
  1. # coding=utf-8
  2. import typing
  3. from datetime import datetime
  4. from slugify import slugify
  5. from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
  6. from tracim import CFG
  7. from tracim.models import User
  8. from tracim.models.auth import Profile
  9. from import Content
  10. from import ContentRevisionRO
  11. from import Workspace, UserRoleInWorkspace
  12. from tracim.models.workspace_menu_entries import default_workspace_menu_entry
  13. from tracim.models.workspace_menu_entries import WorkspaceMenuEntry
  14. from tracim.models.contents import ContentTypeLegacy as ContentType
  15. class MoveParams(object):
  16. """
  17. Json body params for move action model
  18. """
  19. def __init__(self, new_parent_id: str, new_workspace_id: str = None) -> None: # nopep8
  20. self.new_parent_id = new_parent_id
  21. self.new_workspace_id = new_workspace_id
  22. class LoginCredentials(object):
  23. """
  24. Login credentials model for login model
  25. """
  26. def __init__(self, email: str, password: str) -> None:
  27. = email
  28. self.password = password
  29. class WorkspaceAndContentPath(object):
  30. """
  31. Paths params with workspace id and content_id model
  32. """
  33. def __init__(self, workspace_id: int, content_id: int) -> None:
  34. self.content_id = content_id
  35. self.workspace_id = workspace_id
  36. class CommentPath(object):
  37. """
  38. Paths params with workspace id and content_id and comment_id model
  39. """
  40. def __init__(
  41. self,
  42. workspace_id: int,
  43. content_id: int,
  44. comment_id: int
  45. ) -> None:
  46. self.content_id = content_id
  47. self.workspace_id = workspace_id
  48. self.comment_id = comment_id
  49. class ContentFilter(object):
  50. """
  51. Content filter model
  52. """
  53. def __init__(
  54. self,
  55. workspace_id: int = None,
  56. parent_id: int = None,
  57. show_archived: int = 0,
  58. show_deleted: int = 0,
  59. show_active: int = 1,
  60. content_type: str = None,
  61. offset: int = None,
  62. limit: int = None,
  63. ) -> None:
  64. self.parent_id = parent_id
  65. self.workspace_id = workspace_id
  66. self.show_archived = bool(show_archived)
  67. self.show_deleted = bool(show_deleted)
  68. self.show_active = bool(show_active)
  69. self.limit = limit
  70. self.offset = offset
  71. self.content_type = content_type
  72. class ContentCreation(object):
  73. """
  74. Content creation model
  75. """
  76. def __init__(
  77. self,
  78. label: str,
  79. content_type: str,
  80. ) -> None:
  81. self.label = label
  82. self.content_type = content_type
  83. class CommentCreation(object):
  84. """
  85. Comment creation model
  86. """
  87. def __init__(
  88. self,
  89. raw_content: str,
  90. ) -> None:
  91. self.raw_content = raw_content
  92. class SetContentStatus(object):
  93. """
  94. Set content status
  95. """
  96. def __init__(
  97. self,
  98. status: str,
  99. ) -> None:
  100. self.status = status
  101. class TextBasedContentUpdate(object):
  102. """
  103. TextBasedContent update model
  104. """
  105. def __init__(
  106. self,
  107. label: str,
  108. raw_content: str,
  109. ) -> None:
  110. self.label = label
  111. self.raw_content = raw_content
  112. class UserInContext(object):
  113. """
  114. Interface to get User data and User data related to context.
  115. """
  116. def __init__(self, user: User, dbsession: Session, config: CFG):
  117. self.user = user
  118. self.dbsession = dbsession
  119. self.config = config
  120. # Default
  121. @property
  122. def email(self) -> str:
  123. return
  124. @property
  125. def user_id(self) -> int:
  126. return self.user.user_id
  127. @property
  128. def public_name(self) -> str:
  129. return self.display_name
  130. @property
  131. def display_name(self) -> str:
  132. return self.user.display_name
  133. @property
  134. def created(self) -> datetime:
  135. return self.user.created
  136. @property
  137. def is_active(self) -> bool:
  138. return self.user.is_active
  139. @property
  140. def timezone(self) -> str:
  141. return self.user.timezone
  142. @property
  143. def profile(self) -> Profile:
  144. return
  145. # Context related
  146. @property
  147. def calendar_url(self) -> typing.Optional[str]:
  148. # TODO - G-M - 20-04-2018 - [Calendar] Replace calendar code to get
  149. # url calendar url.
  150. #
  151. # from tracim.lib.calendar import CalendarManager
  152. # calendar_manager = CalendarManager(None)
  153. # return calendar_manager.get_workspace_calendar_url(self.workspace_id)
  154. return None
  155. @property
  156. def avatar_url(self) -> typing.Optional[str]:
  157. # TODO - G-M - 20-04-2018 - [Avatar] Add user avatar feature
  158. return None
  159. class WorkspaceInContext(object):
  160. """
  161. Interface to get Workspace data and Workspace data related to context.
  162. """
  163. def __init__(self, workspace: Workspace, dbsession: Session, config: CFG):
  164. self.workspace = workspace
  165. self.dbsession = dbsession
  166. self.config = config
  167. @property
  168. def workspace_id(self) -> int:
  169. """
  170. numeric id of the workspace.
