# coding=utf-8
import typing
from datetime import datetime

from slugify import slugify
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from tracim import CFG
from tracim.models import User
from tracim.models.auth import Profile
from tracim.models.data import Workspace, UserRoleInWorkspace, Content
from tracim.models.workspace_menu_entries import default_workspace_menu_entry, \

class LoginCredentials(object):
    Login credentials model for login

    def __init__(self, email: str, password: str):
        self.email = email
        self.password = password

class ContentFilter(object):
    Content filter model
    def __init__(self,
                 parent_id: int = None,
                 show_archived: int = 0,
                 show_deleted: int = 0,
                 show_active: int = 1,
        self.parent_id = parent_id
        self.show_archived = bool(show_archived)
        self.show_deleted = bool(show_deleted)
        self.show_active = bool(show_active)

class UserInContext(object):
    Interface to get User data and User data related to context.

    def __init__(self, user: User, dbsession: Session, config: CFG):
        self.user = user
        self.dbsession = dbsession
        self.config = config

    # Default

    def email(self) -> str:
        return self.user.email

    def user_id(self) -> int:
        return self.user.user_id

    def display_name(self) -> str:
        return self.user.display_name

    def created(self) -> datetime:
        return self.user.created

    def is_active(self) -> bool:
        return self.user.is_active

    def timezone(self) -> str:
        return self.user.timezone

    def profile(self) -> Profile:
        return self.user.profile

    # Context related

    def calendar_url(self) -> typing.Optional[str]:
        # TODO - G-M - 20-04-2018 - [Calendar] Replace calendar code to get
        # url calendar url.
        # from tracim.lib.calendar import CalendarManager
        # calendar_manager = CalendarManager(None)
        # return calendar_manager.get_workspace_calendar_url(self.workspace_id)
        return None

    def avatar_url(self) -> typing.Optional[str]:
        # TODO - G-M - 20-04-2018 - [Avatar] Add user avatar feature
        return None

class WorkspaceInContext(object):
    Interface to get Workspace data and Workspace data related to context.

    def __init__(self, workspace: Workspace, dbsession: Session, config: CFG):
        self.workspace = workspace
        self.dbsession = dbsession
        self.config = config

    def workspace_id(self) -> int:
        numeric id of the workspace.
        return self.workspace.workspace_id

    def id(self) -> int:
        alias of workspace_id
        return self.workspace_id

    def label(self) -> str:
        get workspace label
        return self.workspace.label

    def description(self) -> str:
        get workspace description
        return self.workspace.description

    def slug(self) -> str:
        get workspace slug
        return slugify(self.workspace.label)

    def sidebar_entries(self) -> typing.List[WorkspaceMenuEntry]:
        get sidebar entries, those depends on activated apps.
        # TODO - G.M - 22-05-2018 - Rework on this in
        # order to not use hardcoded list
        # list should be able to change (depending on activated/disabled
        # apps)
        return default_workspace_menu_entry(self.workspace)

class UserRoleWorkspaceInContext(object):
    Interface to get UserRoleInWorkspace data and related content

    def __init__(
            user_role: UserRoleInWorkspace,
            dbsession: Session,
            config: CFG,
    )-> None:
        self.user_role = user_role
        self.dbsession = dbsession
        self.config = config

    def user_id(self) -> int:
        User who has the role has this id
        :return: user id as integer
        return self.user_role.user_id

    def workspace_id(self) -> int:
        This role apply only on the workspace with this workspace_id
        :return: workspace id as integer
        return self.user_role.workspace_id

    # TODO - G.M - 23-05-2018 - Check the API spec for this this !

    def role_id(self) -> int:
        role as int id, each value refer to a different role.
        return self.user_role.role

    def role_slug(self) -> str:
        simple name of the role of the user.
        can be anything from UserRoleInWorkspace SLUG, like
        'not_applicable', 'reader',
        'contributor', 'content_manager', 'workspace_manager'
        :return: user workspace role as slug.
        return UserRoleInWorkspace.SLUG[self.user_role.role]

    def user(self) -> UserInContext:
        User who has this role, with context data
        :return: UserInContext object
        return UserInContext(

    def workspace(self) -> WorkspaceInContext:
        Workspace related to this role, with his context data
        :return: WorkspaceInContext object
        return WorkspaceInContext(

class ContentInContext(object):
    Interface to get Content data and Content data related to context.

    def __init__(self, content: Content, dbsession: Session, config: CFG):
        self.content = content
        self.dbsession = dbsession
        self.config = config

    # Default

    def id(self) -> int:
        return self.content.content_id

    def parent_id(self) -> int:
        return self.content.parent_id

    def workspace_id(self) -> int:
        return self.content.workspace_id

    def label(self) -> str:
        return self.content.label

    def content_type_slug(self) -> str:
        return self.content.type

    def sub_content_type_slug(self) -> typing.List[str]:
        return [type.slug for type in self.content.get_allowed_content_types()]

    def status_slug(self) -> str:
        return self.content.status

    def is_archived(self):
        return self.content.is_archived

    def is_deleted(self):
        return self.content.is_deleted

    # Context-related

    def show_in_ui(self):
        # TODO - G.M - 31-05-2018 - Enable Show_in_ui params
        # if false, then do not show content in the treeview.
        # This may his maybe used for specific contents or for sub-contents.
        # Default is True.
        # In first version of the API, this field is always True
        return True

    def slug(self):
        return slugify(self.content.label)