import os import sys import threading import time from datetime import datetime from xml.etree import ElementTree import transaction import yaml from pyramid.paster import get_appsettings from wsgidav import util, compat from wsgidav.middleware import BaseMiddleware from tracim import CFG from tracim.lib.core.user import UserApi from tracim.models import get_engine, get_session_factory, get_tm_session class TracimWsgiDavDebugFilter(BaseMiddleware): """ COPY PASTE OF wsgidav.debug_filter.WsgiDavDebugFilter WITH ADD OF DUMP RESPONSE & REQUEST """ def __init__(self, application, config): self._application = application self._config = config # self.out = sys.stderr self.out = sys.stdout self.passedLitmus = {} # These methods boost verbose=2 to verbose=3 self.debug_methods = config.get("debug_methods", []) # Litmus tests containing these string boost verbose=2 to verbose=3 self.debug_litmus = config.get("debug_litmus", []) # Exit server, as soon as this litmus test has finished self.break_after_litmus = [ # "locks: 15", ] self.last_request_time = '__NOT_SET__' # We disable request content dump for moment # if self._config.get('dump_requests'): # # Monkey patching # old_parseXmlBody = util.parseXmlBody # def new_parseXmlBody(environ, allowEmpty=False): # xml = old_parseXmlBody(environ, allowEmpty) # self._dump_request(environ, xml) # return xml # util.parseXmlBody = new_parseXmlBody def __call__(self, environ, start_response): """""" # srvcfg = environ["wsgidav.config"] verbose = self._config.get("verbose", 2) self.last_request_time = '{0}_{1}'.format( datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S'), int(round(time.time() * 1000)), ) method = environ["REQUEST_METHOD"] debugBreak = False dumpRequest = False dumpResponse = False if verbose >= 3 or self._config.get("dump_requests"): dumpRequest = dumpResponse = True # Process URL commands if "dump_storage" in environ.get("QUERY_STRING"): dav = environ.get("wsgidav.provider") if dav.lockManager: dav.lockManager._dump() if dav.propManager: dav.propManager._dump() # Turn on max. debugging for selected litmus tests litmusTag = environ.get("HTTP_X_LITMUS", environ.get("HTTP_X_LITMUS_SECOND")) if litmusTag and verbose >= 2: print("----\nRunning litmus test '%s'..." % litmusTag, file=self.out) for litmusSubstring in self.debug_litmus: if litmusSubstring in litmusTag: verbose = 3 debugBreak = True dumpRequest = True dumpResponse = True break for litmusSubstring in self.break_after_litmus: if litmusSubstring in self.passedLitmus and litmusSubstring not in litmusTag: print(" *** break after litmus %s" % litmusTag, file=self.out) sys.exit(-1) if litmusSubstring in litmusTag: self.passedLitmus[litmusSubstring] = True # Turn on max. debugging for selected request methods if verbose >= 2 and method in self.debug_methods: verbose = 3 debugBreak = True dumpRequest = True dumpResponse = True # Set debug options to environment environ["wsgidav.verbose"] = verbose # environ["wsgidav.debug_methods"] = self.debug_methods environ["wsgidav.debug_break"] = debugBreak environ["wsgidav.dump_request_body"] = dumpRequest environ["wsgidav.dump_response_body"] = dumpResponse # Dump request headers if dumpRequest: print("<%s> --- %s Request ---" % ( threading.currentThread().ident, method), file=self.out) for k, v in environ.items(): if k == k.upper(): print("%20s: '%s'" % (k, v), file=self.out) print("\n", file=self.out) self._dump_request(environ, xml=None) # Intercept start_response # sub_app_start_response = util.SubAppStartResponse() nbytes = 0 first_yield = True app_iter = self._application(environ, sub_app_start_response) for v in app_iter: # Start response (the first time) if first_yield: # Success! start_response(sub_app_start_response.status, sub_app_start_response.response_headers, sub_app_start_response.exc_info) # Dump response headers if first_yield and dumpResponse: print("<%s> --- %s Response(%s): ---" % ( threading.currentThread().ident, method, sub_app_start_response.status), file=self.out) headersdict = dict(sub_app_start_response.response_headers) for envitem in headersdict.keys(): print("%s: %s" % (envitem, repr(headersdict[envitem])), file=self.out) print("", file=self.out) # Check, if