import React from 'react' import { connect } from 'react-redux' import appFactory from '../appFactory.js' import Sidebar from './Sidebar.jsx' import Folder from '../component/Workspace/Folder.jsx' import ContentItem from '../component/Workspace/ContentItem.jsx' import ContentItemHeader from '../component/Workspace/ContentItemHeader.jsx' import PageWrapper from '../component/common/layout/PageWrapper.jsx' import PageTitle from '../component/common/layout/PageTitle.jsx' import PageContent from '../component/common/layout/PageContent.jsx' import DropdownCreateButton from '../component/common/Input/DropdownCreateButton.jsx' import { getAppList, getWorkspaceContent, getFolderContent } from '../action-creator.async.js' class WorkspaceContent extends React.Component { componentDidMount () { const { workspaceList, app, match, dispatch } = this.props if (match.params.idws !== undefined) dispatch(getWorkspaceContent(match.params.idws, match.params.filter)) else if (workspaceList.length > 0) dispatch(getWorkspaceContent(workspaceList[0].id, match.params.filter)) // load first ws if none specified if (Object.keys(app).length === 0) dispatch(getAppList()) } componentDidUpdate (prevProps) { const { workspace, workspaceList, match, dispatch } = this.props // if a workspace is already loaded and the idws in url hasn't changed, do nothing if ( !== -1 && prevProps.match.params.idws === match.params.idws) return // if the idws in url has changed, load the new workspace if (match.params.idws !== undefined) dispatch(getWorkspaceContent(match.params.idws, match.params.filter)) // else bellow is for loading url PAGE_NAME.HOME (without an idws), when workspaceList is loaded, load the first workspace else if ( === -1 && workspaceList.length > 0) dispatch(getWorkspaceContent(workspaceList[0].id)) } handleClickContentItem = content => { this.props.renderApp([content.type], this.props.user, {...content, workspace: this.props.workspace}) // Côme - 2018/03/08 - line bellow is useless because we cannot call the reducer again when hiding app since the call comes from the app // dispatch(setActiveFileContentActive(content)) } handleClickEditContentItem = (e, content) => { e.stopPropagation() console.log('edit nyi', content) } handleClickMoveContentItem = (e, content) => { e.stopPropagation() console.log('move nyi', content) } handleClickDownloadContentItem = (e, content) => { e.stopPropagation() console.log('download nyi', content) } handleClickArchiveContentItem = (e, content) => { e.stopPropagation() console.log('archive nyi', content) } handleClickDeleteContentItem = (e, content) => { e.stopPropagation() console.log('delete nyi', content) } handleClickFolder = folderId => { this.props.dispatch(getFolderContent(, folderId)) } filterWorkspaceContent = (contentList, filter) => filter.length === 0 ? contentList : contentList.filter(c => c.type === 'folder' || filter.includes(c.type)) // keep unfiltered files and folders .map(c => c.type !== 'folder' ? c : {...c, content: this.filterWorkspaceContent(c.content, filter)}) // recursively filter folder content .filter(c => c.type !== 'folder' || c.content.length > 0) // remove empty folder render () { const { workspace, app } = this.props const filteredWorkspaceContent = this.filterWorkspaceContent(workspace.content, workspace.filter) return (
{, i) => c.type === 'folder' ? ( ) : ( this.handleClickContentItem(c)} onClickExtendedAction={{ edit: e => this.handleClickEditContentItem(e, c), move: e => this.handleClickMoveContentItem(e, c), download: e => this.handleClickDownloadContentItem(e, c), archive: e => this.handleClickArchiveContentItem(e, c), delete: e => this.handleClickDeleteContentItem(e, c) }} isLast={i === filteredWorkspaceContent.length - 1} key={} /> ) )}
) } } const mapStateToProps = ({ user, workspace, workspaceList, app }) => ({ user, workspace, workspaceList, app }) export default connect(mapStateToProps)(appFactory(WorkspaceContent))