# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Tests for /api/v2/workspaces subpath endpoints. """ from tracim.tests import FunctionalTest from tracim.tests import set_html_document_slug_to_legacy from tracim.fixtures.content import Content as ContentFixtures from tracim.fixtures.users_and_groups import Base as BaseFixture class TestWorkspaceEndpoint(FunctionalTest): """ Tests for /api/v2/workspaces/{workspace_id} endpoint """ fixtures = [BaseFixture, ContentFixtures] def test_api__get_workspace__ok_200__nominal_case(self) -> None: """ Check obtain workspace reachable for user. """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'admin@admin.admin', 'admin@admin.admin' ) ) res = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/1', status=200) workspace = res.json_body assert workspace['workspace_id'] == 1 assert workspace['slug'] == 'business' assert workspace['label'] == 'Business' assert workspace['description'] == 'All importants documents' assert len(workspace['sidebar_entries']) == 7 sidebar_entry = workspace['sidebar_entries'][0] assert sidebar_entry['slug'] == 'dashboard' assert sidebar_entry['label'] == 'Dashboard' assert sidebar_entry['route'] == '/#/workspaces/1/dashboard' # nopep8 assert sidebar_entry['hexcolor'] == "#252525" assert sidebar_entry['fa_icon'] == "signal" sidebar_entry = workspace['sidebar_entries'][1] assert sidebar_entry['slug'] == 'contents/all' assert sidebar_entry['label'] == 'All Contents' assert sidebar_entry['route'] == "/#/workspaces/1/contents" # nopep8 assert sidebar_entry['hexcolor'] == "#fdfdfd" assert sidebar_entry['fa_icon'] == "th" sidebar_entry = workspace['sidebar_entries'][2] assert sidebar_entry['slug'] == 'contents/html-documents' assert sidebar_entry['label'] == 'Text Documents' assert sidebar_entry['route'] == '/#/workspaces/1/contents?type=html-documents' # nopep8 assert sidebar_entry['hexcolor'] == "#3f52e3" assert sidebar_entry['fa_icon'] == "file-text-o" sidebar_entry = workspace['sidebar_entries'][3] assert sidebar_entry['slug'] == 'contents/markdownpluspage' assert sidebar_entry['label'] == 'Markdown Plus Documents' assert sidebar_entry['route'] == "/#/workspaces/1/contents?type=markdownpluspage" # nopep8 assert sidebar_entry['hexcolor'] == "#f12d2d" assert sidebar_entry['fa_icon'] == "file-code-o" sidebar_entry = workspace['sidebar_entries'][4] assert sidebar_entry['slug'] == 'contents/files' assert sidebar_entry['label'] == 'Files' assert sidebar_entry['route'] == "/#/workspaces/1/contents?type=file" # nopep8 assert sidebar_entry['hexcolor'] == "#FF9900" assert sidebar_entry['fa_icon'] == "paperclip" sidebar_entry = workspace['sidebar_entries'][5] assert sidebar_entry['slug'] == 'contents/threads' assert sidebar_entry['label'] == 'Threads' assert sidebar_entry['route'] == "/#/workspaces/1/contents?type=thread" # nopep8 assert sidebar_entry['hexcolor'] == "#ad4cf9" assert sidebar_entry['fa_icon'] == "comments-o" sidebar_entry = workspace['sidebar_entries'][6] assert sidebar_entry['slug'] == 'calendar' assert sidebar_entry['label'] == 'Calendar' assert sidebar_entry['route'] == "/#/workspaces/1/calendar" # nopep8 assert sidebar_entry['hexcolor'] == "#757575" assert sidebar_entry['fa_icon'] == "calendar" def test_api__update_workspace__ok_200__nominal_case(self) -> None: """ Test update workspace """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'admin@admin.admin', 'admin@admin.admin' ) ) params = { 'label': 'superworkspace', 'description': 'mysuperdescription' } # Before res = self.testapp.get( '/api/v2/workspaces/1', status=200 ) assert res.json_body workspace = res.json_body assert workspace['workspace_id'] == 1 assert workspace['slug'] == 'business' assert workspace['label'] == 'Business' assert workspace['description'] == 'All importants documents' assert len(workspace['sidebar_entries']) == 7 # modify workspace res = self.testapp.put_json( '/api/v2/workspaces/1', status=200, params=params, ) assert res.json_body workspace = res.json_body assert workspace['workspace_id'] == 1 assert workspace['slug'] == 'superworkspace' assert workspace['label'] == 'superworkspace' assert workspace['description'] == 'mysuperdescription' assert len(workspace['sidebar_entries']) == 7 # after res = self.testapp.get( '/api/v2/workspaces/1', status=200 ) assert res.json_body workspace = res.json_body assert workspace['workspace_id'] == 1 assert workspace['slug'] == 'superworkspace' assert workspace['label'] == 'superworkspace' assert workspace['description'] == 'mysuperdescription' assert len(workspace['sidebar_entries']) == 7 def test_api__update_workspace__err_400__empty_label(self) -> None: """ Test update workspace with empty label """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'admin@admin.admin', 'admin@admin.admin' ) ) params = { 'label': '', 'description': 'mysuperdescription' } res = self.testapp.put_json( '/api/v2/workspaces/1', status=400, params=params, ) def test_api__create_workspace__ok_200__nominal_case(self) -> None: """ Test create workspace """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'admin@admin.admin', 'admin@admin.admin' ) ) params = { 'label': 'superworkspace', 'description': 'mysuperdescription' } res = self.testapp.post_json( '/api/v2/workspaces', status=200, params=params, ) assert res.json_body workspace = res.json_body workspace_id = res.json_body['workspace_id'] res = self.testapp.get( '/api/v2/workspaces/{}'.format(workspace_id), status=200 ) workspace_2 = res.json_body assert workspace == workspace_2 def test_api__create_workspace__err_400__empty_label(self) -> None: """ Test create workspace with empty label """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'admin@admin.admin', 'admin@admin.admin' ) ) params = { 'label': '', 'description': 'mysuperdescription' } res = self.testapp.post_json( '/api/v2/workspaces', status=400, params=params, ) def test_api__get_workspace__err_400__unallowed_user(self) -> None: """ Check obtain workspace unreachable for user """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'lawrence-not-real-email@fsf.local', 'foobarbaz' ) ) res = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/1', status=400) assert isinstance(res.json, dict) assert 'code' in res.json.keys() assert 'message' in res.json.keys() assert 'details' in res.json.keys() def test_api__get_workspace__err_401__unregistered_user(self) -> None: """ Check obtain workspace without registered user. """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'john@doe.doe', 'lapin' ) ) res = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/1', status=401) assert isinstance(res.json, dict) assert 'code' in res.json.keys() assert 'message' in res.json.keys() assert 'details' in res.json.keys() def test_api__get_workspace__err_400__workspace_does_not_exist(self) -> None: # nopep8 """ Check obtain workspace who does not exist with an existing user. """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'admin@admin.admin', 'admin@admin.admin' ) ) res = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/5', status=400) assert isinstance(res.json, dict) assert 'code' in res.json.keys() assert 'message' in res.json.keys() assert 'details' in res.json.keys() class TestWorkspaceMembersEndpoint(FunctionalTest): """ Tests for /api/v2/workspaces/{workspace_id}/members endpoint """ fixtures = [BaseFixture, ContentFixtures] def test_api__get_workspace_members__ok_200__nominal_case(self): """ Check obtain workspace members list with a reachable workspace for user """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'admin@admin.admin', 'admin@admin.admin' ) ) res = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/1/members', status=200).json_body # nopep8 assert len(res) == 1 user_role = res[0] assert user_role['role'] == 'workspace-manager' assert user_role['user_id'] == 1 assert user_role['workspace_id'] == 1 assert user_role['workspace']['workspace_id'] == 1 assert user_role['workspace']['label'] == 'Business' assert user_role['workspace']['slug'] == 'business' assert user_role['user']['public_name'] == 'Global manager' assert user_role['user']['user_id'] == 1 assert user_role['is_active'] is True # TODO - G.M - 24-05-2018 - [Avatar] Replace # by correct value when avatar feature will be enabled assert user_role['user']['avatar_url'] is None def test_api__get_workspace_members__err_400__unallowed_user(self): """ Check obtain workspace members list with an unreachable workspace for user """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'lawrence-not-real-email@fsf.local', 'foobarbaz' ) ) res = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/3/members', status=400) assert isinstance(res.json, dict) assert 'code' in res.json.keys() assert 'message' in res.json.keys() assert 'details' in res.json.keys() def test_api__get_workspace_members__err_401__unregistered_user(self): """ Check obtain workspace members list with an unregistered user """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'john@doe.doe', 'lapin' ) ) res = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/1/members', status=401) assert isinstance(res.json, dict) assert 'code' in res.json.keys() assert 'message' in res.json.keys() assert 'details' in res.json.keys() def test_api__get_workspace_members__err_400__workspace_does_not_exist(self): # nopep8 """ Check obtain workspace members list with an existing user but an unexisting workspace """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'admin@admin.admin', 'admin@admin.admin' ) ) res = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/5/members', status=400) assert isinstance(res.json, dict) assert 'code' in res.json.keys() assert 'message' in res.json.keys() assert 'details' in res.json.keys() def test_api__create_workspace_member_role__ok_200__user_id(self): """ Create workspace member role :return: """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'admin@admin.admin', 'admin@admin.admin' ) ) # create workspace role params = { 'user_id': 2, 'user_email_or_public_name': None, 'role': 'content-manager', } res = self.testapp.post_json( '/api/v2/workspaces/1/members', status=200, params=params, ) user_role_found = res.json_body assert user_role_found['role'] == 'content-manager' assert user_role_found['user_id'] == 2 assert user_role_found['workspace_id'] == 1 res = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/1/members', status=200).json_body # nopep8 assert len(res) == 2 user_role = res[0] assert user_role['role'] == 'workspace-manager' assert user_role['user_id'] == 1 assert user_role['workspace_id'] == 1 user_role = res[1] assert user_role_found == user_role def test_api__create_workspace_member_role__ok_200__user_email(self): """ Create workspace member role :return: """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'admin@admin.admin', 'admin@admin.admin' ) ) # create workspace role params = { 'user_id': None, 'user_email_or_public_name': 'lawrence-not-real-email@fsf.local', 'role': 'content-manager', } res = self.testapp.post_json( '/api/v2/workspaces/1/members', status=200, params=params, ) user_role_found = res.json_body assert user_role_found['role'] == 'content-manager' assert user_role_found['user_id'] == 2 assert user_role_found['workspace_id'] == 1 res = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/1/members', status=200).json_body # nopep8 assert len(res) == 2 user_role = res[0] assert user_role['role'] == 'workspace-manager' assert user_role['user_id'] == 1 assert user_role['workspace_id'] == 1 user_role = res[1] assert user_role_found == user_role def test_api__create_workspace_member_role__ok_200__user_public_name(self): """ Create workspace member role :return: """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'admin@admin.admin', 'admin@admin.admin' ) ) # create workspace role params = { 'user_id': None, 'user_email_or_public_name': 'Lawrence L.', 'role': 'content-manager', } res = self.testapp.post_json( '/api/v2/workspaces/1/members', status=200, params=params, ) user_role_found = res.json_body assert user_role_found['role'] == 'content-manager' assert user_role_found['user_id'] == 2 assert user_role_found['workspace_id'] == 1 res = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/1/members', status=200).json_body # nopep8 