.nomarginlabel margin-bottom 0 settingText() margin 15px 0 font-size 18px .table td vertical-align middle .table tr:nth-child(even) background-color grey-hover /**** MENU HAMBURGER ON EXPAND BAR *****/ .hamburger--spring .hamburger-inner margin 4px 8px .hamburger--spring .hamburger-inner::before top 7px .hamburger--spring .hamburger-inner::after top 14px /***************************************/ .hamburger--spring .hamburger-inner transition-delay 0.22s background-color transparent &::before top -3px transition top 0.1s 0.15s cubic-bezier(0.33333, 0, 0.66667, 0.33333), transform 0.13s 0.22s cubic-bezier(0.215, 0.61, 0.355, 1) transform translate3d(0, 10px, 0) rotate(45deg) &::after top -3px transition top 0.2s cubic-bezier(0.33333, 0, 0.66667, 0.33333), transform 0.13s 0.22s cubic-bezier(0.215, 0.61, 0.355, 1) transform translate3d(0, 10px, 0) rotate(-45deg) .hamburger-inner, .hamburger-inner::after, .hamburger-inner::before width 30px .account .btn-outline-primary color thirdColor border-color thirdColor &:hover, &:focus, &:active color off-white border-color thirdColor background-color thirdColor box-shadow 0 0 1px 2px fifthColor outline fifthColor &__userinformation display flex justify-content center align-items center flex-wrap wrap border 1px solid grey padding 25px font-size 18px &__wrapper flex-direction column &__avatar margin-right 50px img width 150px height 150px &__name font-size 22px &__email color thirdColor &__company font-size 20px color thirdColor &__delimiter position relative top 3px margin auto z-index 3 &__userpreference display flex padding 25px width 100% background-color lightGrey &__menu margin-right 30px border-radius 10px padding 0 width 20% min-height 600px background-color off-white &__responsive font-size 20px &__list width 100% margin-bottom 20px &__close display none justify-content flex-end margin 10px 0 15px 0 font-size 20px cursor pointer &__disabled padding 25px 20px 20px 16px color grey font-size 18px &__item margin-top 10px font-weight 500 font-size 18px cursor pointer &:hover background-color lightGrey &.active background-color thirdColor color white &__setting border-radius 10px padding 20px width 80% min-height 600px background-color off-white .personaldata &__text settingText() &__form margin 25px 0 &__title margin-bottom 15px font-size 18px &__txtinput display block width auto border 1px solid thirdColor border-radius 5px &__button vertical-align top border 1px solid thirdColor border-radius 5px padding 8px 25px cursor pointer .calendar &__text settingText() &__title margin 15px 0 font-size 18px &__link display inline-block border 1px solid grey border-radius 5px padding 10px 25px &__timezone margin 15px 0 30px 0 &__select max-width 300px .notification &__text settingText() margin-bottom 30px &__table border 1px solid lightGrey &__role display flex align-items center &__icon margin-right 10px /***** MEDIAQUERIES *****/ /**** MEDIA 576px & 1199px ****/ // Regroup the common rules @media (min-width: min-sm) and (max-width: max-md) .account &__userpreference display block position relative &__menu justify-content center margin-bottom 25px border-radius 50% width 60px min-height 60px &__responsive &__hamburger padding 0 &:focus outline none &__box margin 15px 5px 0 0 &__icon, &__icon::before, &__icon::after width 30px &__list display none &__setting padding 10px width 100% .activemenu .account &__userpreference &__menu justify-content start position absolute top 0 left 0 border-radius 10px width 100% height 100% z-index 2 background-color rgbGrey &__responsive display none &__list display block border-radius 10px height 100% background-color off-white width 300px &__close display flex &__disabled padding 0 20px /***** MEDIA LG *****/ @media (min-width: min-lg) and (max-width: max-lg) .account &__userpreference padding 25px 10px &__menu margin-right 15px width 25% /**** MEDIA SM ****/ @media (min-width: min-sm) and (max-width: max-sm) .account &__userpreference padding 25px 0 &__menu margin-left 15px &__setting padding 30px 15px .activemenu .account__userpreference__menu margin-left 0 /***** MEDIA XS *****/ @media (max-width: max-xs) .hamburger-box width 45px height 22px .account &__userinformation &__avatar margin 0 0 20px 0 &__wrapper text-align center &__userpreference display block position relative padding 25px 0 &__menu justify-content center margin 0 0 25px 15px border-radius 30px width 60px min-height 60px &__responsive align-self center &__list display none &__setting border-radius 0 padding 10px 0 width 100% .personaldata &__form margin-left 10px .calendar &__link padding 10px 15px .notification &__table &__wksname text-overflow ellipsis white-space nowrap overflow hidden width 175px &:focus overflow visible width auto .activemenu .account &__userpreference &__menu justify-content start position absolute top 0 left 0 margin-left 0 border-radius 10px width 100% height 100% z-index 2 background-color rgbGrey &__responsive display none &__list display block border-radius 10px height 100% background-color off-white width 300px &__close display flex &__disabled padding 0 20px