# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import io import pytest from sqlalchemy.exc import InvalidRequestError from wsgidav.wsgidav_app import DEFAULT_CONFIG from tracim import WebdavAppFactory from tracim.lib.core.user import UserApi from tracim.lib.webdav import TracimDomainController from tracim.tests import eq_ from tracim.lib.core.notifications import DummyNotifier from tracim.lib.webdav.dav_provider import Provider from tracim.lib.webdav.resources import RootResource from tracim.models import Content from tracim.models import ContentRevisionRO from tracim.tests import StandardTest from tracim.fixtures.content import Content as ContentFixtures from tracim.fixtures.users_and_groups import Base as BaseFixture from wsgidav import util from unittest.mock import MagicMock class TestWebdavFactory(StandardTest): def test_unit__initConfig__ok__nominal_case(self): """ Check if config is correctly modify for wsgidav using mocked wsgidav and tracim conf (as dict) :return: """ tracim_settings = { 'sqlalchemy.url': 'sqlite:///:memory:', 'user.auth_token.validity': '604800', 'depot_storage_dir': '/tmp/test/depot', 'depot_storage_name': 'test', 'preview_cache_dir': '/tmp/test/preview_cache', 'wsgidav.config_path': 'development.ini' } wsgidav_setting = DEFAULT_CONFIG.copy() wsgidav_setting.update( { 'root_path': '', 'acceptbasic': True, 'acceptdigest': False, 'defaultdigest': False, } ) mock = MagicMock() mock._initConfig = WebdavAppFactory._initConfig mock._readConfigFile.return_value = wsgidav_setting mock._get_tracim_settings.return_value = tracim_settings config = mock._initConfig(mock) assert config assert config['acceptbasic'] is True assert config['acceptdigest'] is False assert config['defaultdigest'] is False # TODO - G.M - 25-05-2018 - Better check for middleware stack config assert 'middleware_stack' in config assert len(config['middleware_stack']) == 7 assert 'root_path' in config assert 'provider_mapping' in config assert config['root_path'] in config['provider_mapping'] assert isinstance(config['provider_mapping'][config['root_path']], Provider) # nopep8 assert 'domaincontroller' in config assert isinstance(config['domaincontroller'], TracimDomainController) class TestWebDav(StandardTest): fixtures = [BaseFixture, ContentFixtures] def _get_provider(self, config): return Provider( show_archived=False, show_deleted=False, show_history=False, app_config=config, ) def _get_environ( self, provider: Provider, username: str, ) -> dict: return { 'http_authenticator.username': username, 'http_authenticator.realm': '/', 'wsgidav.provider': provider, 'tracim_user': self._get_user(username), 'tracim_dbsession': self.session, } def _get_user(self, email): return UserApi(None, self.session, self.app_config ).get_one_by_email(email) def _put_new_text_file( self, provider, environ, file_path, file_content, ): # This part id a reproduction of # wsgidav.request_server.RequestServer#doPUT # Grab parent folder where create file parentRes = provider.getResourceInst( util.getUriParent(file_path), environ, ) assert parentRes, 'we should found folder for {0}'.format(file_path) new_resource = parentRes.createEmptyResource( util.getUriName(file_path), ) write_object = new_resource.beginWrite( contentType='application/octet-stream', ) write_object.write(file_content) write_object.close() new_resource.endWrite(withErrors=False) # Now file should exist return provider.getResourceInst( file_path, environ, ) def test_unit__get_root__ok(self): provider = self._get_provider(self.app_config) root = provider.getResourceInst( '/', self._get_environ( provider, 'bob@fsf.local', ) ) assert root, 'Path / should return a RootResource instance' assert isinstance(root, RootResource) def test_unit__list_workspaces_with_user__ok(self): provider = self._get_provider(self.app_config) root = provider.getResourceInst( '/', self._get_environ( provider, 'bob@fsf.local', ) ) assert root, 'Path / should return a RootResource instance' assert