Guénaël Muller 42ce2dd685 add do_notify param to endpoints for roles 6 anni fa
backend add do_notify param to endpoints for roles 6 anni fa
frontend, fix the width of profil subdropdown btn 6 anni fa
frontend_app_admin_workspace_user [] added link to admin pages in top right user dropdown 6 anni fa
frontend_app_html-document [] apps htmldoc and thread now mark content as read upon loading data 6 anni fa
frontend_app_thread [] apps htmldoc and thread now mark content as read upon loading data 6 anni fa
frontend_app_workspace fixed respectives app's index.html with correct assset link + removed unused symlink 6 anni fa
frontend_lib [] added remember me feature 6 anni fa
functionnal_tests change name of folder for tests 6 anni fa
.gitignore add package-lock to gitignore 6 anni fa
.travis.yml travis: separate install requires from testing requires 6 anni fa fix for tooldebugbar by default 6 anni fa Update 6 anni fa update backend setup script 6 anni fa fixed shell scripts 6 anni fa added folder creation in 6 anni fa
color.json.sample added color.json.sample 6 anni fa
i18next.option.js [] added translation mecanism on all frontend folder 6 anni fa fix regex error 6 anni fa update backend setup script 6 anni fa

develop branch status: Build Status Coverage Status Scrutinizer Code Quality

Install Tracim on your server

Following the installation documentation below, you'll be able to run your own instance on your server.


Get the source

Get the sources from GitHub:

git clone
cd tracim_v2/

Install backend


For debugging you can uncomment this 2 lines in '/backend/development.ini'

#pyramid.includes =
#    pyramid_debugtoolbar

If you use debugtoolbar, you can seen one red button on right of the Tracim web interface.

Install frontend


Running Tracim

cd backend/
source env/bin/activate
pserve development.ini

You can now enter the application at and login with admin user:

  • user : admin@admin.admin
  • password : admin@admin.admin