# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from tracim.tests import FunctionalTest from tracim.fixtures.content import Content as ContentFixtures from tracim.fixtures.users_and_groups import Base as BaseFixture class TestCommentsEndpoint(FunctionalTest): """ Tests for /api/v2/workspaces/{workspace_id}/contents/{content_id}/comments endpoint """ fixtures = [BaseFixture, ContentFixtures] def test_api__get_contents_comments__ok_200__nominal_case(self) -> None: """ Get alls comments of a content """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'admin@admin.admin', 'admin@admin.admin' ) ) res = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents/7/comments', status=200) # nopep8 assert len(res.json_body) == 3 comment = res.json_body[0] assert comment['content_id'] == 18 assert comment['parent_id'] == 7 assert comment['raw_content'] == '
What is for you the best cake ever? I personnally vote for Chocolate cupcake!
' # nopep8 assert comment['author'] assert comment['author']['user_id'] == 1 # TODO - G.M - 2018-06-172 - [avatar] setup avatar url assert comment['author']['avatar_url'] == None assert comment['author']['public_name'] == 'Global manager' comment = res.json_body[1] assert comment['content_id'] == 19 assert comment['parent_id'] == 7 assert comment['raw_content'] == 'What about Apple Pie? There are Awesome!
' # nopep8 assert comment['author'] assert comment['author']['user_id'] == 3 # TODO - G.M - 2018-06-172 - [avatar] setup avatar url assert comment['author']['avatar_url'] == None assert comment['author']['public_name'] == 'Bob i.' # TODO - G.M - 2018-06-179 - better check for datetime assert comment['created'] comment = res.json_body[2] assert comment['content_id'] == 20 assert comment['parent_id'] == 7 assert comment['raw_content'] == 'You are right, but Kouign-amann are clearly better.
' # nopep8 assert comment['author'] assert comment['author']['user_id'] == 4 # TODO - G.M - 2018-06-172 - [avatar] setup avatar url assert comment['author']['avatar_url'] == None assert comment['author']['public_name'] == 'John Reader' # TODO - G.M - 2018-06-179 - better check for datetime assert comment['created'] def test_api__post_content_comment__ok_200__nominal_case(self) -> None: """ Get alls comments of a content """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'admin@admin.admin', 'admin@admin.admin' ) ) params = { 'raw_content': 'I strongly disagree, Tiramisu win!' } res = self.testapp.post_json( '/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents/7/comments', params=params, status=200 ) comment = res.json_body assert comment['content_id'] assert comment['parent_id'] == 7 assert comment['raw_content'] == 'I strongly disagree, Tiramisu win!' assert comment['author'] assert comment['author']['user_id'] == 1 # TODO - G.M - 2018-06-172 - [avatar] setup avatar url assert comment['author']['avatar_url'] is None assert comment['author']['public_name'] == 'Global manager' # TODO - G.M - 2018-06-179 - better check for datetime assert comment['created'] res = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents/7/comments', status=200) # nopep8 assert len(res.json_body) == 4 assert comment == res.json_body[3] def test_api__delete_content_comment__ok_200__user_is_owner_and_workspace_manager(self) -> None: # nopep8 """ delete comment (user is workspace_manager and owner) """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'admin@admin.admin', 'admin@admin.admin' ) ) res = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents/7/comments', status=200) assert len(res.json_body) == 3 comment = res.json_body[0] assert comment['content_id'] == 18 assert comment['parent_id'] == 7 assert comment['raw_content'] == 'What is for you the best cake ever? I personnally vote for Chocolate cupcake!
' # nopep8 assert comment['author'] assert comment['author']['user_id'] == 1 # TODO - G.M - 2018-06-172 - [avatar] setup avatar url assert comment['author']['avatar_url'] is None assert comment['author']['public_name'] == 'Global manager' # TODO - G.M - 2018-06-179 - better check for datetime assert comment['created'] res = self.testapp.delete( '/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents/7/comments/18', status=204 ) res = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents/7/comments', status=200) assert len(res.json_body) == 2 assert not [content for content in res.json_body if content['content_id'] == 18] # nopep8 def test_api__delete_content_comment__ok_200__user_is_workspace_manager(self) -> None: # nopep8 """ delete comment (user is workspace_manager) """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'admin@admin.admin', 'admin@admin.admin' ) ) res = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents/7/comments', status=200) assert len(res.json_body) == 3 comment = res.json_body[1] assert comment['content_id'] == 19 assert comment['parent_id'] == 7 assert comment['raw_content'] == 'What about Apple Pie? There are Awesome!