assert len(res) == 2 user_role = res[0] assert user_role['role'] == 'workspace-manager' assert user_role['user_id'] == 1 assert user_role['workspace_id'] == 1 user_role = res[1] assert user_role_found == user_role def test_api__create_workspace_member_role__err_400__nothing(self): """ Create workspace member role :return: """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'admin@admin.admin', 'admin@admin.admin' ) ) # create workspace role params = { 'user_id': None, 'user_email_or_public_name': None, 'role': 'content-manager', } res = self.testapp.post_json( '/api/v2/workspaces/1/members', status=400, params=params, ) def test_api__create_workspace_member_role__err_400__wrong_user_id(self): """ Create workspace member role :return: """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'admin@admin.admin', 'admin@admin.admin' ) ) # create workspace role params = { 'user_id': 47, 'user_email_or_public_name': None, 'role': 'content-manager', } res = self.testapp.post_json( '/api/v2/workspaces/1/members', status=400, params=params, ) def test_api__create_workspace_member_role__err_400__wrong_user_email_or_public_name(self): # nopep8 """ Create workspace member role :return: """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'admin@admin.admin', 'admin@admin.admin' ) ) # create workspace role params = { 'user_id': None, 'user_email_or_public_name': 'nothing@nothing.nothing', 'role': 'content-manager', } res = self.testapp.post_json( '/api/v2/workspaces/1/members', status=400, params=params, ) def test_api__update_workspace_member_role__ok_200__nominal_case(self): """ Update worskpace member role """ # before self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'admin@admin.admin', 'admin@admin.admin' ) ) res = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/1/members', status=200).json_body # nopep8 assert len(res) == 1 user_role = res[0] assert user_role['role'] == 'workspace-manager' assert user_role['user_id'] == 1 assert user_role['workspace_id'] == 1 # update workspace role params = { 'role': 'content-manager', } res = self.testapp.put_json( '/api/v2/workspaces/1/members/1', status=200, params=params, ) user_role = res.json_body assert user_role['role'] == 'content-manager' assert user_role['user_id'] == 1 assert user_role['workspace_id'] == 1 # after res = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/1/members', status=200).json_body # nopep8 assert len(res) == 1 user_role = res[0] assert user_role['role'] == 'content-manager' assert user_role['user_id'] == 1 assert user_role['workspace_id'] == 1 class TestWorkspaceContents(FunctionalTest): """ Tests for /api/v2/workspaces/{workspace_id}/contents endpoint """ fixtures = [BaseFixture, ContentFixtures] def test_api__get_workspace_content__ok_200__get_default(self): """ Check obtain workspace contents with defaults filters """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'admin@admin.admin', 'admin@admin.admin' ) ) res = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/1/contents', status=200).json_body # nopep8 # TODO - G.M - 30-05-2018 - Check this test assert len(res) == 3 content = res[0] assert content['content_id'] == 1 assert content['is_archived'] is False assert content['is_deleted'] is False assert content['label'] == 'Tools' assert content['parent_id'] is None assert content['show_in_ui'] is True assert content['slug'] == 'tools' assert content['status'] == 'open' assert set(content['sub_content_types']) == {'thread', 'html-documents', 'folder', 'file'} # nopep8 assert content['workspace_id'] == 1 content = res[1] assert content['content_id'] == 2 assert content['is_archived'] is False assert content['is_deleted'] is False assert content['label'] == 'Menus' assert content['parent_id'] is None assert content['show_in_ui'] is True assert content['slug'] == 'menus' assert content['status'] == 'open' assert set(content['sub_content_types']) == {'thread', 'html-documents', 'folder', 'file'} # nopep8 assert content['workspace_id'] == 1 content = res[2] assert content['content_id'] == 11 assert content['is_archived'] is False assert content['is_deleted'] is False assert content['label'] == 'Current Menu' assert content['parent_id'] == 2 assert content['show_in_ui'] is True assert content['slug'] == 'current-menu' assert content['status'] == 'open' assert set(content['sub_content_types']) == {'thread', 'html-documents', 'folder', 'file'} # nopep8 assert content['workspace_id'] == 1 # Root related def test_api__get_workspace_content__ok_200__get_all_root_content__legacy_html_slug(self): # nopep8 """ Check obtain workspace all root contents """ set_html_document_slug_to_legacy(self.session_factory) params = { 'parent_id': 0, 'show_archived': 1, 'show_deleted': 1, 'show_active': 1, } self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'bob@fsf.local', 'foobarbaz' ) ) res = self.testapp.get( '/api/v2/workspaces/3/contents', status=200, params=params, ).json_body # nopep8 # TODO - G.M - 30-05-2018 - Check this test assert len(res) == 4 content = res[1] assert content['content_type'] == 'html-documents' assert content['content_id'] == 15 assert content['is_archived'] is False assert content['is_deleted'] is False assert content['label'] == 'New Fruit Salad' assert content['parent_id'] is None assert content['show_in_ui'] is True assert content['slug'] == 'new-fruit-salad' assert content['status'] == 'open' assert set(content['sub_content_types']) == {'thread', 'html-documents', 'folder', 'file'} # nopep8 assert content['workspace_id'] == 3 content = res[2] assert content['content_type'] == 'html-documents' assert content['content_id'] == 16 assert content['is_archived'] is True assert content['is_deleted'] is False assert content['label'].startswith('Fruit Salad') assert content['parent_id'] is None assert content['show_in_ui'] is True assert content['slug'].startswith('fruit-salad') assert content['status'] == 'open' assert set(content['sub_content_types']) == {'thread', 'html-documents', 'folder', 'file'} # nopep8 assert content['workspace_id'] == 3 content = res[3] assert content['content_type'] == 'html-documents' assert