import React from 'react' import ReactDOM from 'react-dom' import HtmlDocument from './container/HtmlDocument.jsx' import PopupCreateHtmlDocument from './container/PopupCreateHtmlDocument.jsx' // @TODO make a file that contains all events implemented by this App. // @todo add this file to appInterface // @todo app shall make it's customReducer from the events of this app // so it will be testable by tracim_frontend require('./css/index.styl') const appInterface = { name: 'html-document', isRendered: false, renderAppFull: data => { return ReactDOM.render( , document.getElementById(data.config.domContainer) ) }, unmountApp: domId => { return ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(document.getElementById(domId)) // returns bool }, renderAppPopupCreation: data => { return ReactDOM.render( , document.getElementById(data.config.domContainer) ) } } module.exports = appInterface