  171. """
  172. return self.workspace.workspace_id
  173. @property
  174. def id(self) -> int:
  175. """
  176. alias of workspace_id
  177. """
  178. return self.workspace_id
  179. @property
  180. def label(self) -> str:
  181. """
  182. get workspace label
  183. """
  184. return self.workspace.label
  185. @property
  186. def description(self) -> str:
  187. """
  188. get workspace description
  189. """
  190. return self.workspace.description
  191. @property
  192. def slug(self) -> str:
  193. """
  194. get workspace slug
  195. """
  196. return slugify(self.workspace.label)
  197. @property
  198. def sidebar_entries(self) -> typing.List[WorkspaceMenuEntry]:
  199. """
  200. get sidebar entries, those depends on activated apps.
  201. """
  202. # TODO - G.M - 22-05-2018 - Rework on this in
  203. # order to not use hardcoded list
  204. # list should be able to change (depending on activated/disabled
  205. # apps)
  206. return default_workspace_menu_entry(self.workspace)
  207. class UserRoleWorkspaceInContext(object):
  208. """
  209. Interface to get UserRoleInWorkspace data and related content
  210. """
  211. def __init__(
  212. self,
  213. user_role: UserRoleInWorkspace,
  214. dbsession: Session,
  215. config: CFG,
  216. )-> None:
  217. self.user_role = user_role
  218. self.dbsession = dbsession
  219. self.config = config
  220. @property
  221. def user_id(self) -> int:
  222. """
  223. User who has the role has this id
  224. :return: user id as integer
  225. """
  226. return self.user_role.user_id
  227. @property
  228. def workspace_id(self) -> int:
  229. """
  230. This role apply only on the workspace with this workspace_id
  231. :return: workspace id as integer
  232. """
  233. return self.user_role.workspace_id
  234. # TODO - G.M - 23-05-2018 - Check the API spec for this this !
  235. @property
  236. def role_id(self) -> int:
  237. """
  238. role as int id, each value refer to a different role.
  239. """
  240. return self.user_role.role
  241. @property
  242. def role(self) -> str:
  243. return self.role_slug
  244. @property
  245. def role_slug(self) -> str:
  246. """
  247. simple name of the role of the user.
  248. can be anything from UserRoleInWorkspace SLUG, like
  249. 'not_applicable', 'reader',
  250. 'contributor', 'content-manager', 'workspace-manager'
  251. :return: user workspace role as slug.
  252. """
  253. return UserRoleInWorkspace.SLUG[self.user_role.role]
  254. @property
  255. def user(self) -> UserInContext:
  256. """
  257. User who has this role, with context data
  258. :return: UserInContext object
  259. """
  260. return UserInContext(
  261. self.user_role.user,
  262. self.dbsession,
  263. self.config
  264. )
  265. @property
  266. def workspace(self) -> WorkspaceInContext:
  267. """
  268. Workspace related to this role, with his context data
  269. :return: WorkspaceInContext object
  270. """
  271. return WorkspaceInContext(
  272. self.user_role.workspace,
  273. self.dbsession,
  274. self.config
  275. )
  276. class ContentInContext(object):
  277. """
  278. Interface to get Content data and Content data related to context.
  279. """
  280. def __init__(self, content: Content, dbsession: Session, config: CFG):
  281. self.content = content
  282. self.dbsession = dbsession
  283. self.config = config
  284. # Default
  285. @property
  286. def content_id(self) -> int:
  287. return self.content.content_id
  288. @property
  289. def parent_id(self) -> int:
  290. """
  291. Return parent_id of the content
  292. """
  293. return self.content.parent_id
  294. @property
  295. def workspace_id(self) -> int:
  296. return self.content.workspace_id
  297. @property
  298. def label(self) -> str:
  299. return self.content.label
  300. @property
  301. def content_type(self) -> str:
  302. content_type = ContentType(self.content.type)
  303. return content_type.slug
  304. @property
  305. def sub_content_types(self) -> typing.List[str]:
  306. return [_type.slug for _type in self.content.get_allowed_content_types()] # nopep8
  307. @property
  308. def status(self) -> str:
  309. return self.content.status
  310. @property
  311. def is_archived(self):
  312. return self.content.is_archived
  313. @property
  314. def is_deleted(self):
  315. return self.content.is_deleted
  316. @property
  317. def raw_content(self):
  318. return self.content.description
  319. @property
  320. def author(self):
  321. return UserInContext(
  322. dbsession=self.dbsession,
  323. config=self.config,
  324. user=self.content.first_revision.owner
  325. )
  326. @property
  327. def current_revision_id(self):
  328. return self.content.revision_id
  329. @property
  330. def created(self):
  331. return self.content.created
  332. @property
  333. def modified(self):
  334. return self.updated
  335. @property
  336. def updated(self):
  337. return self.content.updated
  338. @property
  339. def last_modifier(self):
  340. return UserInContext(
  341. dbsession=self.dbsession,
  342. config=self.config,
  343. user=self.content.last_revision.owner
  344. )
  345. # Context-related
  346. @property
  347. def show_in_ui(self):
  348. # TODO - G.M - 31-05-2018 - Enable Show_in_ui params
  349. # if false, then do not show content in the treeview.