content['content_id'] == 17 assert content['is_archived'] is False assert content['is_deleted'] is True assert content['label'].startswith('Bad Fruit Salad') assert content['parent_id'] is None assert content['show_in_ui'] is True assert content['slug'].startswith('bad-fruit-salad') assert content['status'] == 'open' assert set(content['sub_content_types']) == {'thread', 'html-documents', 'folder', 'file'} # nopep8 assert content['workspace_id'] == 3 def test_api__get_workspace_content__ok_200__get_all_root_content(self): """ Check obtain workspace all root contents """ params = { 'parent_id': 0, 'show_archived': 1, 'show_deleted': 1, 'show_active': 1, } self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'bob@fsf.local', 'foobarbaz' ) ) res = self.testapp.get( '/api/v2/workspaces/3/contents', status=200, params=params, ).json_body # nopep8 # TODO - G.M - 30-05-2018 - Check this test assert len(res) == 4 content = res[1] assert content['content_type'] == 'html-documents' assert content['content_id'] == 15 assert content['is_archived'] is False assert content['is_deleted'] is False assert content['label'] == 'New Fruit Salad' assert content['parent_id'] is None assert content['show_in_ui'] is True assert content['slug'] == 'new-fruit-salad' assert content['status'] == 'open' assert set(content['sub_content_types']) == {'thread', 'html-documents', 'folder', 'file'} # nopep8 assert content['workspace_id'] == 3 content = res[2] assert content['content_type'] == 'html-documents' assert content['content_id'] == 16 assert content['is_archived'] is True assert content['is_deleted'] is False assert content['label'].startswith('Fruit Salad') assert content['parent_id'] is None assert content['show_in_ui'] is True assert content['slug'].startswith('fruit-salad') assert content['status'] == 'open' assert set(content['sub_content_types']) == {'thread', 'html-documents', 'folder', 'file'} # nopep8 assert content['workspace_id'] == 3 content = res[3] assert content['content_type'] == 'html-documents' assert content['content_id'] == 17 assert content['is_archived'] is False assert content['is_deleted'] is True assert content['label'].startswith('Bad Fruit Salad') assert content['parent_id'] is None assert content['show_in_ui'] is True assert content['slug'].startswith('bad-fruit-salad') assert content['status'] == 'open' assert set(content['sub_content_types']) == {'thread', 'html-documents', 'folder', 'file'} # nopep8 assert content['workspace_id'] == 3 def test_api__get_workspace_content__ok_200__get_only_active_root_content(self): # nopep8 """ Check obtain workspace root active contents """ params = { 'parent_id': 0, 'show_archived': 0, 'show_deleted': 0, 'show_active': 1, } self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'bob@fsf.local', 'foobarbaz' ) ) res = self.testapp.get( '/api/v2/workspaces/3/contents', status=200, params=params, ).json_body # nopep8 # TODO - G.M - 30-05-2018 - Check this test assert len(res) == 2 content = res[1] assert content['content_type'] == 'html-documents' assert content['content_id'] == 15 assert content['is_archived'] is False assert content['is_deleted'] is False assert content['label'] == 'New Fruit Salad' assert content['parent_id'] is None assert content['show_in_ui'] is True assert content['slug'] == 'new-fruit-salad' assert content['status'] == 'open' assert set(content['sub_content_types']) == {'thread', 'html-documents', 'folder', 'file'} # nopep8 assert content['workspace_id'] == 3 def test_api__get_workspace_content__ok_200__get_only_archived_root_content(self): # nopep8 """ Check obtain workspace root archived contents """ params = { 'parent_id': 0, 'show_archived': 1, 'show_deleted': 0, 'show_active': 0, } self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'bob@fsf.local', 'foobarbaz' ) ) res = self.testapp.get( '/api/v2/workspaces/3/contents', status=200, params=params, ).json_body # nopep8 assert len(res) == 1 content = res[0] assert content['content_type'] == 'html-documents' assert content['content_id'] == 16 assert content['is_archived'] is True assert content['is_deleted'] is False assert content['label'].startswith('Fruit Salad') assert content['parent_id'] is None assert content['show_in_ui'] is True assert content['slug'].startswith('fruit-salad') assert content['status'] == 'open' assert set(content['sub_content_types']) == {'thread', 'html-documents', 'folder', 'file'} # nopep8 assert content['workspace_id'] == 3 def test_api__get_workspace_content__ok_200__get_only_deleted_root_content(self): # nopep8 """ Check obtain workspace root deleted contents """ params = { 'parent_id': 0, 'show_archived': 0, 'show_deleted': 1, 'show_active': 0, } self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'bob@fsf.local', 'foobarbaz' ) ) res = self.testapp.get( '/api/v2/workspaces/3/contents', status=200, params=params, ).json_body # nopep8 # TODO - G.M - 30-05-2018 - Check this test assert len(res) == 1 content = res[0] assert content['content_type'] == 'html-documents' assert content['content_id'] == 17 assert content['is_archived'] is False assert content['is_deleted'] is True assert content['label'].startswith('Bad Fruit Salad') assert content['parent_id'] is None assert content['show_in_ui'] is True assert content['slug'].startswith('bad-fruit-salad') assert content['status'] == 'open' assert set(content['sub_content_types']) == {'thread', 'html-documents', 'folder', 'file'} # nopep8 assert content['workspace_id'] == 3 def test_api__get_workspace_content__ok_200__get_nothing_root_content(self): """ Check obtain workspace root content who does not match any type (archived, deleted, active) result should be empty list. """ params = { 'parent_id': 0, 'show_archived': 0, 'show_deleted': 0, 'show_active': 0, } self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'bob@fsf.local', 'foobarbaz' ) ) res = self.testapp.get( '/api/v2/workspaces/3/contents', status=200, params=params, ).json_body # nopep8 # TODO - G.M - 30-05-2018 - Check this test assert res == [] # Folder related def test_api__get_workspace_content__ok_200__get_all_folder_content(self): """ Check obtain