 = self.do_pop()
- image2 = self.do_pop()
- self.push(ImageChops.lighter(image1, image2))
- def do_darker(self):
- """usage: darker <image:pic1> <image:pic2>
- Pop the two top images, push an image of the darker pixels of both.
- """
- import ImageChops
- image1 = self.do_pop()
- image2 = self.do_pop()
- self.push(ImageChops.darker(image1, image2))
- def do_difference(self):
- """usage: difference <image:pic1> <image:pic2>
- Pop the two top images, push the difference image
- """
- import ImageChops
- image1 = self.do_pop()
- image2 = self.do_pop()
- self.push(ImageChops.difference(image1, image2))
- def do_multiply(self):
- """usage: multiply <image:pic1> <image:pic2>
- Pop the two top images, push the multiplication image.
- """
- import ImageChops
- image1 = self.do_pop()
- image2 = self.do_pop()
- self.push(ImageChops.multiply(image1, image2))
- def do_screen(self):
- """usage: screen <image:pic1> <image:pic2>
- Pop the two top images, superimpose their inverted versions.
- """
- import ImageChops
- image2 = self.do_pop()
- image1 = self.do_pop()
- self.push(ImageChops.screen(image1, image2))
- def do_add(self):
- """usage: add <image:pic1> <image:pic2> <int:offset> <float:scale>
- Pop the two top images, produce the scaled sum with offset.
- """
- import ImageChops
- image1 = self.do_pop()
- image2 = self.do_pop()
- scale = float(self.do_pop())
- offset = int(self.do_pop())
- self.push(ImageChops.add(image1, image2, scale, offset))
- def do_subtract(self):
- """usage: subtract <image:pic1> <image:pic2> <int:offset> <float:scale>
- Pop the two top images, produce the scaled difference with offset.
- """
- import ImageChops
- image1 = self.do_pop()
- image2 = self.do_pop()
- scale = float(self.do_pop())
- offset = int(self.do_pop())
- self.push(ImageChops.subtract(image1, image2, scale, offset))
- # ImageEnhance classes
- def do_color(self):
- """usage: color <image:pic1>
- Enhance color in the top image.
- """
- import ImageEnhance
- factor = float(self.do_pop())
- image = self.do_pop()
- enhancer = ImageEnhance.Color(image)
- self.push(enhancer.enhance(factor))
- def do_contrast(self):
- """usage: contrast <image:pic1>
- Enhance contrast in the top image.
- """
- import ImageEnhance
- factor = float(self.do_pop())
- image = self.do_pop()
- enhancer = ImageEnhance.Color(image)
- self.push(enhancer.enhance(factor))
- def do_brightness(self):
- """usage: brightness <image:pic1>
- Enhance brightness in the top image.
- """
- import ImageEnhance
- factor = float(self.do_pop())
- image = self.do_pop()
- enhancer = ImageEnhance.Color(image)
- self.push(enhancer.enhance(factor))
- def do_sharpness(self):
- """usage: sharpness <image:pic1>
- Enhance sharpness in the top image.
- """
- import ImageEnhance
- factor = float(self.do_pop())
- image = self.do_pop()
- enhancer = ImageEnhance.Color(image)
- self.push(enhancer.enhance(factor))
- # The interpreter loop
- def execute(self, list):
- "Interpret a list of PILDriver commands."
- list.reverse()
- while len(list) > 0:
- self.push(list[0])
- list = list[1:]
- if self.verbose:
- print "Stack: " + `self.stack`
- top = self.top()
- if type(top) != type(""):
- continue;
- funcname = "do_" + top
- if not hasattr(self, funcname):
- continue
- else:
- self.do_pop()
- func = getattr(self, funcname)
- func()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- import sys
- try:
- import readline
- except ImportError:
- pass # not available on all platforms
- # If we see command-line arguments, interpret them as a stack state
- # and execute. Otherwise go interactive.
- driver = PILDriver()
- if len(sys.argv[1:]) > 0:
- driver.execute(sys.argv[1:])
- else:
- print "PILDriver says hello."
- while 1:
- try:
- line = raw_input('pildriver> ');
- except EOFError:
- print "\nPILDriver says goodbye."
- break
- driver.execute(string.split(line))
- print driver.stack
- # The following sets edit modes for GNU EMACS
- # Local Variables:
- # mode:python
- # End: