123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428 |
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- import os
- import re
- import datetime as datetimeroot
- from datetime import datetime
- from hashlib import sha256
- import bs4
- from sqlalchemy import Table, ForeignKey, Column, Sequence
- from sqlalchemy.types import Unicode, Integer, DateTime, Text, LargeBinary
- import sqlalchemy.types as sqlat
- from sqlalchemy.orm import relation, synonym, relationship
- from sqlalchemy.orm import backref
- import sqlalchemy.orm as sqlao
- from sqlalchemy import orm as sqlao
- from tg.i18n import ugettext as _, lazy_ugettext as l_
- import tg
- from pboard.model import DeclarativeBase, metadata, DBSession
- from pboard.model import auth as pma
- # This is the association table for the many-to-many relationship between
- # groups and permissions.
- """pod_node_table = Table('pod_nodes', metadata,
- Column('node_id', Integer, Sequence('pod_nodes__node_id__sequence'), primary_key=True),
- Column('parent_id', Integer, ForeignKey('pod_nodes.node_id'), nullable=True, default=None),
- Column('node_order', Integer, nullable=True, default=1),
- Column('node_type', Unicode(16), unique=False, nullable=False, default='data'),
- Column('node_status', Unicode(16), unique=False, nullable=False, default='new'),
- Column('created_at', DateTime, unique=False, nullable=False),
- Column('updated_at', DateTime, unique=False, nullable=False),
- Column('data_label', Unicode(1024), unique=False, nullable=False, default=''),
- Column('data_content', Text(), unique=False, nullable=False, default=''),
- Column('data_datetime', DateTime, unique=False, nullable=False),
- Column('data_reminder_datetime', DateTime, unique=False, nullable=True),
- Column('data_file_name', Unicode(255), unique=False, nullable=False, default=''),
- Column('data_file_mime_type', Unicode(255), unique=False, nullable=False, default=''),
- Column('data_file_content', LargeBinary(), unique=False, nullable=False, default=None),
- )
- """
- """
- - node_type
- - node_created_at
- - node_updated_at
- - data_label
- - data_content
- - data_source_url
- - data_status_id
- """
- class PBNodeStatusItem(object):
- def __init__(self, psStatusId, psStatusLabel, psStatusFamily, psIconId, psCssClass): #, psBackgroundColor):
- self._sStatusId = psStatusId
- self._sStatusLabel = psStatusLabel
- self._sStatusFamily = psStatusFamily
- self._sIconId = psIconId
- self._sCssClass = psCssClass
- # self._sBackgroundColor = psBackgroundColor
- def getLabel(self):
- return self._sStatusLabel
- @property
- def status_family(self):
- return self._sStatusFamily
- @property
- def icon(self):
- return self._sIconId
- def getId(self):
- return self._sStatusId
- @property
- def css(self):
- return self._sCssClass
- @property
- def status_id(self):
- return self._sStatusId
- @property
- def icon_id(self):
- return self._sIconId
- @property
- def label(self):
- return self._sStatusLabel
- class PBNodeStatus(object):
- StatusList = dict()
- StatusList['information'] = PBNodeStatusItem('information', 'Information', 'normal', 'fa fa-info-circle', 'pod-status-grey-light')
- StatusList['automatic'] = PBNodeStatusItem('automatic', 'Automatic', 'open', 'fa fa-flash', 'pod-status-grey-light')
- StatusList['new'] = PBNodeStatusItem('new', 'New', 'open', 'fa fa-lightbulb-o fa-inverse', 'btn-success')
- StatusList['inprogress'] = PBNodeStatusItem('inprogress', 'In progress', 'open', 'fa fa-gears fa-inverse', 'btn-info')
- StatusList['standby'] = PBNodeStatusItem('standby', 'In standby', 'open', 'fa fa-spinner fa-inverse', 'btn-warning')
- StatusList['done'] = PBNodeStatusItem('done', 'Done', 'closed', 'fa fa-check-square-o', 'pod-status-grey-light')
- StatusList['closed'] = PBNodeStatusItem('closed', 'Closed', 'closed', 'fa fa-lightbulb-o', 'pod-status-grey-middle')
- StatusList['deleted'] = PBNodeStatusItem('deleted', 'Deleted', 'closed', 'fa fa-trash-o', 'pod-status-grey-dark')
- @classmethod
- def getChoosableList(cls):
- return [
- PBNodeStatus.StatusList['information'],
- PBNodeStatus.StatusList['automatic'],
- PBNodeStatus.StatusList['new'],
- PBNodeStatus.StatusList['inprogress'],
- PBNodeStatus.StatusList['standby'],
- PBNodeStatus.StatusList['done'],
- PBNodeStatus.StatusList['closed'],
- ]
- @classmethod
- def getVisibleIdsList(cls):
- return ['information', 'automatic', 'new', 'inprogress', 'standby', 'done' ]
- @classmethod
- def getVisibleList(cls):
- return [
- PBNodeStatus.StatusList['information'],
- PBNodeStatus.StatusList['automatic'],
- PBNodeStatus.StatusList['new'],
- PBNodeStatus.StatusList['inprogress'],
- PBNodeStatus.StatusList['standby'],
- PBNodeStatus.StatusList['done'],
- ]
- @classmethod
- def getList(cls):
- return [
- PBNodeStatus.StatusList['information'],
- PBNodeStatus.StatusList['automatic'],
- PBNodeStatus.StatusList['new'],
- PBNodeStatus.StatusList['inprogress'],
- PBNodeStatus.StatusList['standby'],
- PBNodeStatus.StatusList['done'],
- PBNodeStatus.StatusList['closed'],
- PBNodeStatus.StatusList['deleted']
- ]
- @classmethod
- def getStatusItem(cls, psStatusId):
- return PBNodeStatus.StatusList[psStatusId]
- class PBNodeType(object):
- Node = 'node'
- Folder = 'folder'
- Data = 'data'
- File = 'file'
- Event = 'event'
- Contact = 'contact'
- Comment = 'comment'
- MINIMUM_DATE = datetimeroot.date(datetimeroot.MINYEAR, 1, 1)
- class PBNode(DeclarativeBase):
- #def __init__(self):
- # self._lStaticChildList = []
- @sqlao.reconstructor
- def init_on_load(self):
- self._lStaticChildList = []
- def appendStaticChild(self, loNode):
- print("%s has child %s" % (self.node_id, loNode.node_id))
- self._lStaticChildList.append(loNode)
- def getStaticChildList(self):
- return self._lStaticChildList
- def getStaticChildNb(self):
- return len(self._lStaticChildList)
- __tablename__ = 'pod_nodes'
- node_id = Column(Integer, Sequence('pod_nodes__node_id__sequence'), primary_key=True)
- parent_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('pod_nodes.node_id'), nullable=True, default=None)
- node_depth = Column(Integer, unique=False, nullable=False, default=0)
- parent_tree_path = Column(Unicode(255), unique=False, nullable=False, default='')
- owner_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('pod_user.user_id'), nullable=True, default=None)
- node_order = Column(Integer, nullable=True, default=1)
- node_type = Column(Unicode(16), unique=False, nullable=False, default='data')
- node_status = Column(Unicode(16), unique=False, nullable=False, default='new')
- created_at = Column(DateTime, unique=False, nullable=False)
- updated_at = Column(DateTime, unique=False, nullable=False)
- """
- if 1, the document is available for other users logged into pod.
