import React from 'react' import { connect } from 'react-redux' import { withRouter } from 'react-router' import classnames from 'classnames' import { translate } from 'react-i18next' import WorkspaceListItem from '../component/Sidebar/WorkspaceListItem.jsx' import { setWorkspaceListIsOpenInSidebar, updateWorkspaceFilter, updateWorkspaceListData } from '../action-creator.sync.js' import { getWorkspaceList } from '../action-creator.async.js' import { PAGE } from '../helper.js' const qs = require('query-string') class Sidebar extends React.Component { constructor (props) { super(props) this.state = { sidebarClose: false, workspaceIdInUrl: props.match.params.idws ? parseInt(props.match.params.idws) : null } } async componentDidMount () { const { workspaceIdInUrl } = this.state const { user, workspaceList, dispatch } = this.props if (user.user_id !== -1 && workspaceList.length === 0) { const fetchGetWorkspaceList = await dispatch(getWorkspaceList(user)) if (fetchGetWorkspaceList.status === 200) { dispatch(updateWorkspaceListData(fetchGetWorkspaceList.json)) dispatch(setWorkspaceListIsOpenInSidebar(workspaceIdInUrl || fetchGetWorkspaceList.json[0].workspace_id, true)) } } } componentDidUpdate (prevProps, prevState) { // console.log('%c Did Update', 'color: #c17838') if (this.props.match.params.idws === undefined || isNaN(this.props.match.params.idws)) return const newWorkspaceId = parseInt(this.props.match.params.idws) if (prevState.workspaceIdInUrl !== newWorkspaceId) this.setState({workspaceIdInUrl: newWorkspaceId}) } handleClickWorkspace = (idWs, newIsOpenInSidebar) => this.props.dispatch(setWorkspaceListIsOpenInSidebar(idWs, newIsOpenInSidebar)) handleClickAllContent = idWs => { this.props.dispatch(updateWorkspaceFilter([])) this.props.history.push(PAGE.WORKSPACE.CONTENT_LIST(idWs)) } // not used, right now, link on sidebar filters is a handleClickContentFilter = (idWs, filter) => { const { workspace, history } = this.props const newFilter = workspace.filter.includes(filter) ? [] : [filter] // use an array to allow multiple filters (NYI) history.push(`${PAGE.WORKSPACE.CONTENT_LIST(idWs)}?type=${newFilter.join(';')}`) // workspace.filter gets updated on react redraw from match.params // obviously, it's ugly to use custom event to tell WorkspaceContentList to refresh, but since WorkspaceContentList // will end up being an App, it'll have to be that way. So it's fine GLOBAL_dispatchEvent({ type: 'refreshContentList', data: {} }) } handleClickToggleSidebar = () => this.setState(prev => ({sidebarClose: !prev.sidebarClose})) render () { const { sidebarClose, workspaceIdInUrl } = this.state const { activeLang, workspaceList, t } = this.props return (
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) } } const mapStateToProps = ({ lang, user, workspace, workspaceList }) => ({ activeLang: lang.find(l => || {id: 'en'}, user, workspace, workspaceList }) export default withRouter(connect(mapStateToProps)(translate()(Sidebar)))