isinstance(root, RootResource), 'Path / should return a RootResource instance' children = root.getMemberList() eq_( 2, len(children), msg='RootResource should return 2 workspaces instead {0}'.format( len(children), ) ) workspaces_names = [w.name for w in children] assert 'Recipes' in workspaces_names, \ 'Recipes should be in names ({0})'.format( workspaces_names, ) assert 'Others' in workspaces_names, 'Others should be in names ({0})'.format( workspaces_names, ) def test_unit__list_workspaces_with_admin__ok(self): provider = self._get_provider(self.app_config) root = provider.getResourceInst( '/', self._get_environ( provider, 'admin@admin.admin', ) ) assert root, 'Path / should return a RootResource instance' assert isinstance(root, RootResource), 'Path / should return a RootResource instance' children = root.getMemberList() eq_( 2, len(children), msg='RootResource should return 3 workspaces instead {0}'.format( len(children), ) ) workspaces_names = [w.name for w in children] assert 'Recipes' in workspaces_names, 'Recipes should be in names ({0})'.format( workspaces_names, ) assert 'Business' in workspaces_names, 'Business should be in names ({0})'.format( workspaces_names, ) def test_unit__list_workspace_folders__ok(self): provider = self._get_provider(self.app_config) Recipes = provider.getResourceInst( '/Recipes/', self._get_environ( provider, 'bob@fsf.local', ) ) assert Recipes, 'Path /Recipes should return a Wrkspace instance' children = Recipes.getMemberList() eq_( 2, len(children), msg='Recipes should list 2 folders instead {0}'.format( len(children), ), ) folders_names = [f.name for f in children] assert 'Salads' in folders_names, 'Salads should be in names ({0})'.format( folders_names, ) assert 'Desserts' in folders_names, 'Desserts should be in names ({0})'.format( folders_names, ) def test_unit__list_content__ok(self): provider = self._get_provider(self.app_config) Salads = provider.getResourceInst( '/Recipes/Desserts', self._get_environ( provider, 'bob@fsf.local', ) ) assert Salads, 'Path /Salads should return a Wrkspace instance' children = Salads.getMemberList() eq_( 5, len(children), msg='Salads should list 5 Files instead {0}'.format( len(children), ), ) content_names = [c.name for c in children] assert 'Brownie Recipe.html' in content_names, \ 'Brownie Recipe.html should be in names ({0})'.format( content_names, ) assert 'Best Cakes ʔ.html' in content_names,\ 'Best Cakes ʔ.html should be in names ({0})'.format( content_names, ) assert 'Apple_Pie.txt' in content_names,\ 'Apple_Pie.txt should be in names ({0})'.format(content_names,) assert 'Fruits Desserts' in content_names, \ 'Fruits Desserts should be in names ({0})'.format( content_names, ) assert 'Tiramisu Recipe.html' in content_names,\ 'Tiramisu Recipe.html should be in names ({0})'.format( content_names, ) def test_unit__get_content__ok(self): provider = self._get_provider(self.app_config) pie = provider.getResourceInst( '/Recipes/Desserts/Apple_Pie.txt', self._get_environ( provider, 'bob@fsf.local', ) ) assert pie, 'Apple_Pie should be found' eq_('Apple_Pie.txt', pie.name) def test_unit__delete_content__ok(self): provider = self._get_provider(self.app_config) pie = provider.getResourceInst( '/Recipes/Desserts/Apple_Pie.txt', self._get_environ( provider, 'bob@fsf.local', ) ) content_pie = self.session.query(ContentRevisionRO) \ .filter(Content.label == 'Apple_Pie') \ .one() # It must exist only one revision, cf fixtures eq_( False, content_pie.is_deleted, msg='Content should not be deleted !' ) content_pie_id = content_pie.content_id pie.delete() self.session.flush() content_pie = self.session.query(ContentRevisionRO) \ .filter(Content.content_id == content_pie_id) \ .order_by(Content.revision_id.desc()) \ .first() eq_( True, content_pie.is_deleted, msg='Content should be deleted !' ) result = provider.getResourceInst( '/Recipes/Desserts/Apple_Pie.txt', self._get_environ( provider, 'bob@fsf.local', ) ) eq_(None, result, msg='Result