response is a binary string, otherwise we probably have # calculated a wrong content-length assert compat.is_bytes(v), v # Dump response body drb = environ.get("wsgidav.dump_response_body") if compat.is_basestring(drb): # Middleware provided a formatted body representation print(drb, file=self.out) elif drb is True: # Else dump what we get, (except for long GET responses) if method == "GET": if first_yield: print(v[:50], "...", file=self.out) elif len(v) > 0: print(v, file=self.out) if dumpResponse: self._dump_response(sub_app_start_response, drb) drb = environ["wsgidav.dump_response_body"] = None nbytes += len(v) first_yield = False yield v if hasattr(app_iter, "close"): app_iter.close() # Start response (if it hasn't been done yet) if first_yield: # Success! start_response(sub_app_start_response.status, sub_app_start_response.response_headers, sub_app_start_response.exc_info) if dumpResponse: print("\n<%s> --- End of %s Response (%i bytes) ---" % ( threading.currentThread().ident, method, nbytes), file=self.out) return def _dump_response(self, sub_app_start_response, drb): dump_to_path = self._config.get( 'dump_requests_path', '/tmp/wsgidav_dumps', ) os.makedirs(dump_to_path, exist_ok=True) dump_file = '{0}/{1}_RESPONSE_{2}.yml'.format( dump_to_path, self.last_request_time, sub_app_start_response.status[0:3], ) with open(dump_file, 'w+') as f: dump_content = dict() headers = {} for header_tuple in sub_app_start_response.response_headers: headers[header_tuple[0]] = header_tuple[1] dump_content['headers'] = headers if isinstance(drb, str): dump_content['content'] = drb.replace('PROPFIND XML response body:\n', '') f.write(yaml.dump(dump_content, default_flow_style=False)) def _dump_request(self, environ, xml): dump_to_path = self._config.get( 'dump_requests_path', '/tmp/wsgidav_dumps', ) os.makedirs(dump_to_path, exist_ok=True) dump_file = '{0}/{1}_REQUEST_{2}.yml'.format( dump_to_path, self.last_request_time, environ['REQUEST_METHOD'], ) with open(dump_file, 'w+') as f: dump_content = dict() dump_content['path'] = environ.get('PATH_INFO', '') dump_content['Authorization'] = environ.get('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION', '') if xml: dump_content['content'] = ElementTree.tostring(xml, 'utf-8') f.write(yaml.dump(dump_content, default_flow_style=False)) class TracimEnforceHTTPS(BaseMiddleware): def __init__(self, application, config): super().__init__(application, config) self._application = application self._config = config def __call__(self, environ, start_response): # TODO - G.M - 06-03-2018 - Check protocol from http header first # see # if this params doesn't exist, rely on tracim config # from tracim.config.app_cfg import CFG # cfg = CFG.get_instance() # # if cfg.WEBSITE_BASE_URL.startswith('https'): # environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] = 'https' return self._application(environ, start_response) class TracimEnv(BaseMiddleware): def __init__(self, application, config): super().__init__(application, config) self._application = application self._config = config self.settings = get_appsettings(config['tracim_config']) self.engine = get_engine(self.settings) self.session_factory = get_session_factory(self.engine) self.app_config = CFG(self.settings) self.app_config.configure_filedepot() def __call__(self, environ, start_response): # TODO - G.M - 18-05-2018 - This code should not create trouble # with thread and database, this should be verify. # see tm = transaction.manager dbsession = get_tm_session(self.session_factory, tm) environ['tracim_tm'] = tm environ['tracim_dbsession'] = dbsession environ['tracim_cfg'] = self.app_config app = self._application(environ, start_response) dbsession.close() return app class TracimUserSession(BaseMiddleware): def __init__(self, application, config): super().__init__(application, config) self._application = application self._config = config def __call__(self, environ, start_response): environ['tracim_user'] = UserApi( None, session=environ['tracim_dbsession'], config=environ['tracim_cfg'], ).get_one_by_email(environ['http_authenticator.username']) return self._application(environ, start_response)