Variable.styl 1.8KB

  1. mainColor = #fdfdfd // Bg header
  2. secondColor = #7d4e24 // #7d4e24 bg sidebar
  3. thirdColor = lighten(secondColor, 25%) // #2571fe bg workspace name
  4. fourthColor = lighten(secondColor, 55%) // #82b2cc bg filter sidebar
  5. fifthColor = lighten(secondColor, 10%)
  6. hover-theme = lighten(secondColor, 75%)
  7. hover-button = lighten(secondColor, 10%)
  8. fontColor = #252525
  9. darkGrey = #252525
  10. rgbGrey = rgba(25,25,25,0.3)
  11. grey = #ababab
  12. lightGrey = #f0f0f0
  13. grey-hover = #e0e0e0
  14. folder-hover = #9BC1eb
  15. files-hover = rgba(155,193,235,0.2)
  16. off-white = #fdfdfd
  17. darkBlue = #215e8e
  18. blue = #2571fe
  19. lightBlue = #569EDE
  20. red = #f63434
  21. // c2a btn color in general context ; meaning every context but specific one related to file type (file, pageHtml, issues, threads ...)
  22. btnCallAction = #28a745
  23. btnCallAction-hover = darken(btnCallAction, 15%)
  24. threadColor = #ad4cf9
  25. darkenThread = darken(threadColor, 15%)
  26. htmlColor = #3f52e3
  27. darkHtmlColor = darken(htmlColor, 15%)
  28. markdownColor = #f12d2d
  29. fileColor = #ff9900
  30. lightFileColor = lighten(fileColor, 15%)
  31. taskColor = #259f6c
  32. issueColor = #a4835e
  33. /** Role Color **/
  34. gestionnaire = #f2af2d
  35. lecteur = #15D948
  36. contributeur = #3145F7
  37. responsable = #ED0007
  38. /** Btn call to action dashboard **/
  39. writefile = #3f52e3
  40. importfile = #ff9900
  41. calendar = red
  42. explore = #87d04c
  43. /*************************/
  44. /**** BOX SHADOW ****/
  45. shadow-bottom = 0px 0px 5px 1px #606060
  46. shadow-right = 2px 2px 5px 0px #404040
  47. shadow-all = 1px 1px 5px 2px #ababab
  48. shadow-all-side-blue = 0px 0px 1px 1px lightBlue
  49. shadow-all-side-green = 0 0 1px 2px green
  50. shadow-all-side-thread = 0 0 1px 2px threadColor
  51. shadow-all-btn = 0 0 3px 3px lightBlue
  52. /***********************/
  53. /**** MEDIA QUERIES ****/
  54. min-xs = 0px
  55. max-xs = 575px
  56. min-sm = 576px
  57. max-sm = 767px
  58. min-md = 768px
  59. max-md = 991px
  60. min-lg = 992px
  61. max-lg = 1199px
  62. min-xl = 1200px