Dashboard.styl 1.9KB

  1. @import "../../node_modules/tracim_frontend_lib/src/css/Variable.styl"
  2. flexwrap()
  3. display flex
  4. flex-wrap wrap
  5. .dashboard
  6. width 100%
  7. &__header
  8. flexwrap()
  9. align-items center
  10. justify-content space-between
  11. &__title
  12. width auto
  13. &__text
  14. margin 0
  15. &__advancedmode
  16. cursor pointer
  17. &__workspace-wrapper
  18. flexwrap()
  19. &__workspace
  20. margin-right 20px
  21. width calc(65% - 20px) //20px => margin-right
  22. &__title
  23. margin-bottom 20px
  24. font-size 40px
  25. font-weight 500
  26. color darkthirdColor
  27. &__detail
  28. margin-bottom 20px
  29. font-size 18px
  30. &__calltoaction
  31. flexwrap()
  32. margin 100px 0
  33. &__button
  34. &:active
  35. box-shadow inset 0px 0px 5px 2px #656565
  36. &__text
  37. color white
  38. &__icon
  39. font-size 30px
  40. &__title
  41. font-size 18px
  42. &__workspaceInfo
  43. flexwrap()
  44. /**** MEDIAQUERIES *****/
  45. /**** MEDIA 576px & 1199px ****/
  46. // Regroup the common rules
  47. @media (min-width min-sm) and (max-width: max-lg)
  48. .dashboard
  49. &__workspace
  50. width auto
  51. &__userstatut
  52. width auto
  53. &__calltoaction
  54. justify-content center
  55. /**** MEDIAQUERIES ****/
  56. /**** MEDIA 992px & 1199px ****/
  57. @media (min-width: min-lg) and (max-width: max-lg)
  58. .dashboard
  59. &__workspace
  60. width 100%
  61. /**** MEDIA 768px & 991px ****/
  62. @media (min-width: min-md) and (max-width: max-md)
  63. .dashboard
  64. &__workspace
  65. width 100%
  66. /**** MEDIA 576px & 767px ****/
  67. @media (min-width: min-sm) and (max-width: max-sm)
  68. .dashboard
  69. &__workspace
  70. width 100%
  71. /**** MEDIA 575px ****/
  72. @media (max-width: max-xs)
  73. .dashboard
  74. &__header
  75. &__advancedmode
  76. margin 25px 15px
  77. &__workspace
  78. width 100%
  79. &__calltoaction
  80. flex-direction column
  81. align-items center
  82. justify-content center
  83. &__button
  84. margin 20px 0