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- from pyramid.response import Response
- from pyramid.view import view_config
- from sqlalchemy.exc import DBAPIError
- from ..models import MyModel
- @view_config(route_name='home', renderer='../templates/mytemplate.jinja2')
- def my_view(request):
- request.config()
- try:
- query = request.dbsession.query(MyModel)
- one = query.filter(MyModel.name == 'one').first()
- except DBAPIError:
- return Response(db_err_msg, content_type='text/plain', status=500)
- return {'one': one, 'project': 'tracim'}
- db_err_msg = """\
- Pyramid is having a problem using your SQL database. The problem
- might be caused by one of the following things:
- 1. You may need to run the "initialize_tracim_db" script
- to initialize your database tables. Check your virtual
- environment's "bin" directory for this script and try to run it.
- 2. Your database server may not be running. Check that the
- database server referred to by the "sqlalchemy.url" setting in
- your "development.ini" file is running.
- After you fix the problem, please restart the Pyramid application to
- try it again.
- """