workspace folder all contents """ params = { 'parent_id': 10, # TODO - G.M - 30-05-2018 - Find a real id 'show_archived': 1, 'show_deleted': 1, 'show_active': 1, } self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'admin@admin.admin', 'admin@admin.admin' ) ) res = self.testapp.get( '/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents', status=200, params=params, ).json_body # nopep8 assert len(res) == 3 content = res[0] assert content['content_type'] == 'html-documents' assert content['content_id'] == 12 assert content['is_archived'] is False assert content['is_deleted'] is False assert content['label'] == 'New Fruit Salad' assert content['parent_id'] == 10 assert content['show_in_ui'] is True assert content['slug'] == 'new-fruit-salad' assert content['status'] == 'open' assert set(content['sub_content_types']) == {'thread', 'html-documents', 'folder', 'file'} # nopep8 assert content['workspace_id'] == 2 content = res[1] assert content['content_type'] == 'html-documents' assert content['content_id'] == 13 assert content['is_archived'] is True assert content['is_deleted'] is False assert content['label'].startswith('Fruit Salad') assert content['parent_id'] == 10 assert content['show_in_ui'] is True assert content['slug'].startswith('fruit-salad') assert content['status'] == 'open' assert set(content['sub_content_types']) == {'thread', 'html-documents', 'folder', 'file'} # nopep8 assert content['workspace_id'] == 2 content = res[2] assert content['content_type'] == 'html-documents' assert content['content_id'] == 14 assert content['is_archived'] is False assert content['is_deleted'] is True assert content['label'].startswith('Bad Fruit Salad') assert content['parent_id'] == 10 assert content['show_in_ui'] is True assert content['slug'].startswith('bad-fruit-salad') assert content['status'] == 'open' assert set(content['sub_content_types']) == {'thread', 'html-documents', 'folder', 'file'} # nopep8 assert content['workspace_id'] == 2 def test_api__get_workspace_content__ok_200__get_only_active_folder_content(self): # nopep8 """ Check obtain workspace folder active contents """ params = { 'parent_id': 10, 'show_archived': 0, 'show_deleted': 0, 'show_active': 1, } self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'admin@admin.admin', 'admin@admin.admin' ) ) res = self.testapp.get( '/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents', status=200, params=params, ).json_body # nopep8 assert len(res) == 1 content = res[0] assert content['content_type'] assert content['content_id'] == 12 assert content['is_archived'] is False assert content['is_deleted'] is False assert content['label'] == 'New Fruit Salad' assert content['parent_id'] == 10 assert content['show_in_ui'] is True assert content['slug'] == 'new-fruit-salad' assert content['status'] == 'open' assert set(content['sub_content_types']) == {'thread', 'html-documents', 'folder', 'file'} # nopep8 assert content['workspace_id'] == 2 def test_api__get_workspace_content__ok_200__get_only_archived_folder_content(self): # nopep8 """ Check obtain workspace folder archived contents """ params = { 'parent_id': 10, 'show_archived': 1, 'show_deleted': 0, 'show_active': 0, } self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'admin@admin.admin', 'admin@admin.admin' ) ) res = self.testapp.get( '/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents', status=200, params=params, ).json_body # nopep8 assert len(res) == 1 content = res[0] assert content['content_type'] == 'html-documents' assert content['content_id'] == 13 assert content['is_archived'] is True assert content['is_deleted'] is False assert content['label'].startswith('Fruit Salad') assert content['parent_id'] == 10 assert content['show_in_ui'] is True assert content['slug'].startswith('fruit-salad') assert content['status'] == 'open' assert set(content['sub_content_types']) == {'thread', 'html-documents', 'folder', 'file'} # nopep8 assert content['workspace_id'] == 2 def test_api__get_workspace_content__ok_200__get_only_deleted_folder_content(self): # nopep8 """ Check obtain workspace folder deleted contents """ params = { 'parent_id': 10, 'show_archived': 0, 'show_deleted': 1, 'show_active': 0, } self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'admin@admin.admin', 'admin@admin.admin' ) ) res = self.testapp.get( '/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents', status=200, params=params, ).json_body # nopep8 assert len(res) == 1 content = res[0] assert content['content_type'] == 'html-documents' assert content['content_id'] == 14 assert content['is_archived'] is False assert content['is_deleted'] is True assert content['label'].startswith('Bad Fruit Salad') assert content['parent_id'] == 10 assert content['show_in_ui'] is True assert content['slug'].startswith('bad-fruit-salad') assert content['status'] == 'open' assert set(content['sub_content_types']) == {'thread', 'html-documents', 'folder', 'file'} # nopep8 assert content['workspace_id'] == 2 def test_api__get_workspace_content__ok_200__get_nothing_folder_content(self): # nopep8 """ Check obtain workspace folder content who does not match any type (archived, deleted, active) result should be empty list. """ params = { 'parent_id': 10, 'show_archived': 0, 'show_deleted': 0, 'show_active': 0, } self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'admin@admin.admin', 'admin@admin.admin' ) ) res = self.testapp.get( '/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents', status=200, params=params, ).json_body # nopep8 # TODO - G.M - 30-05-2018 - Check this test assert res == [] # Error case def test_api__get_workspace_content__err_400__unallowed_user(self): """ Check obtain workspace content list with an unreachable workspace for user """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'lawrence-not-real-email@fsf.local', 'foobarbaz' ) ) res = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/3/contents', status=400) assert isinstance(res.json, dict) assert 'code' in res.json.keys() assert 'message' in res.json.keys() assert 'details' in res.json.keys() def test_api__get_workspace_content__err_401__unregistered_user(self): """ Check obtain workspace content list with an unregistered user """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'john@doe.doe', 'lapin' ) ) res = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/1/contents', status=401) assert isinstance(res.json, dict) assert 'code' in res.json.keys() assert 'message' in res.json.keys() assert 'details' in res.json.keys() def test_api__get_workspace_content__err_400__workspace_does_not_exist(self): # nopep8 """ Check obtain workspace contents list with an existing user but an unexisting workspace """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'admin@admin.admin', 'admin@admin.admin' ) ) res = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/5/contents', status=400) assert isinstance(res.json, dict) assert 'code' in res.json.keys() assert 'message' in res.json.keys() assert 'details' in res.json.keys() def test_api__post_content_create_generic_content__ok_200__nominal_case(self) -> None: # nopep8 """ Create generic content """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'admin@admin.admin', 'admin@admin.admin' ) ) params = { 'label': 'GenericCreatedContent', 'content_type': 'markdownpage', } res = self.testapp.post_json( '/api/v2/workspaces/1/contents', params=params, status=200 ) assert res assert res.json_body assert res.json_body['status'] == 'open' assert res.json_body['content_id'] assert res.json_body['content_type'] == 'markdownpage' assert res.json_body['is_archived'] is False assert res.json_body['is_deleted'] is False assert res.json_body['workspace_id'] == 1 assert res.json_body['slug'] == 'genericcreatedcontent' assert res.json_body['parent_id'] is None assert res.json_body['show_in_ui'] is True assert res.json_body['sub_content_types'] params_active = { 'parent_id': 0, 'show_archived': 0, 'show_deleted': 0, 'show_active': 1, } # INFO - G.M - 2018-06-165 - Verify if new content is correctly created active_contents = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/1/contents', params=params_active, status=200).json_body # nopep8 assert res.json_body in active_contents def test_api__post_content_create_generic_content__err_400__empty_label(self) -> None: # nopep8 """ Create generic content """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'admin@admin.admin', 'admin@admin.admin' ) ) params = { 'label': '', 'content_type': 'markdownpage', } res = self.testapp.post_json( '/api/v2/workspaces/1/contents', params=params, status=400 ) def test_api__post_content_create_generic_content__err_400__wrong_content_type(self) -> None: # nopep8 """ Create generic content """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'admin@admin.admin', 'admin@admin.admin' ) ) params = { 'label': 'GenericCreatedContent', 'content_type': 'unexistent-content-type', } res = self.testapp.post_json( '/api/v2/workspaces/1/contents', params=params, status=400, ) def test_api_put_move_content__ok_200__nominal_case(self): """ Move content move Apple_Pie (content_id: 8) from Desserts folder(content_id: 3) to Salads subfolder (content_id: 4) of workspace Recipes. """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'admin@admin.admin', 'admin@admin.admin' ) ) params = { 'new_parent_id': '4', # Salads 'new_workspace_id': '2', } params_folder1 = { 'parent_id': 3, 'show_archived': 0, 'show_deleted': 0, 'show_active': 1, } params_folder2 = { 'parent_id': 4, 'show_archived': 0, 'show_deleted': 0, 'show_active': 1, } folder1_contents = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents', params=params_folder1, status=200).json_body # nopep8 folder2_contents = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents', params=params_folder2, status=200).json_body # nopep8 assert [content for content in folder1_contents if content['content_id'] == 8] # nopep8 assert not [content for content in folder2_contents if content['content_id'] == 8] # nopep8 # TODO - G.M - 2018-06-163 - Check content res = self.testapp.put_json( '/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents/8/move', params=params, status=200 ) new_folder1_contents = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents', params=params_folder1, status=200).json_body # nopep8 new_folder2_contents = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents', params=params_folder2, status=200).json_body # nopep8 assert not [content for content in new_folder1_contents if content['content_id'] == 8] # nopep8 assert [content for content in new_folder2_contents if content['content_id'] == 8] # nopep8 assert res.json_body assert res.json_body['parent_id'] == 4 assert res.json_body['content_id'] == 8 assert res.json_body['workspace_id'] == 2 def test_api_put_move_content__ok_200__to_root(self): """ Move content move Apple_Pie (content_id: 8) from Desserts folder(content_id: 3) to root (content_id: 0) of workspace Recipes. """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'admin@admin.admin', 'admin@admin.admin' ) ) params = { 'new_parent_id': None, # root 'new_workspace_id': 2, } params_folder1 = { 'parent_id': 3, 'show_archived': 0, 'show_deleted': 0, 'show_active': 1, } params_folder2 = { 'parent_id': 0, 'show_archived': 0, 'show_deleted': 0, 'show_active': 1, } folder1_contents = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents', params=params_folder1, status=200).json_body # nopep8 folder2_contents = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents', params=params_folder2, status=200).json_body # nopep8 assert [content for content in folder1_contents if content['content_id'] == 8] # nopep8 assert not [content for content in folder2_contents if content['content_id'] == 8] # nopep8 # TODO - G.M - 2018-06-163 - Check content res = self.testapp.put_json( '/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents/8/move', params=params, status=200 ) new_folder1_contents = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents', params=params_folder1, status=200).json_body # nopep8 new_folder2_contents = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents', params=params_folder2, status=200).json_body # nopep8 assert not [content for content in