import i18n from 'i18next' import { reactI18nextModule } from 'react-i18next' import { frLib, enLib } from 'tracim_frontend_lib' import en from '../i18next.scanner/en/translation.json' import fr from '../i18next.scanner/fr/translation.json' // get translation files of apps // theses files are generated by const htmlDocEnTranslation = require('../dist/app/html-document_en_translation.json') const htmlDocFrTranslation = require('../dist/app/html-document_fr_translation.json') i18n .use(reactI18nextModule) .init({ fallbackLng: 'en', // have a common namespace used around the full app ns: ['translation'], // namespace defaultNS: 'translation', debug: true, react: { wait: true }, resources: { en: { translation: { ...enLib, // fronted_lib ...en, // frontend ...htmlDocEnTranslation // html-document } }, fr: { translation: { ...frLib, // fronted_lib, // frontend ...htmlDocFrTranslation // html-document } } } }) export default i18n