il y a 6 ans | |
backend | il y a 6 ans | |
frontend | il y a 6 ans | |
frontend_app_admin_workspace_user | il y a 6 ans | |
frontend_app_html-document | il y a 6 ans | |
frontend_app_thread | il y a 6 ans | |
frontend_app_workspace | il y a 6 ans | |
frontend_lib | il y a 6 ans | |
functionnal_tests | il y a 6 ans | |
.gitignore | il y a 6 ans | |
.travis.yml | il y a 6 ans | |
README.md | il y a 6 ans | |
README_traduction.md | il y a 6 ans | |
backend_lib.sh | il y a 6 ans | |
bash_library.sh | il y a 6 ans | |
build_full_frontend.sh | il y a 6 ans | |
color.json.sample | il y a 6 ans | |
i18next.option.js | il y a 6 ans | |
install_frontend_dependencies.sh | il y a 6 ans | |
setup_default_backend.sh | il y a 6 ans |
Following the installation documentation below, you'll be able to run your own instance on your server.
Get the sources from GitHub:
git clone https://github.com/tracim/tracim_v2.git
cd tracim_v2/
For debugging you can uncomment this 2 lines in '/backend/development.ini'
#pyramid.includes =
# pyramid_debugtoolbar
If you use debugtoolbar, you can seen one red button on right of the Tracim web interface.
cd backend/
source env/bin/activate
pserve development.ini
You can now enter the application at and login with admin user: