# coding=utf-8 import marshmallow from marshmallow import post_load from marshmallow.validate import OneOf from tracim.models.auth import Profile from tracim.models.contents import CONTENT_DEFAULT_TYPE from tracim.models.contents import CONTENT_DEFAULT_STATUS from tracim.models.contents import GlobalStatus from tracim.models.contents import open_status from tracim.models.context_models import ContentCreation from tracim.models.context_models import SetContentStatus from tracim.models.context_models import CommentCreation from tracim.models.context_models import CommentPath from tracim.models.context_models import MoveParams from tracim.models.context_models import WorkspaceAndContentPath from tracim.models.context_models import ContentFilter from tracim.models.context_models import LoginCredentials from tracim.models.context_models import HTMLDocumentUpdate from tracim.models.context_models import ThreadUpdate from tracim.models.data import UserRoleInWorkspace class UserDigestSchema(marshmallow.Schema): """ Simple user schema """ user_id = marshmallow.fields.Int(dump_only=True, example=3) avatar_url = marshmallow.fields.Url( allow_none=True, example="/api/v2/assets/avatars/suri-cate.jpg", description="avatar_url is the url to the image file. " "If no avatar, then set it to null " "(and frontend will interpret this with a default avatar)", ) public_name = marshmallow.fields.String( example='Suri Cate', ) class UserSchema(UserDigestSchema): """ Complete user schema """ email = marshmallow.fields.Email( required=True, example='suri.cate@algoo.fr' ) created = marshmallow.fields.DateTime( format='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', description='User account creation date', ) is_active = marshmallow.fields.Bool( example=True, # TODO - G.M - Explains this value. ) # TODO - G.M - 17-04-2018 - Restrict timezone values timezone = marshmallow.fields.String( example="Paris/Europe", ) # TODO - G.M - 17-04-2018 - check this, relative url allowed ? caldav_url = marshmallow.fields.Url( allow_none=True, relative=True, attribute='calendar_url', example="/api/v2/calendar/user/3.ics/", description="The url for calendar CalDAV direct access", ) profile = marshmallow.fields.String( attribute='profile', validate=OneOf(Profile._NAME), example='managers', ) class Meta: description = 'User account of Tracim' # Path Schemas class UserIdPathSchema(marshmallow.Schema): user_id = marshmallow.fields.Int(example=3, required=True) class WorkspaceIdPathSchema(marshmallow.Schema): workspace_id = marshmallow.fields.Int(example=4, required=True) class ContentIdPathSchema(marshmallow.Schema): content_id = marshmallow.fields.Int(example=6, required=True) class WorkspaceAndContentIdPathSchema( WorkspaceIdPathSchema, ContentIdPathSchema ): @post_load def make_path_object(self, data): return WorkspaceAndContentPath(**data) class CommentsPathSchema(WorkspaceAndContentIdPathSchema): comment_id = marshmallow.fields.Int( example=6, description='id of a comment related to content content_id', required=True ) @post_load def make_path_object(self, data): return CommentPath(**data) class FilterContentQuerySchema(marshmallow.Schema): parent_id = marshmallow.fields.Int( example=2, default=0, description='allow to filter items in a folder.' ' If not set, then return all contents.' ' If set to 0, then return root contents.' ' If set to another value, return all contents' ' directly included in the folder parent_id' ) show_archived = marshmallow.fields.Int( example=0, default=0, description='if set to 1, then show archived contents.' ' Default is 0 - hide archived content' ) show_deleted = marshmallow.fields.Int( example=0, default=0, description='if set to 1, then show deleted contents.' ' Default is 0 - hide deleted content' ) show_active = marshmallow.fields.Int( example=1, default=1, description='f set to 1, then show active contents. ' 'Default is 1 - show active content.' ' Note: active content are content ' 'that is neither archived nor deleted. ' 'The reason for this parameter to exist is for example ' 'to allow to show only archived documents' ) @post_load def make_content_filter(self, data): return ContentFilter(**data) ### class BasicAuthSchema(marshmallow.Schema): email = marshmallow.fields.Email( example='suri.cate@algoo.fr', required=True ) password = marshmallow.fields.String( example='8QLa$Html page Content !

') ##### # Revision ##### class RevisionSchema(ContentDigestSchema): comments_ids = marshmallow.fields.List(marshmallow.fields.Int(example=4)) revision_id = marshmallow.fields.Int(example=12) created = marshmallow.fields.DateTime( format='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', description='Content creation date', ) author = marshmallow.fields.Nested(UserDigestSchema) class ThreadRevisionSchema(RevisionSchema): content_type = marshmallow.fields.Str( example='thread', validate=OneOf([content.slug for content in CONTENT_DEFAULT_TYPE]), ) raw_content = marshmallow.fields.String('Description of Thread') class HtmlDocumentRevisionSchema(RevisionSchema): content_type = marshmallow.fields.Str( example='html-content', validate=OneOf([content.slug for content in CONTENT_DEFAULT_TYPE]), ) raw_content = marshmallow.fields.String('

Html page Content !

') #### class CommentSchema(marshmallow.Schema): content_id = marshmallow.fields.Int(example=6) parent_id = marshmallow.fields.Int(example=34) raw_content = marshmallow.fields.String( example='

This is just an html comment !

' ) author = marshmallow.fields.Nested(UserDigestSchema) class ContentModifySchema(marshmallow.Schema): label = marshmallow.fields.String( example='contract for client XXX', description='New title of the content' ) class HtmlDocumentModifySchema(ContentModifySchema): raw_content = marshmallow.fields.String('

Html page Content !

') @post_load def html_document_update(self, data): return HTMLDocumentUpdate(**data) class ThreadModifySchema(ContentModifySchema): raw_content = marshmallow.fields.String('Description of Thread') @post_load def thread_update(self, data): return ThreadUpdate(**data) class SetCommentSchema(marshmallow.Schema): raw_content = marshmallow.fields.String( example='

This is just an html comment !

' ) @post_load def create_comment(self, data): return CommentCreation(**data) class SetContentStatusSchema(marshmallow.Schema): status = marshmallow.fields.Str( example='closed-deprecated', validate=OneOf([status.slug for status in CONTENT_DEFAULT_STATUS]), description='this slug is found in content_type available statuses', default=open_status, required=True, ) @post_load def set_status(self, data): return SetContentStatus(**data)