// ----------------------------------------------------- // border management for Workspace container border-style = 1px solid darkBlue .folder__header border border-style .folder + .file, .file + .file border-bottom 0 .folder__content > .file, .folder__content > .folder border-bottom 0 .folder:not(.active).item-last border-bottom border-style .file border border-style &.item-last border-bottom border-style // @TODO the very last line of file or folder has to be added a border bottom in js // ----------------------------------------------------- folderclose() height 0 visibility hidden opacity 0 folderopen() height 100% opacity 1 visibility visible transition opacity 1s .folder padding-left 30px & > .folder__header folderopen() & > .folder__content folderclose() & > .file, > .folder folderclose() &.active & > .folder__header .folder__header__triangleborder display block &__triangle display block & > .folder__content folderopen() & > .file, > .folder folderopen() &__header position relative display flex justify-content space-between margin-left -30px border-bottom 0 background-color lightGrey cursor pointer &:hover background-color folder-hover .folder__header__triangleborder__triangle border-color folder-hover transparent transparent transparent &__triangleborder display none position absolute top 61px left -1px border-style solid border-width 25px 30px 0 30px border-color darkBlue transparent transparent transparent z-index 1 &__triangle display none position absolute top -26px left -30px border-style solid border-width 25px 30px 0 30px border-color lightGrey transparent transparent transparent &__name display flex padding-left 5px &__icon margin auto 15px font-size 25px color darkBlue &__text margin auto 15px font-size 17px color darkBlue &__addbtn margin auto 0 cursor pointer &:hover > .folder__header__name__addbtn__text color white &__text font-size 17px &__contenttype display flex &__text padding 18px 15px font-size 17px color darkBlue &__icon padding 18px 5px font-size 17px color darkBlue & > i margin-right 15px @media (max-width: max-xs) .folder &__header &__triangleborder top 59px &__name &__icon padding 14px 15px font-size 20px &__text font-size 15px &__contenttype display none