new_folder1_contents if content['content_id'] == 8] # nopep8 assert [content for content in new_folder2_contents if content['content_id'] == 8] # nopep8 assert res.json_body assert res.json_body['parent_id'] is None assert res.json_body['content_id'] == 8 assert res.json_body['workspace_id'] == 2 def test_api_put_move_content__ok_200__with_workspace_id(self): """ Move content move Apple_Pie (content_id: 8) from Desserts folder(content_id: 3) to Salads subfolder (content_id: 4) of workspace Recipes. """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'admin@admin.admin', 'admin@admin.admin' ) ) params = { 'new_parent_id': '4', # Salads 'new_workspace_id': '2', } params_folder1 = { 'parent_id': 3, 'show_archived': 0, 'show_deleted': 0, 'show_active': 1, } params_folder2 = { 'parent_id': 4, 'show_archived': 0, 'show_deleted': 0, 'show_active': 1, } folder1_contents = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents', params=params_folder1, status=200).json_body # nopep8 folder2_contents = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents', params=params_folder2, status=200).json_body # nopep8 assert [content for content in folder1_contents if content['content_id'] == 8] # nopep8 assert not [content for content in folder2_contents if content['content_id'] == 8] # nopep8 # TODO - G.M - 2018-06-163 - Check content res = self.testapp.put_json( '/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents/8/move', params=params, status=200 ) new_folder1_contents = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents', params=params_folder1, status=200).json_body # nopep8 new_folder2_contents = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents', params=params_folder2, status=200).json_body # nopep8 assert not [content for content in new_folder1_contents if content['content_id'] == 8] # nopep8 assert [content for content in new_folder2_contents if content['content_id'] == 8] # nopep8 assert res.json_body assert res.json_body['parent_id'] == 4 assert res.json_body['content_id'] == 8 assert res.json_body['workspace_id'] == 2 def test_api_put_move_content__ok_200__to_another_workspace(self): """ Move content move Apple_Pie (content_id: 8) from Desserts folder(content_id: 3) to Menus subfolder (content_id: 2) of workspace Business. """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'admin@admin.admin', 'admin@admin.admin' ) ) params = { 'new_parent_id': '2', # Menus 'new_workspace_id': '1', } params_folder1 = { 'parent_id': 3, 'show_archived': 0, 'show_deleted': 0, 'show_active': 1, } params_folder2 = { 'parent_id': 2, 'show_archived': 0, 'show_deleted': 0, 'show_active': 1, } folder1_contents = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents', params=params_folder1, status=200).json_body # nopep8 folder2_contents = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/1/contents', params=params_folder2, status=200).json_body # nopep8 assert [content for content in folder1_contents if content['content_id'] == 8] # nopep8 assert not [content for content in folder2_contents if content['content_id'] == 8] # nopep8 # TODO - G.M - 2018-06-163 - Check content res = self.testapp.put_json( '/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents/8/move', params=params, status=200 ) new_folder1_contents = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents', params=params_folder1, status=200).json_body # nopep8 new_folder2_contents = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/1/contents', params=params_folder2, status=200).json_body # nopep8 assert not [content for content in new_folder1_contents if content['content_id'] == 8] # nopep8 assert [content for content in new_folder2_contents if content['content_id'] == 8] # nopep8 assert res.json_body assert res.json_body['parent_id'] == 2 assert res.json_body['content_id'] == 8 assert res.json_body['workspace_id'] == 1 def test_api_put_move_content__ok_200__to_another_workspace_root(self): """ Move content move Apple_Pie (content_id: 8) from Desserts folder(content_id: 3) to root (content_id: 0) of workspace Business. """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'admin@admin.admin', 'admin@admin.admin' ) ) params = { 'new_parent_id': None, # root 'new_workspace_id': '1', } params_folder1 = { 'parent_id': 3, 'show_archived': 0, 'show_deleted': 0, 'show_active': 1, } params_folder2 = { 'parent_id': 0, 'show_archived': 0, 'show_deleted': 0, 'show_active': 1, } folder1_contents = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents', params=params_folder1, status=200).json_body # nopep8 folder2_contents = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/1/contents', params=params_folder2, status=200).json_body # nopep8 assert [content for content in folder1_contents if content['content_id'] == 8] # nopep8 assert not [content for content in folder2_contents if content['content_id'] == 8] # nopep8 # TODO - G.M - 2018-06-163 - Check content res = self.testapp.put_json( '/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents/8/move', params=params, status=200 ) new_folder1_contents = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents', params=params_folder1, status=200).json_body # nopep8 new_folder2_contents = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/1/contents', params=params_folder2, status=200).json_body # nopep8 assert not [content for content in new_folder1_contents if content['content_id'] == 8] # nopep8 assert [content for content in new_folder2_contents if content['content_id'] == 8] # nopep8 assert res.json_body assert res.json_body['parent_id'] is None assert res.json_body['content_id'] == 8 assert res.json_body['workspace_id'] == 1 def test_api_put_move_content__err_400__wrong_workspace_id(self): """ Move content move Apple_Pie (content_id: 8) from Desserts folder(content_id: 3) to Salads subfolder (content_id: 4) of workspace Recipes. Workspace_id of parent_id don't match with workspace_id of workspace """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'admin@admin.admin', 'admin@admin.admin' ) ) params = { 'new_parent_id': '4', # Salads 'new_workspace_id': '1', } params_folder1 = { 