- default is 0 (private document)
- """
- is_shared = Column(sqlat.Boolean, unique=False, nullable=False, default=False)
- """
- if 1, the document is available through a public - but obfuscated, url
- default is 0 (document not publicly available)
- """
- is_public = Column(sqlat.Boolean, unique=False, nullable=False, default=False)
- """
- here is the hash allowing to get the document publicly
- """
- public_url_key = Column(Unicode(1024), unique=False, nullable=False, default='')
- data_label = Column(Unicode(1024), unique=False, nullable=False, default='')
- data_content = Column(Text(), unique=False, nullable=False, default='')
- data_datetime = Column(DateTime, unique=False, nullable=False)
- data_reminder_datetime = Column(DateTime, unique=False, nullable=True)
- data_file_name = Column(Unicode(255), unique=False, nullable=False, default='')
- data_file_mime_type = Column(Unicode(255), unique=False, nullable=False, default='')
- data_file_content = sqlao.deferred(Column(LargeBinary(), unique=False, nullable=False, default=None))
- rights = relation('Rights')
- _oParent = relationship('PBNode', remote_side=[node_id], backref='_lAllChildren')
- _oOwner = relationship('User', remote_side=[pma.User.user_id], backref='_lAllNodes')
- def getChildrenOfType(self, plNodeTypeList, poKeySortingMethod=None, pbDoReverseSorting=False):
- """return all children nodes of type 'data' or 'node' or 'folder'"""
- llChildren = []
- for child in self._lAllChildren:
- if child.node_type in plNodeTypeList:
- llChildren.append(child)
- if poKeySortingMethod!=None:
- llChildren = sorted(llChildren, key=poKeySortingMethod, reverse=pbDoReverseSorting)
- return llChildren
- def getChildNbOfType(self, plNodeTypeList):
- """return all children nodes of type 'data' or 'node' or 'folder'"""
- liChildNb = 0
- for child in self._lAllChildren:
- if child.node_type in plNodeTypeList:
- liChildNb = liChildNb+1
- return liChildNb
- # return DBSession.query(PBNode).filter(PBNode.parent_id==self.node_id).filter(PBNode.node_type.in_(plNodeTypeList)).order_by(plSortingCriteria).all()
- def getChildNb(self):
- return self.getChildNbOfType([PBNodeType.Data])
- def getChildren(self, pbIncludeDeleted=False):
- """return all children nodes of type 'data' or 'node' or 'folder'"""
- # return self.getChildrenOfType([PBNodeType.Node, PBNodeType.Folder, PBNodeType.Data])
- items = self.getChildrenOfType([PBNodeType.Node, PBNodeType.Folder, PBNodeType.Data])
- items2 = list()
- for item in items:
- if pbIncludeDeleted==True or item.node_status!='deleted':
- items2.append(item)
- return items2
- def getContacts(self):
- """return all children nodes of type 'data' or 'node' or 'folder'"""
- return self.getChildrenOfType([PBNodeType.Contact], PBNode.getSortingKeyForContact)
- def getContactNb(self):
- """return all children nodes of type 'data' or 'node' or 'folder'"""
- return self.getChildNbOfType([PBNodeType.Contact])
- @classmethod
- def getSortingKeyBasedOnDataDatetime(cls, poDataNode):
- return poDataNode.data_datetime or MINIMUM_DATE
- @classmethod
- def getSortingKeyForContact(cls, poDataNode):
- return poDataNode.data_label or ''
- @classmethod
- def getSortingKeyForComment(cls, poDataNode):
- return poDataNode.data_datetime or ''
- def getEvents(self):
- return self.getChildrenOfType([PBNodeType.Event], PBNode.getSortingKeyBasedOnDataDatetime, True)
- def getFiles(self):
- return self.getChildrenOfType([PBNodeType.File])
- def getComments(self):
- return self.getChildrenOfType([PBNodeType.Comment], PBNode.getSortingKeyBasedOnDataDatetime, True)
- def getIconClass(self):
- if self.node_type==PBNodeType.Data and self.getStaticChildNb()>0:
- return PBNode.getIconClassForNodeType('folder')
- else:
- return PBNode.getIconClassForNodeType(self.node_type)
- def getBreadCrumbNodes(self):
- loNodes = []
- if self._oParent!=None:
- loNodes = self._oParent.getBreadCrumbNodes()
- loNodes.append(self._oParent)
- return loNodes
- def getContentWithHighlightedKeywords(self, plKeywords, psPlainText):
- if len(plKeywords)<=0:
- return psPlainText
- lsPlainText = psPlainText
- for lsKeyword in plKeywords:
- lsPlainText = re.sub('(?i)(%s)' % lsKeyword, '<strong>\\1</strong>', lsPlainText)
- return lsPlainText
