Variable.styl 1.3KB

  1. /**** VARIABLES ****/
  2. /*** COULEURS ****/
  3. dark-blue = #215E8E // #215E8E dark-blue
  4. hover-blue = #205AED // #205AED color blue use in hover rules
  5. blue = #2571FE // #2571FE blue
  6. light-blue = #569EDE // #569EDE light-blue
  7. opacity-blue = #82B2CC // #82B2CC blue with light opacity
  8. off-white = #FDFDFD // #FDFDFD off-white
  9. dark-grey = #252525 // #252525 dark-grey
  10. hover = #9BC1EB // #9BC1EB hover on folder
  11. hover-files = rgba(155,193,235,0.2) // hover on files
  12. grey = #ABABAB // #ABABAB grey
  13. light-grey = #f0f0f0 // #f0f0f0 light grey
  14. hover-grey = #E0E0E0 // #E0E0E0 color for hover files
  15. green = #28a745 // #28a745 green
  16. dark-green = #65A833 // #65A833 dark-green
  17. purple = #7E36A0 // color icon on the sidebar menu workspace
  18. orange = #D95620 // color icon on the sidebar menu workspace
  19. red = #D9352B // color icon on the sidebar menu workspace
  20. /*************************/
  21. /**** BOX SHADOW ****/
  22. shadow-bottom = 0px 0px 5px 1px #606060
  23. shadow-right = 2px 2px 5px 0px #404040
  24. shadow-all = 1px 1px 5px 2px #ABABAB
  25. shadow-all-side-blue = 0px 0px 1px 1px light-blue
  26. shadow-all-side-green = 0 0 1px 2px green
  27. /***********************/
  28. /**** MEDIA QUERIES ****/
  29. min-xs = 0px
  30. max-xs = 575px
  31. min-sm = 576px
  32. max-sm = 767px
  33. min-md = 768px
  34. max-md = 991px
  35. min-lg = 992px
  36. max-lg = 1199px
  37. min-xl = 1200px
  38. /***********************/