'parent_id': 3, 'show_archived': 0, 'show_deleted': 0, 'show_active': 1, } params_folder2 = { 'parent_id': 4, 'show_archived': 0, 'show_deleted': 0, 'show_active': 1, } res = self.testapp.put_json( '/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents/8/move', params=params, status=400, ) def test_api_put_delete_content__ok_200__nominal_case(self): """ delete content delete Apple_pie ( content_id: 8, parent_id: 3) """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'admin@admin.admin', 'admin@admin.admin' ) ) params_active = { 'parent_id': 3, 'show_archived': 0, 'show_deleted': 0, 'show_active': 1, } params_deleted = { 'parent_id': 3, 'show_archived': 0, 'show_deleted': 1, 'show_active': 0, } active_contents = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents', params=params_active, status=200).json_body # nopep8 deleted_contents = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents', params=params_deleted, status=200).json_body # nopep8 assert [content for content in active_contents if content['content_id'] == 8] # nopep8 assert not [content for content in deleted_contents if content['content_id'] == 8] # nopep8 # TODO - G.M - 2018-06-163 - Check content res = self.testapp.put_json( # INFO - G.M - 2018-06-163 - delete Apple_Pie '/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents/8/delete', status=204 ) new_active_contents = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents', params=params_active, status=200).json_body # nopep8 new_deleted_contents = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents', params=params_deleted, status=200).json_body # nopep8 assert not [content for content in new_active_contents if content['content_id'] == 8] # nopep8 assert [content for content in new_deleted_contents if content['content_id'] == 8] # nopep8 def test_api_put_archive_content__ok_200__nominal_case(self): """ archive content archive Apple_pie ( content_id: 8, parent_id: 3) """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'admin@admin.admin', 'admin@admin.admin' ) ) params_active = { 'parent_id': 3, 'show_archived': 0, 'show_deleted': 0, 'show_active': 1, } params_archived = { 'parent_id': 3, 'show_archived': 1, 'show_deleted': 0, 'show_active': 0, } active_contents = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents', params=params_active, status=200).json_body # nopep8 archived_contents = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents', params=params_archived, status=200).json_body # nopep8 assert [content for content in active_contents if content['content_id'] == 8] # nopep8 assert not [content for content in archived_contents if content['content_id'] == 8] # nopep8 res = self.testapp.put_json( '/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents/8/archive', status=204 ) new_active_contents = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents', params=params_active, status=200).json_body # nopep8 new_archived_contents = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents', params=params_archived, status=200).json_body # nopep8 assert not [content for content in new_active_contents if content['content_id'] == 8] # nopep8 assert [content for content in new_archived_contents if content['content_id'] == 8] # nopep8 def test_api_put_undelete_content__ok_200__nominal_case(self): """ Undelete content undelete Bad_Fruit_Salad ( content_id: 14, parent_id: 10) """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'bob@fsf.local', 'foobarbaz' ) ) params_active = { 'parent_id': 10, 'show_archived': 0, 'show_deleted': 0, 'show_active': 1, } params_deleted = { 'parent_id': 10, 'show_archived': 0, 'show_deleted': 1, 'show_active': 0, } active_contents = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents', params=params_active, status=200).json_body # nopep8 deleted_contents = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents', params=params_deleted, status=200).json_body # nopep8 assert not [content for content in active_contents if content['content_id'] == 14] # nopep8 assert [content for content in deleted_contents if content['content_id'] == 14] # nopep8 res = self.testapp.put_json( '/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents/14/undelete', status=204 ) new_active_contents = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents', params=params_active, status=200).json_body # nopep8 new_deleted_contents = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents', params=params_deleted, status=200).json_body # nopep8 assert [content for content in new_active_contents if content['content_id'] == 14] # nopep8 assert not [content for content in new_deleted_contents if content['content_id'] == 14] # nopep8 def test_api_put_unarchive_content__ok_200__nominal_case(self): """ unarchive content, unarchive Fruit_salads ( content_id: 13, parent_id: 10) """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'bob@fsf.local', 'foobarbaz' ) ) params_active = { 'parent_id': 10, 'show_archived': 0, 'show_deleted': 0, 'show_active': 1, } params_archived = { 'parent_id': 10, 'show_archived': 1, 'show_deleted': 0, 'show_active': 0, } active_contents = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents', params=params_active, status=200).json_body # nopep8 archived_contents = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents', params=params_archived, status=200).json_body # nopep8 assert not [content for content in active_contents if content['content_id'] == 13] # nopep8 assert [content for content in archived_contents if content['content_id'] == 13] # nopep8 res = self.testapp.put_json( '/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents/13/unarchive', status=204 ) new_active_contents = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents', params=params_active, status=200).json_body # nopep8 new_archived_contents = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents', params=params_archived, status=200).json_body # nopep8 assert [content for content in new_active_contents if content['content_id'] == 13] # nopep8 assert not [content for content in new_archived_contents if content['content_id'] == 13] # nopep8