class SmtpConfiguration(object): """Container class for SMTP configuration used in Tracim.""" def __init__(self, server: str, port: int, login: str, password: str): self.server = server self.port = port self.login = login self.password = password class EST(object): """ EST = Email Subject Tags - this is a convenient class - no business logic here This class is intended to agregate all dynamic content that may be included in email subjects """ WEBSITE_TITLE = '{website_title}' WORKSPACE_LABEL = '{workspace_label}' CONTENT_LABEL = '{content_label}' CONTENT_STATUS_LABEL = '{content_status_label}' @classmethod def all(cls): return [ cls.CONTENT_LABEL, cls.CONTENT_STATUS_LABEL, cls.WEBSITE_TITLE, cls.WORKSPACE_LABEL ]