Damien ACCORSI e263b02e86 remove useless files + some minor renaming pod -> tracim 10 anos atrás
bin remove useless files + some minor renaming pod -> tracim 10 anos atrás
doc rename startup scripts 10 anos atrás
install rename pod into tracim 10 anos atrás
tracim remove useless files + some minor renaming pod -> tracim 10 anos atrás
.gitignore remove useless files + some minor renaming pod -> tracim 10 anos atrás
.hgignore update dependencies 11 anos atrás
README.md update naming in the documentation 10 anos atrás


Introduction to TRACIM

Tracim is collaborative software designed to allow people to work on and share various data and document types.

It is AGPL licenced software.

Tracim is licensed under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.

It is currently unstable, it is recommended to use it for test purpose only.

It's a python 3 web application based on TurboGears; it uses PostgreSQL as storage engine.


  • Data and document sharing: text documents, files, contact, calendar, comments
  • Data and document status
  • Full traceability
  • Access control management, document granularity.

It allows to keep private and shared data in the same place. The ACL is based on share with groups or individual users.

Give it a try

Online demo

The fastest way to test it is to test the demo:

  • http://demo.archipeldata.com
  • login: demo@localhost
  • password: demo

Install your own instance

The other way to test it is to install it on your computer. See documentation below.



Note: the following information is for Debian. For other OS, adapt the package names.

You'll need to install the following packages:

apt-get install realpath python3 python-virtualenv python3-dev python-pip build-essential postgresql-server-dev-all

If you work on a local database, then you also need to install PostgreSQL:

apt-get install postgresql postgresql-client

Get the source

Get the sources from Bitbucket:

git clone https://bitbucket.org/lebouquetin/tracim.git

Note: Now everything is documented to be executed from the tracim directory newly created.

Setup a database

Allowing local connections on PostgreSQL

Check the pg_hba.conf file, it should allow connection for user/pass through loopback IP address. The file should include the following configuration:

# IPv4 local connections:
host    all             all               md5

Note: on Debian, the pg_hba file is found at /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf

If you changed the file, reload PostgreSQL:

service postgresql reload

Create a new database and user on PostgreSQL

We suppose you will create a user named tracimuser with passowrd tracimpassword and a database tracimdb

First login as root, then su as postgre and run a PostgreSQL client:

root@hostname:~# su postgres
postgres@hostname:/root$ psql
psql (9.1.13)
Type "help" for help.


Now, type the following commands:

CREATE ROLE tracimuser WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'tracimpassword';
CREATE DATABASE tracimdb OWNER tracimuser;

At the end, you can quit the psql client by running the \q quit command:

postgres=# \q

Test the database access

You can test your newly created user by running the following command:

psql -h -W -U tracimuser tracimdb -c 'SELECT NOW();'

The result should be similar to:

user@hostname:~$ psql -h -W -U tracimuser tracimdb -c 'SELECT NOW();'
Password for user tracimuser: 
 2014-06-16 11:35:48.590838+02
(1 row)

Setup the database schema and initial data

Your database is now ready. Fill it with the required schema and data by importing SQL:

psql -h -W -U tracimuser tracimdb < doc/database/tracim-init-database.sql

You can test it through the following command:

user@hostname:~$ psql -h -W -U tracimuser tracimdb -c 'SELECT * from tracim_user;'

You should find the admin@localhost user entry.

Setup python virtualenv

Tracim uses virtualenv as deployment environment. This ensure that there will be no conflict between system-wide python modules and tracim required ones.

virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 tg2env
source tg2env/bin/activate
cd tracim && python setup.py develop && cd -
pip install -r install/requirements.txt


  • Debian: you may get errors with stevedore/pbr which is not supported by python 3.2 (debian version of python 3). This is not a real problem
  • Ubuntu (at least 14.04): you should remove distribute and _wsgiref _ from the requirements.txt file

Create configuration

cp tracim/development.ini.base tracim/development.ini


Configure database in the development.ini file. This is defined as sqlalchemy.url and the default value is below:

sqlalchemy.url = postgresql://tracim_user:tracim_user_password@

Listening port

Default configuration is to listen on port 8080. If you want to adapt this to your environment, edit the .ini file and setup the port you want:

port = 8080

Interface language

The default language is English. You can change it to french by uncommenting the following line in the .ini file:

lang = fr_FR

Running Tracim as standalone

Now you can run the standalone server:


Which should result in something like this:

13:53:49,982 INFO  [gearbox] Starting subprocess with file monitor
13:53:50,646 WARNI [py.warnings] /tmp/tracim/protov1/tg2env/lib/python3.2/site-packages/tw2/core/validation.py:12: ImportWarning: Not importing directory '/tmp/tracim/protov1/tg2env/lib/python3.2/site-packages/tw2/core/i18n': missing __init__.py
  from .i18n import _

13:53:50,862 INFO  [gearbox] Starting server in PID 11174.
Starting HTTP server on

You can now enter the application at http://localhost:8080 and login:

  • user : admin@localhost
  • password : admin

Enjoy :)

Running Tracim through Apache WSGI


Install dependencies:

apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3

WSGI configuration

Example of Apache WSGI configuration. This configuration refers to productionapp.wsgi which is a copy of the file app.wsgi available in the repo. (this file has to be updated to match with your environment and installation)

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAdmin webmaster@archipeldata.com
    ServerName demo.archipeldata.com

    WSGIProcessGroup tracim
    WSGIDaemonProcess tracim user=www-data group=adm threads=4 python-path=/opt/traciminstall/tg2env/lib/python3.2/site-packages
    WSGIScriptAlias / /opt/traciminstall/tracim/productionapp.wsgi

    #Serve static files directly without TurboGears
    Alias /img     /opt/traciminstall/tracim/tracim/public/img/
    Alias /favicon.ico /opt/traciminstall/tracim/tracim/public/favicon.ico
    Alias /css        /opt/traciminstall/tracim/tracim/public/css
    Alias /javascript /opt/traciminstall/tracim/tracim/public/javascript

    CustomLog /var/log/apache2/demotracim-access.log combined
    ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/demotracim-error.log
    LogLevel debug

Help required

If you need help, contact us. If you want to help, contact us. So... contact us ;)

Damien Accorsi - damien.accorsi@free.fr