- @classmethod
- def getIconClassForNodeType(cls, psIconType):
- laIconClass = dict()
- laIconClass['node'] = 'fa fa-folder-open'
- laIconClass['folder'] = 'fa fa-folder-open'
- laIconClass['data'] = 'fa fa-file-text-o'
- laIconClass['file'] = 'fa fa-paperclip'
- laIconClass['event'] = 'fa fa-calendar'
- laIconClass['contact'] = 'fa fa-user'
- laIconClass['comment'] = 'fa fa-comments-o'
- return laIconClass[psIconType]
- def getUserFriendlyNodeType(self):
- laNodeTypesLng = dict()
- laNodeTypesLng['node'] = 'Document' # FIXME - D.A. - 2013-11-14 - Make text translatable
- laNodeTypesLng['folder'] = 'Document'
- laNodeTypesLng['data'] = 'Document'
- laNodeTypesLng['file'] = 'File'
- laNodeTypesLng['event'] = 'Event'
- laNodeTypesLng['contact'] = 'Contact'
- laNodeTypesLng['comment'] = 'Comment'
- if self.node_type==PBNodeType.Data and self.getStaticChildNb()>0:
- return laNodeTypesLng['folder']
- else:
- return laNodeTypesLng[self.node_type]
- def getFormattedDateTime(self, poDateTime, psDateTimeFormat = '%d/%m/%Y ~ %H:%M'):
- return poDateTime.strftime(psDateTimeFormat)
- def getFormattedDate(self, poDateTime, psDateTimeFormat = '%d/%m/%Y'):
- return poDateTime.strftime(psDateTimeFormat)
- def getFormattedTime(self, poDateTime, psDateTimeFormat = '%H:%M'):
- return poDateTime.strftime(psDateTimeFormat)
- def getStatus(self) -> PBNodeStatusItem:
- loStatus = PBNodeStatus.getStatusItem(self.node_status)
- if loStatus.status_id!='automatic':
- return loStatus
- else:
- # Compute the status:
- # - if at least one child is 'new' or 'in progress' or 'in standby' => status is inprogress
- # - else if all status are 'done', 'closed' or 'deleted' => 'done'
- lsRealStatusId = 'done'
- for loChild in self.getChildren():
- if loChild.getStatus().status_id in ('new', 'inprogress', 'standby'):
- lsRealStatusId = 'inprogress'
- break
- return PBNodeStatus.getStatusItem(lsRealStatusId)
- def getTruncatedLabel(self, piCharNb: int):
- """
- return a truncated version of the data_label property.
- if piCharNb is not > 0, then the full data_label is returned
- note: if the node is a file and the data_label is empty, the file name is returned
- """
- lsTruncatedLabel = self.data_label
- # 2014-05-06 - D.A. - HACK
- # if the node is a file and label empty, then use the filename as data_label
- if self.node_type==PBNodeType.File and lsTruncatedLabel=='':
- lsTruncatedLabel = self.data_file_name
- liMaxLength = int(piCharNb)
- if liMaxLength>0 and len(lsTruncatedLabel)>liMaxLength:
- lsTruncatedLabel = lsTruncatedLabel[0:liMaxLength-1]+'…'
- return lsTruncatedLabel
- def getTruncatedContentAsText(self, piCharNb):
- lsPlainText = ''.join(bs4.BeautifulSoup(self.data_content).findAll(text=True))
- lsTruncatedContent = ''
- liMaxLength = int(piCharNb)
- if len(lsPlainText)>liMaxLength:
- lsTruncatedContent = lsPlainText[0:liMaxLength-1]+'…'
- else:
- lsTruncatedContent = lsPlainText
- return lsTruncatedContent
- def getTagList(self):
- loPattern = re.compile('(^|\s|@)@(\w+)')
- loResults = re.findall(loPattern, self.data_content)
- lsResultList = []
- for loResult in loResults:
- lsResultList.append(loResult[1].replace('@', '').replace('_', ' '))
- return lsResultList
- @classmethod
- def addTagReplacement(cls, matchobj):
- return " <span class='badge'>%s</span> " %(matchobj.group(0).replace('@', '').replace('_', ' '))
- @classmethod
- def addDocLinkReplacement(cls, matchobj):
- return " <a href='%s'>%s</a> " %(tg.url('/dashboard?node=%s')%(matchobj.group(1)), matchobj.group(0))
- def getContentWithTags(self):
- lsTemporaryResult = re.sub('(^|\s)@@(\w+)', '', self.data_content) # tags with @@ are explicitly removed from the body
- lsTemporaryResult = re.sub('#([0-9]*)', PBNode.addDocLinkReplacement, lsTemporaryResult) # tags with @@ are explicitly removed from the body
- return re.sub('(^|\s)@(\w+)', PBNode.addTagReplacement, lsTemporaryResult) # then, 'normal tags are transformed as labels'
- # FIXME - D.A. - 2013-09-12
- # Does not match @@ at end of content.
- def getHistory(self):
- return DBSession.execute("select node_id, version_id, created_at from pod_nodes_history where node_id = :node_id order by created_at desc", {"node_id":self.node_id}).fetchall()