123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233 |
- ## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- Dear ${user.display_name},
- This email is intended to be read as HTML content.
- Please configure your email client to get the best of Tracim notifications.
- We understand that Email was originally intended to carry raw text only.
- And you probably understand on your own that we are a decades after email
- was created ;)
- Hope you'll switch your mail client configuration and enjoy Tracim :)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- You receive this email because you are registered on /${config.WEBSITE_TITLE}/
- and you are /${role}/ in the workspace /${workspace.label}/
- ----
- This email was automatically sent by *Tracim*,
- a collaborative software developped by Algoo.
- **Algoo SAS**
- 9 rue du rocher de Lorzier
- 38430 Moirans
- France
- http://algoo.fr