Skylsmoi 88b8d58176 [] added translation mecanism on all frontend folder 5 gadus atpakaļ
component [] added translation mecanism on all frontend folder 5 gadus atpakaļ
container [] added translation mecanism on all frontend folder 5 gadus atpakaļ
css change top: 95%, for bottom: 2%, issue 5 gadus atpakaļ
img integrated full unique frontend repo with first build script 5 gadus atpakaļ
reducer integrated full unique frontend repo with first build script 5 gadus atpakaļ
translate integrated full unique frontend repo with first build script 5 gadus atpakaļ
action-creator.async.js integrated full unique frontend repo with first build script 5 gadus atpakaļ
action-creator.sync.js integrated full unique frontend repo with first build script 5 gadus atpakaļ
appFactory.js [] added translation mecanism on all frontend folder 5 gadus atpakaļ
helper.js integrated full unique frontend repo with first build script 5 gadus atpakaļ
i18n.js [] added translation mecanism on all frontend folder 5 gadus atpakaļ
index.js integrated full unique frontend repo with first build script 5 gadus atpakaļ
store.js integrated full unique frontend repo with first build script 5 gadus atpakaļ