  350. # This may his maybe used for specific contents or for sub-contents.
  351. # Default is True.
  352. # In first version of the API, this field is always True
  353. return True
  354. @property
  355. def slug(self):
  356. return slugify(self.content.label)
  357. class RevisionInContext(object):
  358. """
  359. Interface to get Content data and Content data related to context.
  360. """
  361. def __init__(self, content_revision: ContentRevisionRO, dbsession: Session, config: CFG):
  362. assert content_revision is not None
  363. self.revision = content_revision
  364. self.dbsession = dbsession
  365. self.config = config
  366. # Default
  367. @property
  368. def content_id(self) -> int:
  369. return self.revision.content_id
  370. @property
  371. def parent_id(self) -> int:
  372. """
  373. Return parent_id of the content
  374. """
  375. return self.revision.parent_id
  376. @property
  377. def workspace_id(self) -> int:
  378. return self.revision.workspace_id
  379. @property
  380. def label(self) -> str:
  381. return self.revision.label
  382. @property
  383. def content_type(self) -> str:
  384. content_type = ContentType(self.revision.type)
  385. if content_type:
  386. return content_type.slug
  387. else:
  388. return None
  389. @property
  390. def sub_content_types(self) -> typing.List[str]:
  391. return [_type.slug for _type
  392. in self.revision.node.get_allowed_content_types()]
  393. @property
  394. def status(self) -> str:
  395. return self.revision.status
  396. @property
  397. def is_archived(self) -> bool:
  398. return self.revision.is_archived
  399. @property
  400. def is_deleted(self) -> bool:
  401. return self.revision.is_deleted
  402. @property
  403. def raw_content(self) -> str:
  404. return self.revision.description
  405. @property
  406. def author(self) -> UserInContext:
  407. return UserInContext(
  408. dbsession=self.dbsession,
  409. config=self.config,
  410. user=self.revision.owner
  411. )
  412. @property
  413. def revision_id(self) -> int:
  414. return self.revision.revision_id
  415. @property
  416. def created(self) -> datetime:
  417. return self.updated
  418. @property
  419. def modified(self) -> datetime:
  420. return self.updated
  421. @property
  422. def updated(self) -> datetime:
  423. return self.revision.updated
  424. @property
  425. def next_revision(self) -> typing.Optional[ContentRevisionRO]:
  426. """
  427. Get next revision (later revision)
  428. :return: next_revision
  429. """
  430. next_revision = None
  431. revisions = self.revision.node.revisions
  432. # INFO - G.M - 2018-06-177 - Get revisions more recent that
  433. # current one
  434. next_revisions = [
  435. revision for revision in revisions
  436. if revision.revision_id > self.revision.revision_id
  437. ]
  438. if next_revisions:
  439. # INFO - G.M - 2018-06-177 -sort revisions by date
  440. sorted_next_revisions = sorted(
  441. next_revisions,
  442. key=lambda revision: revision.updated
  443. )
  444. # INFO - G.M - 2018-06-177 - return only next revision
  445. return sorted_next_revisions[0]
  446. else:
  447. return None
  448. @property
  449. def comment_ids(self) -> typing.List[int]:
  450. """
  451. Get list of ids of all current revision related comments
  452. :return: list of comments ids
  453. """
  454. comments = self.revision.node.get_comments()
  455. # INFO - G.M - 2018-06-177 - Get comments more recent than revision.
  456. revision_comments = [
  457. comment for comment in comments
  458. if comment.created > self.revision.updated
  459. ]
  460. if self.next_revision:
  461. # INFO - G.M - 2018-06-177 - if there is a revision more recent
  462. # than current remove comments from theses rev (comments older
  463. # than next_revision.)
  464. revision_comments = [
  465. comment for comment in revision_comments
  466. if comment.created < self.next_revision.updated
  467. ]
  468. sorted_revision_comments = sorted(
  469. revision_comments,
  470. key=lambda revision: revision.created
  471. )
  472. comment_ids = []
  473. for comment in sorted_revision_comments:
  474. comment_ids.append(comment.content_id)
  475. return comment_ids
  476. # Context-related
  477. @property
  478. def show_in_ui(self) -> bool:
  479. # TODO - G.M - 31-05-2018 - Enable Show_in_ui params
  480. # if false, then do not show content in the treeview.
  481. # This may his maybe used for specific contents or for sub-contents.
  482. # Default is True.
  483. # In first version of the API, this field is always True
  484. return True
  485. @property
  486. def slug(self) -> str:
  487. return slugify(self.revision.label)