should be None instead {0}'.format( result )) def test_unit__create_content__ok(self): provider = self._get_provider(self.app_config) environ = self._get_environ( provider, 'bob@fsf.local', ) result = provider.getResourceInst( '/Recipes/Salads/greek_salad.txt', environ, ) eq_(None, result, msg='Result should be None instead {0}'.format( result )) result = self._put_new_text_file( provider, environ, '/Recipes/Salads/greek_salad.txt', b'Greek Salad\n', ) assert result, 'Result should not be None instead {0}'.format( result ) eq_( b'Greek Salad\n', result.content.depot_file.file.read(), msg='fiel content should be "Greek Salad\n" but it is {0}'.format( result.content.depot_file.file.read() ) ) def test_unit__create_delete_and_create_file__ok(self): provider = self._get_provider(self.app_config) environ = self._get_environ( provider, 'bob@fsf.local', ) new_file = provider.getResourceInst( '/Recipes/Salads/greek_salad.txt', environ, ) eq_(None, new_file, msg='Result should be None instead {0}'.format( new_file )) # create it new_file = self._put_new_text_file( provider, environ, '/Recipes/Salads/greek_salad.txt', b'Greek Salad\n', ) assert new_file, 'Result should not be None instead {0}'.format( new_file ) content_new_file = self.session.query(ContentRevisionRO) \ .filter(Content.label == 'greek_salad') \ .one() # It must exist only one revision eq_( False, content_new_file.is_deleted, msg='Content should not be deleted !' ) content_new_file_id = content_new_file.content_id # Delete if new_file.delete() self.session.flush() content_pie = self.session.query(ContentRevisionRO) \ .filter(Content.content_id == content_new_file_id) \ .order_by(Content.revision_id.desc()) \ .first() eq_( True, content_pie.is_deleted, msg='Content should be deleted !' ) result = provider.getResourceInst( '/Recipes/Salads/greek_salad.txt', self._get_environ( provider, 'bob@fsf.local', ) ) eq_(None, result, msg='Result should be None instead {0}'.format( result )) # Then create it again new_file = self._put_new_text_file( provider, environ, '/Recipes/Salads/greek_salad.txt', b'greek_salad\n', ) assert new_file, 'Result should not be None instead {0}'.format( new_file ) # Previous file is still dleeted self.session.flush() content_pie = self.session.query(ContentRevisionRO) \ .filter(Content.content_id == content_new_file_id) \ .order_by(Content.revision_id.desc()) \ .first() eq_( True, content_pie.is_deleted, msg='Content should be deleted !' ) # And an other file exist for this name content_new_new_file = self.session.query(ContentRevisionRO) \ .filter(Content.label == 'greek_salad') \ .order_by(Content.revision_id.desc()) \ .first() assert content_new_new_file.content_id != content_new_file_id,\ 'Contents ids should not be same !' eq_( False, content_new_new_file.is_deleted, msg='Content should not be deleted !' ) def test_unit__rename_content__ok(self): provider = self._get_provider(self.app_config) environ = self._get_environ( provider, 'bob@fsf.local', ) pie = provider.getResourceInst( '/Recipes/Desserts/Apple_Pie.txt', environ, ) content_pie = self.session.query(ContentRevisionRO) \ .filter(Content.label == 'Apple_Pie') \ .one() # It must exist only one revision, cf fixtures assert content_pie, 'Apple_Pie should be exist' content_pie_id = content_pie.content_id pie.moveRecursive('/Recipes/Desserts/Apple_Pie_RENAMED.txt') # Database content is renamed content_pie = self.session.query(ContentRevisionRO) \ .filter(ContentRevisionRO.content_id == content_pie_id) \ .order_by(ContentRevisionRO.revision_id.desc()) \ .first() eq_( 'Apple_Pie_RENAMED', content_pie.label, msg='File should be labeled Apple_Pie_RENAMED, not {0}'.format( content_pie.label ) ) def test_unit__move_content__ok(self): provider = self._get_provider(self.app_config) environ = self._get_environ( provider, 'bob@fsf.local', ) pie = provider.getResourceInst( '/Recipes/Desserts/Apple_Pie.txt', environ, ) content_pie = self.session.query(ContentRevisionRO) \ .filter(Content.label == 'Apple_Pie') \ .one() # It must exist only one revision, cf fixtures assert content_pie, 'Apple_Pie should be exist' content_pie_id = content_pie.content_id content_pie_parent = content_pie.parent eq_( content_pie_parent.label, 'Desserts', msg='field parent should be Desserts', ) pie.moveRecursive('/Recipes/Salads/Apple_Pie.txt') # move in f2 # Database content is moved content_pie = self.session.query(ContentRevisionRO) \ .filter(ContentRevisionRO.content_id == content_pie_id) \ .order_by(ContentRevisionRO.revision_id.desc()) \ .first() assert content_pie.parent.label != content_pie_parent.label,\ 'file should be moved in Salads but is in {0}'.format( content_pie.parent.label ) def test_unit__move_and_rename_content__ok(self): provider = self._get_provider(self.app_config) environ = self._get_environ( provider, 'bob@fsf.local', ) pie = provider.getResourceInst( '/Recipes/Desserts/Apple_Pie.txt', environ, ) content_pie = self.session.query(ContentRevisionRO) \ .filter(Content.label == 'Apple_Pie') \ .one() # It must exist only one revision, cf fixtures assert content_pie, 'Apple_Pie should be exist' content_pie_id = content_pie.content_id content_pie_parent = content_pie.parent eq_( content_pie_parent.label, 'Desserts', msg='field parent should be Desserts', ) pie.moveRecursive('/Others/Infos/Apple_Pie_RENAMED.txt') # Database content is moved content_pie = self.session.query(ContentRevisionRO) \ .filter(ContentRevisionRO.content_id == content_pie_id) \ .order_by(ContentRevisionRO.revision_id.desc()) \ .first() assert content_pie.parent.label != content_pie_parent.label,\ 'file should be moved in Recipesf2 but is in {0}'.format( content_pie.parent.label ) eq_( 'Apple_Pie_RENAMED', content_pie.label, msg='File should be labeled Apple_Pie_RENAMED, not {0}'.format( content_pie.label ) ) def test_unit__move_content__ok__another_workspace(self): provider = self._get_provider(self.app_config) environ = self._get_environ( provider, 'bob@fsf.local', ) content_to_move_res = provider.getResourceInst( '/Recipes/Desserts/Apple_Pie.txt', environ, ) content_to_move = self.session.query(ContentRevisionRO) \ .filter(Content.label == 'Apple_Pie') \ .one() # It must exist only one revision, cf fixtures assert content_to_move, 'Apple_Pie should be exist' content_to_move_id = content_to_move.content_id content_to_move_parent = content_to_move.parent eq_( content_to_move_parent.label, 'Desserts', msg='field parent should be Desserts', ) content_to_move_res.moveRecursive('/Others/Infos/Apple_Pie.txt') # move in Business, f1 # Database content is moved content_to_move = self.session.query(ContentRevisionRO) \ .filter(ContentRevisionRO.content_id == content_to_move_id) \ .order_by(ContentRevisionRO.revision_id.desc()) \ .first() assert content_to_move.parent, 'Content should have a parent' assert content_to_move.parent.label == 'Infos',\ 'file should be moved in Infos but is in {0}'.format( content_to_move.parent.label ) def test_unit__update_content__ok(self): provider = self._get_provider(self.app_config) environ = self._get_environ( provider, 'bob@fsf.local', ) result = provider.getResourceInst( '/Recipes/Salads/greek_salad.txt', environ, ) eq_(None, result, msg='Result should be None instead {0}'.format( result )) result = self._put_new_text_file( provider, environ, '/Recipes/Salads/greek_salad.txt', b'hello\n', ) assert result, 'Result should not be None instead {0}'.format( result ) eq_( b'hello\n', result.content.depot_file.file.read(), msg='fiel content should be "hello\n" but it is {0}'.format( result.content.depot_file.file.read() ) ) # ReInit DummyNotifier counter DummyNotifier.send_count = 0 # Update file content write_object = result.beginWrite( contentType='application/octet-stream', ) write_object.write(b'An other line') write_object.close() result.endWrite(withErrors=False) eq_( 1, DummyNotifier.send_count, msg='DummyNotifier should send 1 mail, not {}'.format( DummyNotifier.send_count ), )