import React from 'react' import { connect } from 'react-redux' import UserInfo from '../component/Account/UserInfo.jsx' import MenuSubComponent from '../component/Account/MenuSubComponent.jsx' import PersonalData from '../component/Account/PersonalData.jsx' // import Calendar from '../component/Account/Calendar.jsx' import Notification from '../component/Account/Notification.jsx' import Password from '../component/Account/Password.jsx' import Timezone from '../component/Account/Timezone.jsx' import { Delimiter, PageWrapper, PageTitle, PageContent } from 'tracim_frontend_lib' import { newFlashMessage, setWorkspaceListMemberList, updateUserName, updateUserEmail, updateUserAuth, updateUserWorkspaceSubscriptionNotif } from '../action-creator.sync.js' import { getWorkspaceMemberList, putUserName, putUserEmail, putUserPassword, putUserWorkspaceDoNotify } from '../action-creator.async.js' import { translate } from 'react-i18next' import { setCookie } from '../helper.js' class Account extends React.Component { constructor (props) { super(props) this.state = { subComponentMenu: [{ name: 'personalData', menuLabel: props.t('My profil'), active: true }, { name: 'notification', menuLabel: props.t('Workspaces and notifications'), active: false }, { name: 'password', menuLabel: props.t('Password'), active: false }, { name: 'timezone', menuLabel: props.t('Timezone'), active: false }] // { // name: 'calendar', // menuLabel: 'Calendrier personnel', // active: false // }] } } componentDidMount () { const { props } = this if (props.system.workspaceListLoaded && props.workspaceList.length > 0) this.loadWorkspaceListMemberList() } loadWorkspaceListMemberList = async () => { const { props } = this const fetchWorkspaceListMemberList = await Promise.all( ws => ({ idWorkspace:, fetchMemberList: await props.dispatch(getWorkspaceMemberList(props.user, })) ) const workspaceListMemberList = => ({ idWorkspace: wsMemberList.idWorkspace, memberList: wsMemberList.fetchMemberList.status === 200 ? wsMemberList.fetchMemberList.json : [] // handle error ? })) props.dispatch(setWorkspaceListMemberList(workspaceListMemberList)) } handleClickSubComponentMenuItem = subMenuItemName => this.setState(prev => ({ subComponentMenu: => ({...m, active: === subMenuItemName})) })) handleSubmitNameOrEmail = async (newName, newEmail, checkPassword) => { const { props } = this if (newName !== '') { const fetchPutUserName = await props.dispatch(putUserName(props.user, newName)) switch (fetchPutUserName.status) { case 200: props.dispatch(updateUserName(newName)) if (newEmail === '') props.dispatch(newFlashMessage(props.t('Your name has been changed'), 'info')) // else, if email also has been changed, flash msg is handled bellow to not display 2 flash msg break default: props.dispatch(newFlashMessage(props.t('Error while changing name'), 'warning')); break } } if (newEmail !== '') { const fetchPutUserEmail = await props.dispatch(putUserEmail(props.user, newEmail, checkPassword)) switch (fetchPutUserEmail.status) { case 200: props.dispatch(updateUserEmail( const newAuth = setCookie(, checkPassword) props.dispatch(updateUserAuth(newAuth)) if (newName !== '') props.dispatch(newFlashMessage(props.t('Your name and email has been changed'), 'info')) else props.dispatch(newFlashMessage(props.t('Your email has been changed'), 'info')) break default: props.dispatch(newFlashMessage(props.t('Error while changing email'), 'warning')); break } } } handleChangeSubscriptionNotif = async (idWorkspace, doNotify) => { const { props } = this const fetchPutUserWorkspaceDoNotify = await props.dispatch(putUserWorkspaceDoNotify(props.user, idWorkspace, doNotify)) switch (fetchPutUserWorkspaceDoNotify.status) { // @TODO: Côme - 2018/08/23 - uncomment this when fetch implements the right endpoint (blocked by backend) // case 200: // break default: props.dispatch(updateUserWorkspaceSubscriptionNotif(props.user.user_id, idWorkspace, doNotify)) // props.dispatch(newFlashMessage(props.t('Error while changing subscription'), 'warning')) break } } handleSubmitPassword = async (oldPassword, newPassword, newPassword2) => { const { props } = this const fetchPutUserPassword = await props.dispatch(putUserPassword(props.user, oldPassword, newPassword, newPassword2)) switch (fetchPutUserPassword.status) { case 204: const newAuth = setCookie(, newPassword) props.dispatch(updateUserAuth(newAuth)) props.dispatch(newFlashMessage(props.t('Your password has been changed'), 'info')) break default: props.dispatch(newFlashMessage(props.t('Error while changing password'), 'warning')); break } } handleChangeTimezone = newTimezone => console.log('(NYI) new timezone : ', newTimezone) render () { const { props, state } = this const subComponent = (() => { switch (state.subComponentMenu.find(({active}) => active).name) { case 'personalData': return // case 'calendar': // return case 'notification': return case 'password': return case 'timezone': return } })() return (
{ subComponent }
) } } const mapStateToProps = ({ user, workspaceList, timezone, system }) => ({ user, workspaceList, timezone, system }) export default connect(mapStateToProps)(translate()(Account))