' # nopep8 assert comment['author'] assert comment['author']['user_id'] == 3 # TODO - G.M - 2018-06-172 - [avatar] setup avatar url assert comment['author']['avatar_url'] is None assert comment['author']['public_name'] == 'Bob i.' # TODO - G.M - 2018-06-179 - better check for datetime assert comment['created'] res = self.testapp.delete( '/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents/7/comments/19', status=204 ) res = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents/7/comments', status=200) assert len(res.json_body) == 2 assert not [content for content in res.json_body if content['content_id'] == 19] # nopep8 def test_api__delete_content_comment__ok_200__user_is_owner_and_content_manager(self) -> None: # nopep8 """ delete comment (user is content-manager and owner) """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'admin@admin.admin', 'admin@admin.admin' ) ) res = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents/7/comments', status=200) assert len(res.json_body) == 3 comment = res.json_body[1] assert comment['content_id'] == 19 assert comment['parent_id'] == 7 assert comment['raw_content'] == 'What about Apple Pie? There are Awesome!
' # nopep8 assert comment['author'] assert comment['author']['user_id'] == 3 # TODO - G.M - 2018-06-172 - [avatar] setup avatar url assert comment['author']['avatar_url'] is None assert comment['author']['public_name'] == 'Bob i.' # TODO - G.M - 2018-06-179 - better check for datetime assert comment['created'] res = self.testapp.delete( '/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents/7/comments/19', status=204 ) res = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents/7/comments', status=200) assert len(res.json_body) == 2 assert not [content for content in res.json_body if content['content_id'] == 19] # nopep8 def test_api__delete_content_comment__err_403__user_is_content_manager(self) -> None: # nopep8 """ delete comment (user is content-manager) """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'bob@fsf.local', 'foobarbaz' ) ) res = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents/7/comments', status=200) # nopep8 assert len(res.json_body) == 3 comment = res.json_body[2] assert comment['content_id'] == 20 assert comment['parent_id'] == 7 assert comment['raw_content'] == 'You are right, but Kouign-amann are clearly better.
' # nopep8 assert comment['author'] assert comment['author']['user_id'] == 4 # TODO - G.M - 2018-06-172 - [avatar] setup avatar url assert comment['author']['avatar_url'] is None assert comment['author']['public_name'] == 'John Reader' # TODO - G.M - 2018-06-179 - better check for datetime assert comment['created'] res = self.testapp.delete( '/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents/7/comments/20', status=403 ) def test_api__delete_content_comment__err_403__user_is_owner_and_reader(self) -> None: """ delete comment (user is reader and owner) """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'bob@fsf.local', 'foobarbaz' ) ) res = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents/7/comments', status=200) assert len(res.json_body) == 3 comment = res.json_body[2] assert comment['content_id'] == 20 assert comment['parent_id'] == 7 assert comment['raw_content'] == 'You are right, but Kouign-amann are clearly better.
' # nopep8 assert comment['author'] assert comment['author']['user_id'] == 4 # TODO - G.M - 2018-06-172 - [avatar] setup avatar url assert comment['author']['avatar_url'] is None assert comment['author']['public_name'] == 'John Reader' # TODO - G.M - 2018-06-179 - better check for datetime assert comment['created'] res = self.testapp.delete( '/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents/7/comments/20', status=403 ) def test_api__delete_content_comment__err_403__user_is_reader(self) -> None: """ delete comment (user is reader) """ self.testapp.authorization = ( 'Basic', ( 'bob@fsf.local', 'foobarbaz' ) ) res = self.testapp.get('/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents/7/comments', status=200) assert len(res.json_body) == 3 comment = res.json_body[2] assert comment['content_id'] == 20 assert comment['parent_id'] == 7 assert comment['raw_content'] == 'You are right, but Kouign-amann are clearly better.
' # nopep8 assert comment['author'] assert comment['author']['user_id'] == 4 # TODO - G.M - 2018-06-172 - [avatar] setup avatar url assert comment['author']['avatar_url'] is None assert comment['author']['public_name'] == 'John Reader' # TODO - G.M - 2018-06-179 - better check for datetime assert comment['created'] res = self.testapp.delete( '/api/v2/workspaces/2/contents/7/comments/20', status=403 )