import React from 'react' import { connect } from 'react-redux' import { withRouter, Route } from 'react-router-dom' import appFactory from '../appFactory.js' import { PAGE } from '../helper.js' import Folder from '../component/Workspace/Folder.jsx' import ContentItem from '../component/Workspace/ContentItem.jsx' import ContentItemHeader from '../component/Workspace/ContentItemHeader.jsx' import DropdownCreateButton from '../component/common/Input/DropdownCreateButton.jsx' import OpenContentApp from '../component/Workspace/OpenContentApp.jsx' import OpenCreateContentApp from '../component/Workspace/OpenCreateContentApp.jsx' import { PageWrapper, PageTitle, PageContent } from 'tracim_frontend_lib' import { getWorkspaceContentList, getFolderContent, putWorkspaceContentArchived, putWorkspaceContentDeleted } from '../action-creator.async.js' import { newFlashMessage, setWorkspaceContentList, setWorkspaceContentArchived, setWorkspaceContentDeleted } from '../action-creator.sync.js' const qs = require('query-string') class WorkspaceContent extends React.Component { constructor (props) { super(props) this.state = { workspaceIdInUrl: props.match.params.idws ? parseInt(props.match.params.idws) : null, // this is used to avoid handling the parseInt every time appOpenedType: false } document.addEventListener('appCustomEvent', this.customEventReducer) } customEventReducer = async ({ detail: { type, data } }) => { switch (type) { case 'refreshContentList': console.log('%c Custom event', 'color: #28a745', type, data) this.loadContentList(this.state.workspaceIdInUrl) break case 'openContentUrl': console.log('%c Custom event', 'color: #28a745', type, data) this.props.history.push(PAGE.WORKSPACE.CONTENT(data.idWorkspace, data.contentType, data.idContent)) break case 'appClosed': case 'hide_popupCreateContent': console.log('%c Custom event', 'color: #28a745', type, data, this.state.workspaceIdInUrl) this.props.history.push(PAGE.WORKSPACE.CONTENT_LIST(this.state.workspaceIdInUrl)) this.setState({appOpenedType: false}) break } } async componentDidMount () { const { workspaceList, match } = this.props console.log('%c componentDidMount', 'color: #c17838') let wsToLoad = null if (match.params.idws === undefined) { if (workspaceList.length > 0) wsToLoad = workspaceList[0].id else return } else wsToLoad = match.params.idws this.loadContentList(wsToLoad) } async componentDidUpdate (prevProps, prevState) { console.log('%c componentDidUpdate', 'color: #c17838') if (this.state.workspaceIdInUrl === null) return const idWorkspace = parseInt(this.props.match.params.idws) if (isNaN(idWorkspace)) return const prevFilter = qs.parse( const currentFilter = qs.parse( if (prevState.workspaceIdInUrl !== idWorkspace || prevFilter !== currentFilter) { this.setState({workspaceIdInUrl: idWorkspace}) this.loadContentList(idWorkspace) } // if (user.user_id !== -1 && !== dispatch(getWorkspaceList(user.user_id, idWorkspace)) } componentWillUnmount () { this.props.dispatchCustomEvent('unmount_app') document.removeEventListener('appCustomEvent', this.customEventReducer) } loadContentList = async idWorkspace => { const { user, location, dispatch } = this.props const wsContent = await dispatch(getWorkspaceContentList(user, idWorkspace, 0)) if (wsContent.status === 200) dispatch(setWorkspaceContentList(wsContent.json, qs.parse( else dispatch(newFlashMessage('Error while loading workspace', 'danger')) } handleClickContentItem = content => { console.log('%c content clicked', 'color: #c17838', content) this.props.history.push(PAGE.WORKSPACE.CONTENT(content.idWorkspace, content.type, } handleClickEditContentItem = (e, content) => { e.stopPropagation() console.log('%c edit nyi', 'color: #c17838', content) } handleClickMoveContentItem = (e, content) => { e.stopPropagation() console.log('%c move nyi', 'color: #c17838', content) } handleClickDownloadContentItem = (e, content) => { e.stopPropagation() console.log('%c download nyi', 'color: #c17838', content) } handleClickArchiveContentItem = async (e, content) => { const { props, state } = this e.stopPropagation() const fetchPutContentArchived = await props.dispatch(putWorkspaceContentArchived(props.user, content.idWorkspace, switch (fetchPutContentArchived.status) { case 204: props.dispatch(setWorkspaceContentArchived(content.idWorkspace, this.loadContentList(state.workspaceIdInUrl) break default: props.dispatch(newFlashMessage(props.t('Error while archiving document'))) } } handleClickDeleteContentItem = async (e, content) => { const { props, state } = this e.stopPropagation() const fetchPutContentDeleted = await props.dispatch(putWorkspaceContentDeleted(props.user, content.idWorkspace, switch (fetchPutContentDeleted.status) { case 204: props.dispatch(setWorkspaceContentDeleted(content.idWorkspace, this.loadContentList(state.workspaceIdInUrl) break default: props.dispatch(newFlashMessage(props.t('Error while deleting document'))) } } handleClickFolder = folderId => { this.props.dispatch(getFolderContent(, folderId)) } handleClickCreateContent = (e, idFolder, contentType) => { e.stopPropagation() this.props.history.push(`${PAGE.WORKSPACE.NEW(this.state.workspaceIdInUrl, contentType, idFolder)}?parent_id=${idFolder}`) } handleUpdateAppOpenedType = openedAppType => this.setState({appOpenedType: openedAppType}) render () { const { workspaceContentList, contentType } = this.props const filterWorkspaceContent = (contentList, filter) => { return filter.length === 0 ? contentList : contentList.filter(c => c.type === 'folder' || filter.includes(c.type)) // keep unfiltered files and folders // @FIXME we need to filter subfolder too, but right now, we dont handle subfolder // .map(c => c.type !== 'folder' ? c : {...c, content: filterWorkspaceContent(c.content, filter)}) // recursively filter folder content } // .filter(c => c.type !== 'folder' || c.content.length > 0) // remove empty folder => 2018/05/21 - since we load only one lvl of content, don't remove empty const urlFilter = qs.parse( const filteredWorkspaceContentList = workspaceContentList.length > 0 ? filterWorkspaceContent(workspaceContentList, urlFilter ? [urlFilter] : []) : [] return (
} />
{, i) => c.type === 'folder' ? ( ) : ( a.slug === c.type).faIcon : ''} statusSlug={c.statusSlug} contentType={contentType.length ? contentType.find(ct => ct.slug === c.type) : null} onClickItem={() => this.handleClickContentItem(c)} onClickExtendedAction={{ edit: e => this.handleClickEditContentItem(e, c), move: e => this.handleClickMoveContentItem(e, c), download: e => this.handleClickDownloadContentItem(e, c), archive: e => this.handleClickArchiveContentItem(e, c), delete: e => this.handleClickDeleteContentItem(e, c) }} onClickCreateContent={this.handleClickCreateContent} isLast={i === filteredWorkspaceContentList.length - 1} key={} /> ) )}
) } } const mapStateToProps = ({ user, workspaceContentList, workspaceList, contentType }) => ({ user, workspaceContentList, workspaceList, contentType }) export default withRouter(connect(mapStateToProps)(appFactory(WorkspaceContent)))